Indie music group A-Day to support the Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show with the song “Love in the Sky”, spreading positive power.
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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                      2012年4月10日

以歌曲《Love in the Sky》會友 全面發放正能量


眼看歐洲、日本等地方的街頭音樂文化備受推崇,A-Day曾嘗試把這種音樂態度帶到本港,於2000年便開始積極聯絡政府等有關部門,幾經周旋後終於成功創立Wholala街頭音樂文化發展協會,召集無數音樂人逢星期日下午三時至六時於赤柱大街即興演出,以音樂會友,推動本港Live Music文化。活動成功召集抱有相同理念的音樂人,獲得無數遊人及旅客欣賞,為本已充滿度假氣息的赤柱大街生色不少。雖然事隔多年,二人仍可把事情始末娓娓道來:「很多喜愛音樂的人都知道,在香港要找個表演場地實在不易,對一些喜愛『靜少少』的樂隊(而非主流的搖滾音樂)便更難。我們籌辦Wholala的其中一個目的,就是為像我們這樣的獨立樂隊,提供一個表演平台,跟大家分享自己的音樂,最終若能做到即場發售自己的唱片當然做好,如此一來,既可讓途人把鍾情的音樂帶回家,表演者亦能做到自給自足,不用常為三餐煩惱,這樣多好!哈哈!」A-Day所想的,不就是每位音樂人的烏托邦嗎?可惜現實終歸現實,A-Day如同無數本港音樂人所遇到的挫折一樣,活動進行了一年多便因被當地住戶投訴而被迫解散。隨後,Wholala亦曾移師到尖沙咀星光大道一帶演出,直至2007年,A-Day自資發行首張大碟《一天》,一條龍包辦音樂、唱片設計、宣傳推廣及音樂特輯(MV)之製作,同年更憑《寫真》一曲奪得「第十九屆CASH流行曲創作大賽」的冠軍。既為創作組合,A-Day兩子除了彈彈結他唱唱歌,亦會親自主理作曲填詞等工作,一些對人生的想法或態度,很自然也會滲透在字裏行間之中。Angus說:「音樂的確可以影響很多人,對我們而言,當然希望能為大家帶來正面、有益的影響,若別人因聽過我們的歌曲後得到一丁點啟發,或為他們帶來一些新的角度看世界,那我們都會很感動。像歌曲《爸爸》就是講述我們教父親使用電腦,小時候爸爸教我們很多很多知識和待人處事的道理,但隨着年月逝去,爸爸跟我們之間的角色在不知不覺間經已改變,我相信很多人都有這樣的經驗吧!」聽到Angus一席話,若然大家曾一度因教爸爸(或媽媽)使用電腦而感到不耐煩,是時候反思一下,好好珍惜跟父母相處的時光。A-Day的歌曲中,還有鼓勵人勇敢追尋夢想的《敢想》和讚揚愛的《Love in the Sky》等,題材正面,老少咸宜。

最近,A-Day獲邀參與由培幼會主辦的「愛.女孩」籌款晚會,Day說:「我們也會在培幼會『愛.女孩』籌款晚會中演繹《Love in the Sky》,我們相信這世界充滿着愛。Love in the Sky正好比喻愛就如空氣般無處不在,無分國界,哪裏有天空,哪裏就有愛。希望更多朋友能參與是次活動,支持培幼會『愛.女孩』行動,讓落後地區的女孩子亦能感受愛的溫暖!」活動由鉑金贊助商英皇珠寶全力支持,旨在為「愛.女孩」基金籌款,全力支援中國、巴基斯坦及非洲加納等地區的教育、提升職業技能、輔導服務、小額貸款及其他社區項目,為女孩及婦女爭取權益,讓她們的潛能得以充分發揮。歡迎登入瞭解詳情。


購票熱線:31 288 288
活動查詢:3583 3310或

  1. 門票現於快達票售票網及通利琴行公開發售
  2. 快達票將額外收取每張門票的顧客服務費




發稿:Plan國際培幼會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100             傳真:3583 1331              電郵
如欲查詢詳情或安排專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300與Miss Jackie Liu或3583 3310與Mr Garfield Fan聯絡。
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,歡迎致電3405 5316與Miss Wendy Tsui聯絡。



For Immediate Release                                                              10th April, 2012

Indie music group A-Day to support the Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show with the song “Love in the Sky”, spreading positive power.

Lead singer Angus and guitarist Day of indie music group A-Day are passionate musicians who share a strong conviction in the power of music. They believe that it not only can affect people, but is also capable of inducing changes in the subconscious, including one’s emotions and thoughts. With his experience in the music production of Jim Chim’s theatre shows as well as a film music producer, Day gives a discerning illustration of the power brought by music: “If you see a horror movie with your ears covered, you will feel entirely detached from what’s happening. You won’t even feel frightened anymore. Sometimes I really find what is heard with the ears more stunning and substantial than what is seen with the eyes. Music works like magic. It can bring positive power to the world.” Bearing such belief in mind, A-Day is going to play in the Plan Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) Charity Show on 19th May, 2012 in support of the Girls’ Fund, helping girls and women in countries such as China, Pakistan and Ghana, Africa to better their lives and rights.

Seeing the popularity of street music in Europe and Japan, A-Day was determined to bring this attitude of music to Hong Kong. From 2000 onwards, they began liaising with various government departments and related agencies. After a series of painstaking efforts, they succeeded in establishing Wholala in the end. Every Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6, various musicians were gathered to give improvised shows on Stanley Main Street, reaching out to new friends and promoting the culture of live music. It proved to be a rewarding platform where like-minded musicians were connected. Indeed, crowds of locals and tourists were cheered up by the ambience they added to the holiday resort, responding to the shows with great applause. Although it was already years ago when A-Day ran the project, their memories of it remain fresh: “Many music lovers know how hard it is to look for show venues in Hong Kong, and it is even more difficult for bands that prefer to be a bit more “quiet” (as opposed to major rock music). One of our rationales behind setting up Wholala was to provide a show platform for indie bands like us to share their music. Of course, it would often be merrier if we could sell our CDs on the spot – then we wouldn’t have to worry about making a living, ha ha!” Isn’t A-Day’s dream the utopia of all musicians? Unfortunately, life is not easy. A year later, the shows at Stanley were forced to terminate because of complaints from the local dwellers. In the days that followed, Wholala continued their performances on the Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui. A turning point came in 2007, when A-Day released their self-funded debut album “A Day”, taking care of everything from creating music and CD design to promotion and producing music video. By this, they won the championship of the 19th CASH Song Writers Quest in the same year. As a creative music group, A-Day also writes music and lyrics in addition to singing and playing the guitar. It is not hard to identify their outlook and attitude to life from their lyrics. Angus says, “Music can influence a lot of people indeed. Our mission is to bring about positive, beneficial influence. We’ll be touched if someone feels inspired, or looks at the world from a new perspective after listening to our songs. For example, the song ‘Daddy’ narrates how we teach our father to learn the computer, whereas he used to teach us a lot of knowledge and interpersonal skills when we were small. It tackles the common experience of gradually changing roles between our father and ourselves as we grow up.” If you have been impatient about teaching your father (or mother) to use the computer as Angus suggests, please reflect and cherish the time you spend with your parents. Among A-Day’s songs is “Dare to Dream” which encourages the pursuit of dreams and “Love in the Sky” which exalts love. All deliver positive messages and are suitable for all ages.

Recently, A-Day has been invited to participate in the Plan BIAAG Charity Show. Day expresses, “We’re going to perform ‘Love in the Sky’ in the Plan BIAAG Charity Show as we believe that the world is filled with love. The song compares love to the air, which surrounds us everywhere, bypassing national boundaries. Love exists wherever the sky appears. We hope to see more friends in the event. Please support the Plan BIAAG Campaign and bring warmth to girls living in developing countries!”  The event enjoys vehement support from Platinum Sponsor Emperor Jewellery. The proceeds will go to the Girls’ Fund in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counselling services and microfinance as well as other community projects. The Fund aims at defending the rights of girls and women, thereby enabling them to stretch their potential to the fullest. Check out for more details on

Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show
Date: 19th May, 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 7:00pm       
Venue: HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA
Tickets: HK$300 / HK$220
Ticket Purchase Hotline: 31 288 288        
Internet Booking:
Enquiries: 3583 3310 or

  1. Tickets are now available through Hong Kong Ticketing and Tom Lee Music Stores
  2. Hong Kong Ticketing applies a customer service fee to each ticket purchased


About Plan Because I am a Girl Charity Show
Last year, Plan International Hong Kong launched the Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) campaign, inviting a number of prestigious Hong Kong women in town to be BIAAG Ambassadors. The BIAAG Photo Competition organised for the same cause was rewarded with hearty support and participation from the public. To follow up on its success, Plan is presenting the BIAAG Charity Show on the evening of 19th May, 2012 (Saturday) at HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA. The event is supported by the Platinum Sponsor Emperor Jewellery and the proceeds will go to the Girls’ Fund in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counselling services and microfinance loan as well as other community projects for the benefits of girls and women in China, Pakistan and Ghana. Aiming to eliminate gender inequalities, the BIAAG campaign endeavours to defend the rights of millions of girls and to free them from poverty, thereby enabling females to stretch their potential to the fullest. Plan believes that the economic empowerment of girls and young women forms the basis for the elimination of poverty, acquisition of substantial benefits and transformation of lives.


About Plan International
Established in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations, specifically focused on children. Headquartered in the UK, Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families and indirectly supports a further 9 million people who live in communities that are working with Plan. Plan works in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, supported by fundraising offices in 20 countries. The organisation’s programmes concentrate on making real, positive and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, and on helping children to realise their full potential in societies that respect their rights and dignity.


Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong

Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100     Fax: 3583 1331     E-mail:
Contact persons: Miss Jackie Liu (3583 3300) or Mr Garfield Fan (3583 3310)
Contact person of Plan International Hong Kong: Ms Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405 5316)