

誠邀 貴校支持國際培幼會年度盛事「培您童行」步行籌款2015
體現助人為樂精神 助越南及加納兒童改善教育質素

國際培幼會向來以保障及改善兒童福利為宗旨,我們相信所有兒童都應享有接受良好教育的權利,而倘若本港學童能夠透過參與慈善活動培養助人為樂的精神,更是樂見其成的美事。本人謹代表國際培幼會誠邀 貴校參與「培您童行」步行籌款2015,支持我們於越南及加納的教育項目。



如對活動內容或安排有任何疑問,歡迎致電鄧先生(3583 3233)或林小姐(3583 3310)查詢或瀏覽活動網頁ssl.comm01.com/plan。靜候回覆,敬祝


蕭美娟 謹啟


  5th February 2015

Dear Principal,

Invitation to Plan’s “Walk for Children” 2015
to support thebetterment of education in Vietnam and Ghana

Devoted to the amelioration of child welfare around the world, Plan International believes all children should enjoy the right of receiving quality education. It would also be our utmost pleasure to see local students demonstrating the spirit of generosity by taking an active part in charity activities. On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong, I would like to cordially invite your school to join us for the fundraising walkathon “Walk for Children” 2015, to support our educational projects in Vietnam and Ghana.

Plan’s “Walk for Children” 2015 will be held at Peak Road Garden (Outside The Peak Galleria) on 12th April 2015. The donations will be used to improve the quality of preschool education in Lai Chau Province, Vietnam, and to offer education and training programmes to girls in Ghana. A total of HK$2.2 million dollars is required to support these two projects. Being one of the poorest provinces in Vietnam and obstructed by its inaccessible location, Lai Chau has suffered from its lack of basic infrastructure and community support, especially on early education facilities. The funds raised from “Walk for Children” will be put into the development of an Early Childhood Care and Development Centre, as well as supporting the training of preschool teachers. It is estimated to benefit over 1,100 school-aged children attending preschools in the communities. Meanwhile in Ghana, Plan aims to provide education modules supplemented by campus football programmes for more than 800 school girls. In addition to acquiring knowledge and life skills, the girls can also learn to work as a team and gain self-confidence via the sport. Not only can this help to break down gender stereotypes within the community, but also allow the girls to realise their self-worth.

“Walk for Children” was launched in 2012, and the funds raised last year have already benefited 833 families in 26 communities in Longde County in Ningxia, China via our preschool educational projects. In the 4th run of the event, there are various activities available this year, such as “Water Bucket Challenge” and “Pebble Trail Experience”. Apart from making the event more fun and meaningful, it also offers a chance to experience the everyday challenges faced by the children in developing countries. Parents and teachers are highly encouraged to bring their children and students to join the Walk, and take it as an opportunity to teach the lesson of compassion and kindness. We look forward to seeing you at “Walk for Children” 2015, to support the children on the path towards a brighter future.

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Robin Tang at 3583 3233 or Miss Heidi Lam at 3583 3310 or visit the event website ssl.comm01.com/plan.
Yours faithfully,

Kanie Siu
Chief Executive Officer of Plan International Hong Kong

