「福星」動畫導演許誠毅擔任顧問 會長蕭芳芳感恩不盡
Siao Fong Fong, President of the End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation expresses her gratitude for inviting Raman Hui, renowned Hollywood animation director, to supervise the production of the animation of the Foundations Sexual-Abuse-Preventive Program for senior secondary students, which carried off the Best Digital Entertainment Award (Student and Independent) at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2009.


「福星」動畫導演許誠毅擔任顧問 會長蕭芳芳感恩不盡


「高中性教育課程」由Air Cargo Community Charity Golf Day Organizing Committee贊助,為了使課程內容更多元化,基金一如往常於課程中加入動畫短片,讓同學以互動的故事形式深入討論主題,不同的是,會長蕭芳芳女士從構思到製作花了兩年多時間,並以真人真事改篇製作此短片,同時加入與日常生活息息相關的議題,包括毒品、校園暴力、網上色情資訊氾濫等,以加強年青人對內容的投入感。此動畫更特別隆重邀請了荷里活著名動畫導演許誠毅先生擔任顧問、中文大學視聽製作部監製譚顯揚先生身任監製、香港知專設計學院導師黃偉恆先生及馬國樑先生執導,以及學院動畫組學生參與,亦邀得多位藝人參與配音工作,集眾人力量向年青人傳達保護青少年免受性侵犯的訊息。





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Siao Fong Fong, President of the End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation expresses her gratitude for inviting Raman Hui, renowned Hollywood animation director, to supervise the production of the animation of the Foundations Sexual-Abuse-Preventive Program for senior secondary students, which carried off the Best Digital Entertainment Award (Student and Independent) at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2009.

End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation (ECSAF), devoted to protecting youngsters under 18 from sexual abuse, paid great effort last year to outline and finalize the Sexual-Abuse-Preventive Program for Form 4 and Form 5 students. To instill proper sexual values to senior secondary students in an interesting approach, ECSAF had the honour of inviting Mr. Raman Hui, famous Hollywood animation director, to be the consultant of the animation movie created for the Program. Just before the Program was ready to be launched, the animation movie had won the Best Digital Entertainment Award (Student and Independent) at the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2009. President Siao Fong Fong and Chairman William Po are delighted to hear this exhilarating news and express their heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in the production of the animation.

Sponsored by the Air Cargo Community Charity Golf Day Organizing Committee, the diversified Sex Education Program for senior secondary students features an animation movie as always to lead students to a serious discussion over the issue. To bring the audience into the circumstances, Ms Siao Fong Fong designed the story based on real cases with common issues such as drug abuse, school bullying, overwhelming internet sexual information included. Taking over two years to accomplish, the animation is the fruit of a dedicated team composed of famous Hollywood animation director Mr. Raman Hui, the consultant, Producer of The Audio-Visual Division of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Mr. Tam Hin Yeung, the producer, Instructors of Hong Kong Design Institute Mr. Wong Wai Hang and Mr. Naveen Ma, the directors, students of the Animation Team of the Institute, and a number of enthusiastic dubbing artists, all bearing the same goal to promote the message of protecting children from sexual abuse.

Mr. Raman Hui, director of world-renowned animation movies “Shrek” and “Kung Fu Panda”, is delighted to contribute to the work of ECSAF, “It’s not my first time to work with charitable organizations and it’s my honour to be invited to work for ECSAF. When Fong Fong approached me at the very beginning, it did not even take me a second to say yes. This production is different from my other projects for not only I have to make it interesting and entertaining, but also to deliver proper messages and inspire teenagers to think about the issue. With the animation being presented as a suspenser, students are guided to place themselves in the roles of different characters and think about what they would do if they were to face the same situation. The experience of working with the students of Hong Kong Design Institute is unforgettable. I was deeply moved by the effort of the students and their instructors.”

Ms. Siao Fong Fong, who invited Raman to participate in the project, heaps praise on this talented director, “Raman is a earnest, caring and loving artist. It’s our pleasure to get him involved in the production of our Sex Education Program for senior secondary students. Hardly could I express my gratitude in words but I am really grateful to have this lucky star volunteered; I also have to extend a big thank you to Raman’s brother as well as the team leaders of Seedland International Limited for introducing Raman to us.”

About End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation
Founded by Ms. Siao Fong Fong, a renowned actress and master of Psychotherapy, End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation (ECSAF) has been registered as a non-profit organization in November of 1998. With a mission to protect youngsters under 18 from sexual abuse, ECSAF has been educating children to prevent from sexual abuse and arousing the awareness of the public over the issue via media and seminars. Well supported and recognized by celebrities as well as the general public, ECSAF has successfully delivered the message of protecting children from sexual abuse to the schools and public after years of endeavour.

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation

Media Enquiry
Miss Adrienne Wong               9450-9757
Miss Helena Hui                      9534-0813
or call 3583-3100     Fax: 3583-1331       E-mail: info@seedland.hk