國際培幼會「愛 女孩」「筆 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動
「愛 女孩」大使劉馬露明女士及嘉賓葉蘊儀小姐
Plan International Hong Kong Launched
Because I am a Girl Donate a Pencil Campaign with BIAAG Ambassador Mrs Christine Ma-Lau and Special Guest Ms Gloria Yip, in support of the International Day of the Girl Child


Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of Pencil Sponsor Faber-Castell.

Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of Media Sponsor Buspak.

Dr Royce Yuen JP, Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of Main Sponsor Emperor Watch & Jewellery.

Dr Royce Yuen JP, Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of Venue Sponsor Hysan Development.

Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of Silver Sponsor CARSAC Limited.

國際培幼會董事局成員陳達文博士向銅贊助連鎖咖啡店Holly Brown的代表致送感謝狀。
Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of Bronze Sponsor Holly Brown Coffee.

國際培幼會董事局成員陳達文博士向贊助商Fight Factory Gym Limited的代表致送感謝狀。

Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, presented the certificate of gratitude to the representative of sponsor Fight Factory Gym Limited.

左起:國際培幼會董事局成員陳達文博士、國際培幼會「愛 • 女孩」大使劉馬露明女士、特別嘉賓葉蘊儀小姐及國際培幼會董事局副主席袁文俊博士。
From left: Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, Mrs Christine Ma-Lau, Plan BIAAG Ambassador, Ms Gloria Yip, Special Guest, and Dr Royce Yuen JP, Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong.

國際培幼會董事局成員陳達文博士(左四)、國際培幼會「愛 • 女孩」大使劉馬露明女士(左五)、特別嘉賓葉蘊儀小姐(左六)及國際培幼會董事局副主席袁文俊博士(右一)與一眾贊助商的代表合照。
Dr Darwin Chen (4th left), SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, Mrs Christine Ma-Lau (5th left), Plan BIAAG Ambassador, Ms Gloria Yip (6th left), Special Guest, and Dr Royce Yuen JP (1st right), Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong had a group photo with the representatives of the sponsors.

Special Guest Ms Gloria Yip showed her support to the campaign.

Plan is teaming up with leading bus advertising company Buspak to transform a New World First Bus vehicle into an eye-catching, multimedia-equipped, donation-ready pink bus.

左二起:國際培幼會董事局副主席袁文俊博士、國際培幼會董事局成員陳達文博士、國際培幼會市務傳訊總監徐韻兒小姐、國際培幼會「愛 • 女孩」大使劉馬露明女士一同參觀粉紅籌款巴士。
From 2nd left: Dr Royce Yuen JP, Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong, Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, Miss Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing and Communications of Plan Hong Kong, and Plan BIAAG Ambassador Mrs Christine Ma-Lau visited the pink bus together.

Everything about the bus – from its exterior to its interior, including the stairs and seats – will be wrapped in pink, highlighting the focus on girls.

Everything about the bus – from its exterior to its interior, including the stairs and seats – will be wrapped in pink, highlighting the focus on girls.

Plan is teaming up with leading bus advertising company Buspak to transform a New World First Bus vehicle into an eye-catching, multimedia-equipped, donation-ready pink bus.

Plan is teaming up with leading bus advertising company Buspak to transform a New World First Bus vehicle into an eye-catching, multimedia-equipped, donation-ready pink bus.

新聞稿(即時發佈)                                   2014年10月7日

國際培幼會「愛 女孩」「筆 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動
「愛 女孩」大使劉馬露明女士及嘉賓葉蘊儀小姐

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/daP/3/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/daP/3/PLAN_DaP14_eventPR_chi.doc

國際培幼會舉行第二屆「愛 • 女孩」「筆 • 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動,由即日起至1016向市民募集全新鉛筆,再轉贈予落後地區女孩,以實際行動支持女孩學習,並呼籲大眾關注女童權益。一座印有著名漫畫卡通人物麥嘜和麥兜的大型筆筒收集箱已設於銅鑼灣希慎廣場一樓中庭,收集市民捐贈的鉛筆。作為響應聯合國每年一度「國際女童日」的主要活動,國際培幼會特別於今日(10月7日)舉行「國際女童日啟動禮」,並邀得「愛 • 女孩」大使JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長劉馬露明女士以及特別嘉賓、香港黏土藝術學院創辦人兼學院總監葉蘊儀小姐主持揭幕儀式。

於啟動禮上,先由主禮嘉賓國際培幼會董事局副主席袁文俊博士為活動致歡迎辭,並聯同國際培幼會董事局成員陳達文博士,向一眾鼎力支持「愛 • 女孩」「筆 • 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動的贊助商致送感謝狀,包括連續五年贊助國際培幼會「愛 • 女孩」行動的英皇鐘錶珠寶有限公司、連續兩年贊助「筆 • 生幸福」活動場地的希慎興業有限公司、銀贊助禧辰有限公司、銅贊助連鎖咖啡店Holly Brown、傳媒贊助巴士廣告公司Buspak、鉛筆贊助商Faber- Castell以及Fight Factory。之後,「愛 • 女孩」大使劉馬露明女士和特別嘉賓葉蘊儀小姐與大家分享對是次活動的體會和感受,並呼籲公眾踴躍支持。典禮最後由袁文俊博士、陳達文博士、劉馬露明女士和葉蘊儀小姐一同主持啟動儀式,四位把巨型鉛筆放入鉛筆收集箱內,正式為「愛 • 女孩」「筆 • 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動揭開序幕。儀式結束後,大會安排傳媒前往參觀「筆 • 生幸福」粉紅籌款巴士,並介紹車上的流動多媒體籌款系統,而該架巴士將由即日至113,一連四個星期在港島的道路上耀目穿梭

「筆 • 生幸福」活動由即日起至10月16日為期十日,收集到的鉛筆將由培幼會於聖誕節前轉贈到中國、非洲加納、尼泊爾及泰北的女孩手上,在普天同慶的佳節裡送上祝福。


劉馬露明女士分享道︰「我非常認同『愛 • 女孩』行動背後的理念,所以每年也會全力支持他們所舉辦的活動,轉眼間,我已經擔任『愛 • 女孩』大使接近五年。從事教育令我深深明白並感受到教育可以為孩子帶來重大改變;而鼓勵小朋友多做善事、多關心別人,除了可以為有需要的人略盡綿力之外,更可以藉此培養他們的同理心以及完整的人格。希望大家今年可以繼續響應,再創另一個佳績!」

國際培幼會董事局副主席袁文俊博士表示︰「去年培幼會有賴香港市民支持,於11天內收集逾10萬支鉛筆之多,成績令人鼓舞!培幼會一直致力幫助世界各地有需要的兒童,當中女孩尤其需要我們的援助。落後地區的女孩被逼童婚,這些令人惋惜心痛的事件時有所聞,可見女孩的而且確處於弱勢。我謹代表國際培幼會呼籲大家一起支持今次『筆 • 生幸福』鉛筆捐贈活動,並鼓勵身邊朋友踴躍參加。讓我們一起幫助女孩,以知識改變命運!」

活動查詢:3583 3310 或 plan@seedland.hk

國際培幼會於2010年啟動了「愛女孩」行動,邀請城中多位傑出女士擔任「愛女孩」大使,包括藝術教育家(芭蕾舞)廖本懷夫人(毛妹)太平紳士、JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長劉馬露明女士、麥嘜麥兜漫畫動畫系列插畫師麥家碧小姐、2010年度十大傑出青年及三指鋼琴家黃愛恩博士、甄詠蓓戲劇工作室藝術總監甄詠蓓小姐、英皇鐘錶珠寶有限公司主席楊諾思小姐、中華電力有限公司副主席阮蘇少湄女士、著名運動員鄭麗莎小姐及餐廚藝術家謝寧小姐。「愛女孩」行動過去數年籌辦過「愛女孩」攝影比賽、「愛女孩」籌款晚會、「愛媽媽」「愛女孩」培您成長大行動、「愛女孩齊舉手」等活動,並在2013年首次舉辦「愛女孩」「筆生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動。




發稿:Plan國際培幼會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100             傳真:3583 1331      電郵:plan@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情,歡迎致電3583 3233與Mr Robin Tang或3583 3310與Miss Heidi Lam聯絡。
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,歡迎致電3405 5316與Ms Wendy Tsui聯絡。




Press Release (For Immediate Release)                 7th October 2014

Plan International Hong Kong Launched Because I am a Girl Donate a Pencil Campaign with BIAAG Ambassador Mrs Christine Ma-Lau and Special Guest Ms Gloria Yip, in support of the International Day of the Girl Child

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/daP/3/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/daP/3/PLAN_DaP14_eventPR_eng.doc

The second “Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) – Donate a Pencil Campaign” will be held from 7th to 16th October 2014, calling for donations of brand new pencils from the public, which will then be sent to underprivileged girls as a tangible support to their studies, while raising public awareness of girls’ rights. A huge pink collection box modelled after a pencil holder, featuring the popular Hong Kong cartoon figures Mcmug & Mcdull, has been set up on the Atrium, 1/F, Hysan Place, Causeway Bay. In response to the United Nations’ annual “International Day of the Girl Child”, Plan International Hong Kong commenced the event on 7th October in a Launch Ceremony supported by BIAAG Ambassador Mrs Christine Ma-Lau, Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, and Special Guest Ms Gloria Yip, Founder and Director of Hong Kong Clay Craft Academy.

The ceremony began with a welcoming speech by Officiating Guest Dr Royce Yuen JP, Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong, who then presented certificates of gratitude together with Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong to the supportive sponsors, including: Main Sponsor Emperor Watch & Jewellery, which marks its fifth year of consecutive sponsorship to BIAAG campaign; Venue Sponsor Hysan Development, which has provided the event venue for two consecutive years; Silver Sponsor CARSAC Limited; Bronze Sponsor Holly Brown Coffee; Media Sponsor Buspak; Pencil Sponsor Faber-Castell; and Fight Factory. The ceremony proceeded with a sharing section by BIAAG Ambassador Mrs Christine Ma-Lau and Special Guest Ms Gloria Yip, who encouraged the public to support the event. Finally the event was officially launched as Dr Yuen, Dr Chen, Mrs Ma-Lau and Ms Yip inserted the huge-sized pencils into the collection box, a simple yet symbolic gesture that commenced the event. The ceremony was followed by a guided tour for the press on the pink fundraising bus, which is equipped with multimedia in-bus donation function. Raising funds for Plan’s “Girls Fund”, the bus will operate mainly along Hong Kong Island for four weeks until 3rd November.

Donated pencils will be collected by Plan from 7th to 16th October, and then sent to underprivileged girls in China, Ghana, Nepal and Northern Thailand by this coming Christmas, as gifts imbued with a wish for a better future.

Ms Gloria Yip was one of the pencil donors in last year’s event, and took an even more active part this year. “There are countless girls around the world facing discrimination because of their gender. To improve their living quality in long terms, we should start by offering them education. The ‘Donate a Pencil Campaign’ is a good way to show our individual support. I’ve heard that this year Plan has introduced a charity sale on site. Through direct donations or purchasing pencils, we can further support the girls and maximise the effect of this meaningful campaign.”

Having been a BIAAG Ambassador for almost five years, Mrs Christine Ma-Lau has demonstrated her commitment to the charitable cause of BIAAG through her active involvement annually. “As an educator, I absolutely understand what a significant change can be brought to children by education; on the other hand, encouraging kids to take part in charity work is not only a way to offer our individual assistance to the needy, but also a good chance to cultivate empathy and wholesome personality in children. Let’s continue our support to the event this year, and create another success together.”

Dr Royce Yuen JP, Board Deputy Chairman of Plan International Hong Kong, expressed his gratitude to the public by recalling the previous success, “Last year we collected an impressive amount of 100,000 pencils within merely 11 days, thanks to the ardent support from the Hong Kong public. Plan has always been devoted to helping the needy children around the world, among which girls are particularly disadvantaged. It is often heard that girls in developing countries are coerced into early child marriage, and these heartbreaking incidents remind us of the girls in need of our help. On behalf of Plan, I would like to invite the public to join us in this year’s event, and spread the good cause to friends around you as well. With a pencil imbued with our good wishes, let us help the girls alter their destiny with the power of knowledge.”



Plan International “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign”
Date: 7th to 16th October 2014
Venue: Atrium, 1/F, Hysan Place, Causeway Bay
Enquiries: 3583 3310 or plan@seedland.hk

About Plan Hong Kong “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign”
In 2010, Plan International Hong Kong launched the Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) campaign, and invited a number of leading Hong Kong business women in town to be BIAAG Ambassadors, including Mrs. Christine Liao, JP, Arts Educator (Ballet); Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau, founder and principal of JEMS Learning House; Ms. Alice Mak, the creator of popular cartoon characters McMug and McDull; Dr. Connie Wong, “The Pianist with Three Fingers” and winner of the 2010 Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award; Ms. Olivia Yan, artistic director of O Theatre Workshop; Ms. Cindy Yeung, managing director of Emperor Watch and Jewellery; Ms. Betty Yuen, vice chairman of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited; Ms. Lisa Cheng, renowned athlete; and Ms. Charlene Tse, renowned culinary artist. Different events has been held to support BIAAG in the successive years, namely the BIAAG Photo competition, BIAAG Charity Show, “Love.Mothers” “Love.Girls” campaign as well as the “Raise Your Hand” (RYH) campaign. In 2013, the first “BIAAG – Donate a Pencil Campaign” became the latest initiative in the series. More information about the 2nd Donate a Pencil campaign can be found at http://plan.me.hk/plan.

About Plan Because I am a Girl Global Campaign
Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) is Plan’s global campaign to fight age and gender inequality, to protect and promote girls’ rights, and lift millions out of poverty. Besides raising public awareness, BIAAG also raises funds in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counseling services and stop child marriage and other community projects benefiting and empowering girls and women in China, Nepal, Northern Thailand and Ghana to help them reach their full potential. More information about Plan International, BIAAG, and about how to make a donation in support of the organisations BIAAG initiatives, can be found at www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk.

About Plan International
Established in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations, specifically focused on children. Headquartered in the UK, Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families and indirectly supports a further 9 million people who live in communities that are working with Plan. Plan works in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, supported by fundraising offices in 21 countries. The organisation’s programmes concentrate on making real, positive and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, and on helping children to realise their full potential in societies that respect their rights and dignity. More information on Plan International Hong Kong, including details on how to make a difference, can be found at www.plan.org.hk.

Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong
Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100     Fax: 3583 1331     E-mail: plan@seedland.hk

Contact persons: Mr Robin Tang (3583 3233) or Miss Heidi Lam (3583 3310)
Contact person of Plan International Hong Kong: Ms Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405 5316)



