偕國際培幼會及多個表演團體 鼎力支持「愛.女孩」籌款晚會
Distinguished Women Ambassadors Cindy Yeung, Louisa So, Charlene Tse, Christine Ma, Olivia Yan and Lisa Cheng team with Plan International Hong Kong and a host of performing groups to support Because I am a Girl Charity Show.

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左起:「愛.女孩」大使鄭麗莎小姐、國際培幼會大使蘇玉華小姐、「愛.女孩」大使楊諾思小姐及「愛.女孩」大使謝寧小姐出席於2012年5月19日舉行的「愛.女孩」籌款晚會,為「愛.女孩」基金籌募善款。 From left: Because I am a Girl Ambassador Miss Lisa Cheng, Plan Ambassador Miss Louisa So, Because I am a Girl Ambassadors Ms Cindy Yeung and Ms Charlene Tse attended the Because I am a Girl Charity Show held on 19 May 2012, in aid of the Girls’ Fund.
「愛.女孩」大使楊諾思小姐為英皇鐘錶珠寶有限公司主席,而英皇珠寶亦擔任是次籌款晚會的鉑金贊助。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Ms Cindy Yeung is the Chairperson of Emperor Watch & Jewellery Limited. Emperor Jewellery is happy to support the Because I am a Girl Charity Show as the platinum sponsor.
國際培幼會大使蘇玉華小姐曾於2011年9月跟國際培幼會到柬埔寨探訪,見證培幼會的工作。 Plan Ambassador Miss Louisa So visited Cambodia with Plan in September 2011 and was impressed by the charity work of Plan.
左起:國際培幼會(香港)行政總裁詹文利先生及國際培幼會(香港)董事局主席周文耀,GBS,太平紳士。 From left: Mr James Murray, Chief Executive Officer of Plan International Hong Kong and Mr Paul Chow, GBS, JP, Board Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong.
「愛.女孩」大使謝寧小姐曾於2010年跟國際培幼會到中國陝西探訪,並通過培幼會助養多名兒童。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Ms Charlene Tse visited Shaanxi, China, with Plan in 2010. She is now sponsoring children in Mainland China, India and other parts of the world via Plan.
「愛.女孩」大使謝寧小姐與丈夫一同出席於2012年5月19日舉行的「愛.女孩」籌款晚會。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Ms Charlene Tse attended the Because I am a Girl Charity Show with her husband.
善心滿載的「愛.女孩」大使謝寧小姐更贊助多名鮮魚行學校的同學到場欣賞「愛.女孩」籌款晚會。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Ms Charlene Tse sponsored tickets for the students of Fresh Fish Traders’ School to enjoy the Because I am a Girl Charity Show.
新鮮出爐的包山后鄭麗莎小姐對於能夠擔任「愛.女孩」大使,為世界各地有需要的女孩伸出援手表示榮幸。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Miss Lisa Cheng, renowned athlete and the Queen of the Cheung Chau Bun Festival is delighted to support the Because I am a Girl Charity Show.
「愛.女孩」大使藝術教育家(芭蕾舞)廖本懷夫人毛妹太平紳士到場為參與演出的學生打氣。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Mrs Christine Liao, JP, Arts Educator (Ballet), came to the Because I am a Girl Charity Show.
「愛.女孩」大使、甄詠蓓戲劇工作室藝術總監甄詠蓓小姐到場支持「愛.女孩」籌款晚會。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Ms Olivia Yan, Artistic Director of O Theatre Workshop, supported the Because I am a Girl Charity Show.
「愛.女孩」大使、JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長馬露明小姐到場支持「愛.女孩」籌款晚會。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Ms Christine Ma, Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, supported the Because I am a Girl Charity Show.
Mr Paul Chow, GBS, JP, Board Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong, presented Ms Cindy Yeung, Chairperson of Emperor Watch & Jewellery Limited cum Because I am a Girl Ambassador with a certificate in recognition of the company’s continuous support for the BIAAG Campaign as well as its Platinum Sponsorship of the evening’s event.
「愛.女孩」籌款晚會由激鼓樂社以一片激昂鼓聲揭開序幕。 Lending drama to the beginning of the performances was the opening act – a rhythmic drum show by Ban’s Gig Drums.
毛妹芭蕾舞學校的學生為觀眾帶來動人的芭蕾舞表演。 The students from Christine Liao School of Ballet moved the audience with a beautiful ballet performance.
毛妹芭蕾舞學校的學生先為觀眾呈獻精采的爵士舞表演。 The students from Christine Liao School of Ballet presented a jazz dance.
German Swiss International School Big Band於「愛.女孩」籌款晚會表演,為「愛.女孩」基金籌募善款。 The German Swiss International School Big Band performed in the Because I am a Girl Charity Show, in aid of the Girls’ Fund.
包山后「愛.女孩」大使鄭麗莎小姐率領鮮魚行學校的同學表演剛柔並濟的詠春拳。 Because I am a Girl Ambassador Miss Lisa Cheng presented a Wing Chun show with the students from Fresh Fish Traders’ School.
女子樂隊Dovey於「愛.女孩」籌款晚會表演,為「愛.女孩」基金籌募善款。 Girls’ band Dovey performed in the Because I am a Girl Charity Show, in aid of the Girls’ Fund
樂隊ISoFeel於「愛.女孩」籌款晚會表演,為「愛.女孩」基金籌募善款。 Band ISoFeel performed in the Because I am a Girl Charity Show, in aid of the Girls’ Fund.
樂隊ISoFeel於「愛.女孩」籌款晚會表演,為「愛.女孩」基金籌募善款。 Band ISoFeel performed in the Because I am a Girl Charity Show, in aid of the Girls’ Fund
「第十九屆CASH流行曲創作大賽」冠軍樂隊A-Day參與由國際培幼會主辦的「愛.女孩」籌款晚會。 Champion of the 19th CASH Song Writers Quest, band A-Day performed in the Because I am a Girl Charity Show, in aid of the Girls’ Fund .
「第十九屆CASH流行曲創作大賽」冠軍樂隊A-Day於「愛.女孩」籌款晚會演繹歌曲《Love in the Sky》,比喻愛就如空氣般無處不在,無分國界,哪裏有天空,哪裏就有愛。 Champion of the 19th CASH Song Writers Quest, band A-Day played the song “Love in the Sky” in the Because I am a Girl Charity Show. The song compares love to the air, which surrounds us everywhere, bypassing national boundaries. Love exists wherever the sky appears.
「愛.女孩」籌款晚會得到各表演單位熱烈支持,於一片歡樂及感動的氣氛下順利完成。 Supported by an array of exciting performances, the Because I am a Girl Charity Show was completed in joy.
「愛.女孩」籌款晚會得到各表演單位熱烈支持,於一片歡樂及感動的氣氛下順利完成。 Supported by an array of exciting performances, the Because I am a Girl Charity Show was completed in joy.

新聞稿(請即發佈)                                                                    2012年5月19日

偕國際培幼會及多個表演團體 鼎力支持「愛.女孩」籌款晚會


Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/concert/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/concert/cn.doc


活動亦邀請到多個表演團體參與,為觀眾呈獻多元化的綜藝表演,當中包括四支樂隊A-Day、Dovey、ISoFeel及German Swiss International School Big Band,以及激鼓樂社、毛妹芭蕾舞學校、甄詠蓓戲劇工作室O Theatre及鮮魚行學校,精采的演出令人目不暇給。






緊接下來,三場精采表演隨即展開:毛妹芭蕾舞學校的學生先為觀眾帶來動人的芭蕾舞及爵士舞表演;包山后「愛.女孩」大使鄭麗莎小姐率領鮮魚行學校的同學表演剛柔並濟的詠春拳,讓觀眾眼界大開;而甄詠蓓戲劇工作室O Theatre x TEENS的話劇《我不是港孩》則由孩子的角度談談全城熱話「港孩」問題,得到觀眾如雷的掌聲。


籌款晚會第二部分為樂隊表演,四支樂隊包括A-Day、全女生組合Dovey、ISoFeel及German Swiss International School Big Band先後演繹多首以女孩和愛為主題的歌曲,把現場氣氛推至高峰。最後,眾嘉賓及表演團體再次齊集台上拍攝大合照,為晚會劃上圓滿句號。






JEMS Learning House

German Swiss International School Big Band


Golden Gate Wine Co Ltd


發稿:Plan國際培幼會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100             傳真:3583 1331              電郵:info@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情或安排專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300與Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,歡迎致電3405 5316與Miss Wendy Tsui聯絡。


For Immediate Release                                                             19th May, 2012

Distinguished Women Ambassadors Cindy Yeung, Louisa So, Charlene Tse, Christine Ma, Olivia Yan and Lisa Cheng team with Plan International Hong Kong and a host of performing groups to support Because I am a Girl Charity Show.

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/concert/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/concert/en.doc

Distinguished guests, including Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) Ambassadors Ms Cindy Yeung, Ms Christine Ma, Ms Olivia Yan, Miss Lisa Cheng and Ms Charlene Tse as well as Plan Ambassador Miss Louisa So, joined Mr Paul Chow, GBS, JP, Board Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong in demonstrating their support by presenting at the show in aid of the Girls’ Fund.

A number of participating groups staged applause-winning performances at the event. They included four bands – A-Day, Dovey, ISoFeel and the German Swiss International School Big Band – and performances by Ban’s Gig Drums, Christine Liao School of Ballet, O Theatre Workshop and Fresh Fish Traders’ School.

Mr Chow commented, “Hong Kong is renowned for its generosity. It is a source of special pride that tonight our city’s youth – from primary school children to young professionals – have given of their time and talents in order to help their peer groups in much less fortunate circumstances. I express my grateful thanks on behalf of Plan Hong Kong for your continued support and my deep appreciation to all the participating groups, our BIAAG Ambassadors and all our sponsors who have made the Charity Show possible.”

A packed programme began with a VIP cocktail preceding the Charity Show itself at which Mr Chow presented Ms Cindy Yeung, Chairperson of Emperor Watch & Jewellery Limited cum BIAAG Ambassador with a certificate in recognition of the company’s continuous support for the BIAAG Campaign as well as its Platinum Sponsorship of the evening’s event. Further certificates were presented to other sponsors during the evening.

Ms Cindy Yeung, Chairperson of Emperor Watch & Jewellery Limited cum BIAAG Ambassador said in her speech, “Emperor Jewellery realises the needs of the less fortunate in the community and has been actively participating in the community and charitable activities. This is our second year as the platinum sponsor for Plan. Being a gemologist and mother of three kids, I have always believed children are the masters of the future, and every girl should be treated equally and respectfully. They are like natural gemstones who deserve a chance to shine like diamonds once they are finely cut and well-polished. My husband, who is an ex-beneficiary of Plan, believes that a responsible next generation can bring hope and a bright future. Bearing the hope that more people will realise and share the same belief, my husband and I are pleased to be appointed as the Ambassadors of Plan, and to help the children in need.”

Lending drama to the beginning of the performances was the opening act – a rhythmic drum show by Ban’s Gig Drums. Ban himself is one of the 12,000 former Plan beneficiaries in 1960s, providing a thread of continuity in the organisation’s Hong Kong history.

Underlining the importance of Plan’s work with disadvantaged children, Plan Ambassador Miss Louisa So and BIAAG Ambassador Ms Charlene Tse , child sponsors of Plan who have paid visits to Cambodia and Shaanxi respectively, then shared their unforgettable experiences working with the organisation in the field.

Three wonderful performances filled the stage thereafter. First, students from Christine Liao School of Ballet moved the audience with beautiful ballet and jazz dances respectively. They were followed by students from Fresh Fish Traders’ School who presented a Wing Chun show under the leadership of Plan BIAAG Ambassador Miss Lisa Cheng. The drama “I am not a Hong Kong Kid” by O Theatre Workshop and TEENS, which explored the hot issue of “Hong Kong Kids” from the perspective of children, won great plaudits from the audience.

Rounding off the first half of the programme, BIAAG Ambassadors Ms Olivia Yan, Miss Lisa Cheng and Ms Christine Ma, spoke about their personal experiences with the BIAAG Campaign and what inspired them to take a leadership role.

The second half of the show featured live band shows by A-Day, all-girl group Dovey, ISoFeel and the German Swiss International School Big Band.  Significantly, performances included songs that touched on the themes of girls and love. Before dispersing for the night, all the guests and performing groups assembled on stage for a group photocall.

The success of the Plan BIAAG Charity Show was greatly dependent on the support of all parties, who spared no effort in speaking up for girls through culture, arts, music and sponsorship. Proceeds from the event will go towards the organisation’s Girls’ Fund in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counselling services and microfinance loans as well as other community projects to benefit and empower girls and women in China, Nepal, Pakistan and Ghana.

Although the show has now come to a close, efforts to change the lives of underprivileged girls are unceasing. For the fulfilment of this cause, long-term support from the community is of the utmost importance to Plan.

Sponsors of Plan BIAAG Charity Show
Platinum Sponsor
Emperor Jewellery

Silver Sponsor
S.S.I. Holding (Far East) Ltd

Bronze Sponsors
Boci-Prudential Asset Management Ltd
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

Supporting Organisations
Ban’s Gig Drums
Christine Liao School of Ballet
Fresh Fish Traders’ School
JEMS Learning House
O Theatre Workshop

Supporting Bands
German Swiss International School Big Band

Media Sponsors
Yellow Bus
Yellow Bus Light

Golin/Harris International Limited
Golden Gate Wine Co Ltd
The Star Ferry Co Ltd

About Plan International
Established in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations, specifically focused on children. Headquartered in the UK, Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families and indirectly supports a further 9 million people who live in communities that are working with Plan. Plan works in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, supported by fundraising offices in 20 countries. The organisation’s programmes concentrate on making real, positive and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, and on helping children to realise their full potential in societies that respect their rights and dignity.
Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong
Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100             Fax: 3583 1331            E-mail: info@seedland.hk
Contact person: Miss Jackie Liu (3583 3300)
Contact person of Plan International Hong Kong: Ms Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405 5316)