JEMS Learning House「冰桶以外」慈善嘉年華
延續愛心 為香港肌健協會籌集善款
JEMS Learning House “Beyond the Bucket” ALS Fund-Fair
Extending the charity spirit to raise fund for HKNMDA


新聞稿(即時發佈) 2014年11月11日

JEMS Learning House「冰桶以外」慈善嘉年華
延續愛心 為香港肌健協會籌集善款

Press release:

向來以道德、社會及公民教育概念作為三把重要鑰匙的JEMS Learning House認為,回饋社會乃培育小朋友品德教育中非常重要的一環。繼今年六月底舉行的第五屆畢業禮暨慈善嘉年華後,JEMS Learning House將於11月16日(星期日)假數碼港二期四樓平台舉辦「冰桶以外」(Beyond the Bucket)慈善嘉年華。JEMS Learning House期望透過是次活動為香港肌健協會籌集善款,並讓更多朋友認識肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(ALS,亦稱「漸凍人症」)患者所面對的困難和挑戰。

「冰桶挑戰」(Ice Bucket Challenge)早前於社交網絡大受歡迎,從家庭主婦到荷里活巨星,乃至政客及國際體壇明星都有留意這活動,甚至親身參與和支持,為ALS患者出一分力。JEMS Learning House創辦人劉馬露明校長亦曾被點名接受挑戰,這令她聯想到很多參加過「冰桶挑戰」的朋友若單單把冰水倒在身上,其實未必能全面瞭解ALS這個病症。她遂開始構思和籌辦是次慈善嘉年華,希望能在冰桶挑戰以外做得更多。

是次活動取名為「冰桶以外」慈善嘉年華,活動當日除了有最受小朋友歡迎的扭氣球、面部彩繪、魔術表演、歌舞表演之外,大會還別出心裁地設計了七項不同的障礙賽,讓參加者能在有趣又富教育意義的挑戰中,進一步認識ALS這病症。所有完成挑戰的人士更可獲頒證書乙張,以茲留念。此外,JEMS Learning House很高興邀請到ALS的患者親臨現場,以第一身角度分享其經歷。更會於分享環節完結後到台下與其他肌健會會員及家人,跟大家面對面交流和溝通,解答參加者對ALS及其他神經肌肉疾病的疑問。

JEMS Learning House創辦人劉馬露明校長表示:「在當初被點名參加『冰桶挑戰』時,我已對自己立下另一挑戰,就是把活動的精神延續下去。冰桶挑戰在高峰期的確能有效促使全球關注ALS,但我希望大家在熱潮過後,仍能懷着這份愛心──除了進一步認識ALS,還要瞭解世界上其他種種病症和議題,在冰桶以外多踏出一步,令世界變得不一樣。誠邀各位一同參加是次別具意義的慈善嘉年華,希望在活動當日能見到大家!」

JEMS Learning House「冰桶以外」慈善嘉年華
如有查詢,歡迎致電3188 1518或電郵至

關於JEMS Learning House
英語授課的JEMS Learning House,由擁有豐富教學經驗及教學熱誠的劉馬露明校長所創立,致力發展及提升十二歲以下兒童的品德培育,令他們成為傑出社會小成員。「JEMS」所代表的,正是「Junior Excellent Member of Society」的意思。JEMS的品德教育着重於道德、社會及公民教育,教育中心課程內共有三個核心元素,由認識自己的身分開始(Identity),到學習與人建立關係(Relationships),從而身體力行回饋社會(Community)。JEMS相信孩子能擁抱正確的價值觀,盡展潛能,定能成為才德兼備的卓越領袖,令社會,令世界更加美好。

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發稿:JEMS Learning House 代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100 傳真:3583 1331 電郵
如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與JEMS Learning House代表及香港肌健協會代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300與Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。

Press Release (For Immediate Release) 11th November, 2014

JEMS Learning House “Beyond the Bucket” ALS Fund-Fair
Extending the charity spirit to raise fund for HKNMDA

Press release:

Upholding the values of moral, social and civic education as their three important keys, JEMS Learning House believes that community service is very crucial in cultivating children’s good character. Following the fifth Graduation Ceremony cum Charity Carnival in late June, JEMS Learning House will hold another charity event this year, “Beyond the Bucket” ALS Fund-Fair on 16th November (Sunday) at the L4 Podium, Cyberport 2. This activity aims to raise fund for the Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association (HKNMDA), and to let more people understand the difficulties and challenges facing patients of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Earlier on the Ice Bucket Challenge has taken the social network by storm, catching the attention of people from housewives and Hollywood superstars, to politician and sportsmen worldwide. Some of them even took part in the challenge in support of the ALS patients. Mrs Christine Ma-Lau, Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, was also nominated for the challenge, which gave her the idea that pouring a bucket of ice water over oneself might not be enough for the participants to fully understand the condition of ALS. Hence she began planning for this Fund-Fair, hoping go beyond the bucket and do something more.

Titled “Beyond the Bucket” ALS Fund-Fair, the event will feature children’s favourite activities such as balloon twisting, face paint, magic shows, music and dance performances. In addition to that, there will also be a 7-course obstacle challenge, in which participants can learn more about ALS through the fun and educational challenges. A certificate will be awarded to those who have completed the tasks. What’s more, JEMS Learning House has cordially invited an ALS patient to have a sharing session about his personal experience. Throughout the day, he will join other members of HKNMDA, as well as their relatives to engage with guests in answering questions concerning ALS and other Neuro-muscular diseases.

Christine explained why she was inspired to organize the event, “When I was nominated to take part in the Ice Bucket Challenge, I gave myself a personal challenge, which is to go beyond the bucket. At its peak of popularity, the Ice Bucket Challenge was a great way to participate in a global wave of awareness and attention for ALS, but I hope that after the trend is over, we can still retain that spirit, to learn more about ALS as well as other conditions and issues that exist in the world. Let’s go beyond the bucket to make a difference.”

JEMS Learning House “Beyond the Bucket” ALS Fund-Fair
Date: 16th November, 2014 (Sunday)
Time: 2:00-6:00pm
Venue: L4, the Podium, Cyberport 2
Ticket Price: $100 for adults, $50 for children (aged 3-12)
For enquiries, please contact us at 3188 1518,
or by email to

About JEMS Learning House
JEMS Learning House is an English-speaking, after-school learning community that focuses on Character Education for children up to the age of 12. The vision of JEMS is to see each child become a Junior Excellent Member of Society. JEMS focuses on building character and raising leaders. At JEMS, Character Education is comprised of moral, social and civic education. Their unique curriculum covers three key learning areas that are taught progressively starting with the child’s identity, onto close relationships, and then the community. JEMS’ child-focused curriculum aims to develop a child’s sense of identity, equipping them with strong social skills to build solid relationships, and promoting them with opportunities to serve the community. JEMS believes that education goes beyond knowledge and skill acquisition; education is raising children to be their best, equipping them with strong values to make the right decisions, and preparing them to become great leaders to make a difference in the world.

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of JEMS Learning House

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331 E-mail:
