German Swiss International School Big Band
見證學生力量 改善女孩福祉


新聞稿(即時發佈)                                              2012年5月4日

German Swiss International School Big Band
見證學生力量 改善女孩福祉

German Swiss International School Big Band(GSIS Big Band)將於2012年5月19日(星期六)假香港演藝學院──香港賽馬會演藝劇院舉行的培幼會「愛.女孩」籌款晚會中擔任表演嘉賓,為「愛.女孩」基金出一分力,幫助中國、巴基斯坦及非洲加納等地區的女孩及婦女改善生活及爭取權益,讓她們得以發揮潛能。作為學校的一份子,樂隊每年都會參與兩至三次定期校內演出,包括聖誕賣物會演出,而其餘的時間,他們還時常在各種社區活動中演出,拉近與社群的關係,培幼會「愛.女孩」籌款晚會就是他們今年參與的其中一項社區活動。

GSIS Big Band跟隨大樂隊的傳統,演繹多元化的音樂類型,由爵士樂至騷靈音樂、軟搖滾至跳舞音樂不等,涵蓋上世紀四十年代至現代。5月19日的培幼會「愛.女孩」籌款晚會中,他們將為大家演繹樂隊部分最受歡迎的作品,包括英國著名搖滾樂隊Queen的選曲、膾炙人口的卡通片「蜘蛛俠」主題曲、以四個藍調音階作即興重複段的《Smoke on the Water》、向六十年代搖滾樂致敬的《R.O.C.K in the U.S.A.》和百老匯音樂劇《第四十二街》的主題曲,全部節拍輕快,振奮人心。

樂隊指揮Gary Green老師說:「我們參與是次晚會主要原因有二:第一,我們認為這是一件值得做的事;第二,我們喜歡在新的活動中演出。」在開眼界的同時能夠參與有意義工作,可謂一石二鳥,對這隊由學生組成的樂隊實在別具意義。

GSIS Big Band與所屬的德瑞國際學校一同成長,足足佔了學校歷史的一半。根據Gary Green老師所言,樂隊約於二十年前成立,是學校的課外活動團隊之一:「學校創立之初,我們希望成立不同類型的音樂團隊,除了合唱團和管弦樂團,我們還想到開辦大樂隊。」樂隊成員來自中樂部的同學,年齡介乎十二至十八歲,一般來說,他們在七年級剛上中學時加入,十三年級畢業時離開。因此,每年樂隊都會招收新成員,特別是七年級的新生。有了社會人士的支持,這群學生在透過樂隊發揮音樂潛能之餘,更能運用他們的技能,幫助年紀相若的弱勢社群。

現時樂隊共有二十人,分別演奏小號、長號、薩克斯管、長笛、低音樂器和鼓等管樂和節奏樂器。曲目選擇主要由Gary Green老師負責,不過他也會考慮隊員們的意見:「有時候,我會跟隊員們談,了解他們的想法。我們累積了一批近幾年一直在用的金曲,同時嘗試加入新的音樂。」最要緊的,還是隊員能夠全情投入,樂在其中。Gary Green老師總結道:「我們是一群享受演奏音樂的學生,希望人們也跟我們一樣,能夠享受音樂。」要感染他人,首當其衝是要感染自己。

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發稿:Plan國際培幼會     代行:一口田有限公司 
電話:3583 3100             傳真:3583 1331             
如欲查詢詳情或安排專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300與Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。 
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,歡迎致電3405 5316與Miss Wendy Tsui聯絡。

For Immediate Release                                                4th May, 2012

German Swiss International School Big Band to participate in
Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show
Demonstrates how students in Hong Kong can make a difference.

The German Swiss International School Big Band (GSIS Big Band) will participate in the Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show taking place on Saturday, 19th May at the APA’s Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre. Funds raised at the event will benefit the Girls’ Fund, dedicated to helping girls and women living in countries such as China, Pakistan and Ghana, Africa, to develop their potential by improving their quality of life and their rights as citizens.

In addition to performing regularly at school two or three times a year, including at the Christmas Bazaar, the GSIS Big Band reaches out to the community by appearing at a variety of functions. The Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) Charity Show is one of the community events at which the GSIS Big Band will appear this year.

The GSIS Big Band plays a wide range of music following the big band tradition, performing a repertoire that spans from jazz and soul to soft rock and dance music, and from the 1940s to the present day. In the Plan BIAAG Charity Show on 19th May, the audience will get a taste of some of the Big Band’s hits, including an arrangement of the best of iconic rock band Queen’s music, the famous cartoon theme song “Spider-man”, “Smoke on the Water” which is known for its four-note blues scale riff, “R.O.C.K in the U.S.A.” that pays tribute to ‘60s rock, and the title song of the Broadway production “42nd Street”, all selected for their upbeat atmosphere.

“We’re participating in the show for two main reasons: first, we find it worthwhile to do it as part of community involvement; second, we always try to look for new events to play at,” band director Mr Gary Green explains. To gain exposure in a meaningful way is truly educational.

The GSIS Big Band is half as old as the school itself. According to Mr Green, the band was set up some 20 years ago as part of the school’s extra-curricular activities: “When the school began, we wanted to have different kinds of music groups. We had a choir, we had an orchestra, and we wanted a big band too.” The Big Band is made up of students of the Secondary Departments, who are aged between 12 to 18. In other words; most members join when they enter Year 7 and leave the band upon graduation at the end of Year 13. Every year, an audition is held to recruit new members, particularly among the Year 7 students. With community support, these students, who have been given opportunities to stretch their musical talent, will be able to use their skills to help disadvantaged youth.

Currently, the Big Band has twenty performers playing brass, woodwind and rhythm instruments including trumpets, trombones, saxophones, flutes, basses and drums. While Mr Green makes major decisions as to which songs to play, the members do have a say: “Sometimes I talk to the members to find out what they think. There’re songs that we’ve been playing for a couple of years, but I also try to introduce new music.” After all, it is enjoyment that matters. “We are a collection of students who enjoy playing music, and we hope everyone enjoys it too,” concludes Mr Green. To move others, the performers must first move themselves.

The BIAAG Charity Show enjoys the support of Platinum Sponsor Emperor Jewellery and Silver Sponsor S.S.I. Holding (Far East) Limited. The proceeds will go to the Girls’ Fund in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counselling services and microfinance as well as other community projects. The Fund aims at defending the rights of girls and women, thereby enabling them to stretch their potential to the fullest. For more details, go to

Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show
Date: 19th May, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 7:00pm       
Venue: HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA
Tickets: HK$300 / HK$220
Ticket Purchase Hotline: 31 288 288        
Internet Booking:
Enquiries: 3583 3310 or

  • Tickets are now available through Hong Kong Ticketing and Tom Lee Music Stores
  • Hong Kong Ticketing applies a customer service fee to each ticket purchased


About Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show
In 2010, Plan International Hong Kong launched the Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) campaign, inviting a number of leading Hong Kong business women in town to be BIAAG Ambassadors. The BIAAG Photo Competition, organised in aid of the cause, was rewarded with solid support and participation from the public. To follow up on its success, Plan is presenting the BIAAG Charity Show on the evening of 19th May, 2012 (Saturday) at HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA. The event is supported by  Platinum Sponsor Emperor Jewellery and Silver Sponsor S.S.I. Holding (Far East) Limited. Proceeds will go to the Girls’ Fund in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counselling services and microfinance loans as well as other community projects to benefit girls and women in China, Nepal, Pakistan and Ghana. Aiming to eliminate gender inequalities, the BIAAG campaign endeavours to defend the rights of disadvantaged girls, to free them from the poverty trap, and enable them to reach their full potential. Plan believes that the economic empowerment of girls and young women forms the basis for the elimination of poverty, acquisition of substantial benefits and transformation of lives.

About Plan International
Established in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations, specifically focused on children. Headquartered in the UK, Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families and indirectly supports a further 9 million people who live in communities that are working with Plan. Plan works in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, supported by fundraising offices in 20 countries. The organisation’s programmes concentrate on making real, positive and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, and on helping children to realise their full potential in societies that respect their rights and dignity.


Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong

Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100     Fax: 3583 1331     E-mail:
Contact persons: Miss Jackie Liu (3583 3300)
Contact person of Plan International Hong Kong: Ms Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405 5316)