集結社會力量 關注女孩福祉


新聞稿(即時發佈)     2010年11月20日

集結社會力量 關注女孩福祉

擁有七十多年歷史、以長遠改善孩子生活質素為宗旨的Plan國際培幼會,於2010年11月20日下午舉行「愛.女孩」行動暨攝影比賽啟動禮,並邀請多位城中傑出女士,包括藝術教育家(芭蕾舞)廖本懷夫人毛妹太平紳士、JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長馬露明小姐、2010年度十大傑出青年及三指鋼琴家黃愛恩博士、英皇鐘錶珠寶集團董事總經理楊諾思女士、PIP文化產業藝術總監甄詠蓓女士、著名運動員鄭麗莎小姐及餐廚藝術家謝寧小姐,聯同國際培幼會(香港)董事局成員陳達文博士、Mr. Kerry McGlynn和馮定中先生,以及國際培幼會(香港)行政總裁詹文利先生一同主持啟動儀式,為關注女孩福祉啟航。


11月20日下午舉行的啟動禮於銅鑼灣wtc more世貿中心舉行,活動先由香港敲擊樂大師梁榮華先生(Ban哥哥)及激鼓樂社打響頭炮,其後,主持梁奕倫邀請國際培幼會(香港)董事局成員陳達文博士上台致辭,再由國際培幼會(香港)行政總裁詹文利先生上台向多位擔任「愛.女孩」大使的女士,包括:廖本懷夫人毛妹太平紳士、馬露明小姐、黃愛恩博士、楊諾思女士、甄詠蓓女士、鄭麗莎小姐、謝寧小姐,以及於活動當日未能出席的中華電力有限公司副主席阮蘇少湄女士及麥嘜麥兜漫畫動畫系列插畫師麥家碧小姐致謝。

緊隨其後,嘉賓們逐一上台分享她們作為女性在尋找理想方面的經歷及成功故事,並表達對世界上仍有待爭取平等待遇的女孩無限鼓勵與祝福。最後,眾大使連同另外四位主禮嘉賓:陳達文博士、Mr. Kerry McGlynn、馮定中先生,以及詹文利先生一同拉動絲帶,為巨型的「愛.女孩」相簿啟封,象徵「愛.女孩」行動暨攝影比賽正式展開。




馬露明小姐為女孩送上「夢想」二字:「我很喜歡小孩,深信不論性別,所有小孩子都應享有同等受教育、盡展潛能的機會。我幸運地可追尋自己的夢想,成立品德教育中心JEMS Learning House,但願大家也能幫助其他女孩,讓她們享有平等機會,成就自己的夢想。」






為了進一步提升大眾對於「愛.女孩」的關注,並集結社會力量支持有關行動,Plan國際培幼會特別於香港舉辦「愛.女孩」攝影比賽,誠邀各界人士以「愛.女孩」為主題,透過鏡頭表達「愛.女孩」的真正意義。比賽分設小學低級組、小學高級組、初中組、高中組及公開組,每組設冠軍、亞軍、季軍、最受公眾歡迎獎各一名,歡迎廣大市民踴躍參加。經評選入圍的作品將於2011年3月張貼於Plan國際培幼會的Facebook接受公眾投票,讓大眾一同投選心中最切合「愛.女孩」主題的作品。由即日起,只需透過Plan國際培幼會「愛.女孩」官方網站www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk的連結,下載並填妥參加表格,連同作品電郵至 info@seedland.hk便可參賽。參賽照片的拍攝形式不限,惟作品須符合A4尺寸及不低於300dpi的像素,並以jpeg數碼照片形式遞交。為表揚得獎者的傑出表現,大會更會於2011年4月2日舉辦頒獎典禮及攝影展,公開展出所有得獎作品。


發稿:Plan國際培幼會    代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵:info@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情或安排專訪,歡迎致電9450 9757與Adrienne Wong聯絡。
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,歡迎致電3405 5316與Miss Wendy Tsui聯絡。

查詢有關「愛.女孩」行動詳情,請瀏覽 www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk


For Immediate Release 20th November, 2010

Ms Lisa Cheng, Mrs Christine Liao, Ms Christine Ma, Ms Tse Ning, Dr Connie Wong,
Ms Olivia Yan and Ms Cindy Yeung officiated at the official launch ceremony of
Plan International Hong Kong “Because I am a Girl” Campaign
and Themed Photo Competition,
calling for community support to help improve lives of disadvantaged girls

Plan International, a leading development organisation focused on children’s rights with over 70 years of history, has embarked on a global campaign – “Because I am a Girl”. To enhance public awareness of the issue and gather support from the Hong Kong community, Plan is holding a “Because I am a Girl” Photo Competition in Hong Kong and an official launch ceremony was held at the wtc more in Causeway Bay on 20th November, 2010. The ceremony was officiated by “Because I am a Girl” Ambassadors:

Ms Lisa Cheng, renowned athlete
Mrs Christine Liao, JP, Arts Educator (Ballet)
Ms Christine Ma, Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House
Ms Tse Ning, renowned culinary artist
Dr Connie Wong, 3-fingered pianist and winner of the Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong, 2010
Ms Olivia Yan, Artistic Director of PIP Theatre Group
Ms Cindy Yeung, Managing Director of Emperor Watch & Jewellery

Board Members of Plan International Hong Kong Dr Darwin Chen, SBS, Mr. Kerry McGlynn and Mr. Donald Fung, and Chief Executive Officer, Plan International Hong Kong Mr James Murray also attended the ceremony.

“Because I am a Girl” is a global campaign launched to fight gender inequality, promote girls’ rights and lift millions of girls out of the poverty trap. The launch ceremony of “Because I am a Girl” Campaign cum Photo Competition at the wtc more commenced with a sensational welcoming drum performance by Mr Ban Leung and his team Ban’s Gig Drums. Dr Darwin Chen, Board Member of Plan International Hong Kong, was then invited to deliver a speech, followed by a note delivered by Mr James Murray, Chief Executive Officer, Plan International Hong Kong, to thank the “Because I am a Girl” Ambassadors for supporting the Campaign and the Photo Competition.

Apart from the Ambassadors who were present at the launch ceremony, Mr Murray also thanked the Ambassadors who were not able to attend the launch ceremony – Ms Alice Mak, renowned illustrator and the creator of Mcmug and Mcdull character and Mrs Betty Yuen, Vice Chairman of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited.

Ambassadors were then invited on stage to share their success stories as a woman with the girls who are still striving for gender equality and a better life, and they also conveyed their best wishes. After that, Plan representatives joined the Ambassadors on stage to unveil a huge “Because I am a Girl” photo album, officially announcing the commencement of the Campaign and the Photo Competition.

In order to raise funds for the Campaign, Ms Tse Ning donated her “Cookies Quartet” cookies for charity sales. Specially-designed Plan T-shirts and piggy banks were also available for sale in support of the Campaign. All the proceeds will go to the newly set up Plan Hong Kong Girls Fund which will benefit community projects of Plan International, helping girls in China, Ghana, Nepal and Pakistan, in the areas of education, vocational training, counselling services and microfinance.

Mr James Murray said at the ceremony, “Hong Kong is liberal city and everyone is protected against discrimination. However, many girls in developing countries across the globe are facing gender discrimination, and are routinely denied access to education and health services, and often face high levels of violence, abuse and harassment. I am glad that the ‘Because I am a Girl’ campaign is supported by so many people and I would like to thank our Ambassdors for their benevolence. I sincerely hope that we can help those girls in fighting inequality and take them out of poverty."

Ms Lisa Cheng called for “love” for girls, "Girls in Hong Kong are lucky because we have the freedom and the chance to choose what we want to do. For me, I chose to be an athlete. But I know that it is not the same in many parts of the world. 80% of the victims of trafficking are girls or women. I sincerely hope that we can all show our love to these underprivileged girls."

Mrs Christine Liao called for “opportunity” for girls, "Teaching ballet gives me an opportunity to interact closely on a personal level with girls, and I love them. I believe that if girls are given the same education and opportunities as boys, they can be as successful and will contribute even more to the society."

Ms Christine Ma’s word for the girls is “dream”, “I love children and strongly believe that all children deserve the opportunity to receive education to unleash their potential, irrespective of their gender. I am lucky to be able to pursue my dream to start a school that concentrates on promoting moral education. I really hope that other girls will also have the chance to pursue their dreams. Let’s help them to do so.”

Ms Tse Ning visited girls in Shaanxi, China earlier with Plan International Hong Kong, her word for the girls is “hope”, “What Plan International Hong Kong has done in helping the needy children is meaningful and impressive. I have participated in their Child Sponsorship programme and I hope all of you can join us to show your support to the needy girls. Send them hope and encouragement!”

Renowned pianist Dr Connie Wong, who was born with only three normal fingers, sent girls the word “confidence”, “I have experienced many difficulties in the past and I have learnt to face them confidently. I hope that all the girls who are suffering from difficult lives will not give up easily. Be confident and there is always a way out!”

Ms Olivia Yan sent the word "beauty", "Being a theater director and actor, I understand that girls and boys have their special talents. I hope that we can take part in making the world fairer. If every one of us devotes a little more attention and care to those girls, the world will become more beautiful."

Ms Cindy Yeung heard about Plan International Hong Kong from her husband Mr Alfred Cheung, who was once a beneficiary of Plan International Hong Kong himself, when he was a child. Cindy’s word for girls is “nourishment”. “As a gemologist, I see the value of every tiny rubble and know that it can turn into a shiny diamond, if given a chance. The same applies to girls. Nourish them and let them shine."?

About the “Because I am a Girl” Photo Competition
The competition is open to the following categories: Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary and Open Group.?? Interested participants may obtain application forms, available now, for entry to the competition at www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk.?? Entries must follow the theme of “Because I am a Girl”.? Entries will be uploaded to the Facebook page of Plan International in March 2011 for public voting.? Completed application forms with photo entries (size: A4; resolution: 300dpi) must be sent by e-mail to info@seedland.hk.? A prize presentation ceremony and photo exhibition will be held on 2nd April, 2011.??

About Plan International
Established in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations, specifically focussed on children.? Headquartered in the UK, Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families and indirectly supports a further 9 million people who live in communities that are working with Plan.? Plan works in 48 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, supported by fundraising offices in 21 countries.? The organisation’s programmes concentrate on making real, positive and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, and on helping children to realise their full potential in societies that respect their rights and dignity.

Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International
Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100???? Fax: 3583 1331?????E-mail: info@seedland.hk
Contact person: Miss Adrenne Wong (9450-9757)
Contact person of Plan: Miss Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405-5316)

For more information about ‘Because I am a Girl” campaign, visit www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk