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品格教育協會盼藉2018 香港品格日 籲社會大眾共同向下一代傳遞希望

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

2018 年6 月19 日,香港-由品格教育協會帶領香港品格日主辦及獲香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育 中心全力支持的【香港學生的品格特質及美德研究:希望及快樂】發佈會於本年6 月19 日假遊協禮堂 圓滿舉辦。會上,品格教育協會聯同香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心公佈該研究報告結果,以及 由雙方代表,包括 (1) 品格教育協創辦人及主席、香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心客席教授(實 踐)及顧問劉馬露明女士、(2) 品格教育協會董麥珍莉女士、(3) 品格教育協會董事麥嘉珩女士、(4) 香 港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心總監及課程與教學講座教授李子建教授及 (5) 香港教育大學心理學 系助理教授、臨床心理學家劉月瑩博士,提出一系列建議。


品格教育協會及香港品格日代表在會上除公佈「2018 香港品格日」主題及其他詳情外,亦簡短報告首兩屆香港品格日,包括其成立目的、成效、參與學校/機構數量等。其中,有數據顯示,歷屆香港品格日的參與者代表大多表示香港品格日其參與者對有關品格特質的認知,以「善良」作主題的「2017 香港品格日」為例,就「2017 香港品格日」有效提升學生或員工對「善良」的認知平均評分高達 8.1 分
(10 分為滿分)。

香港學生的精神健康令人憂慮 希望值與快樂感具相互影響關係

近年,本港自殺個案趨年輕化,讓社會大眾越來越擔憂香港青少年的精神健康。品格教育協會就制訂「2018 香港品格日」的工作方向時,諮詢了香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心,望與社會各界在處理這個問題上共同努力。就此,香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心與品格教育協會分享了其於 2018 年 3 月至 6 月期間,與全港千多名來自 35 間中、小學的學生所進行的一項研究,研究題目為【香港學生的品格特質及美德研究:希望及快樂】。

是次研究中,學生的希望感總體平均數(六分量表)為3.87,而主觀快樂感總體平均數(七分量表)為 4.45;香港學生的希望感與快樂程度存在著相互影響的關係,即如學生抱有希望,一般較為快樂;如學生感到快樂,其希望感會有所提升,反之亦然。

研究結果中,最令人關注的是,從小六開始,高年級學生的希望感較小四、五的學生低。以小四學生為例,其希望感平均值為 4.55(以6分為滿分),而到中一的希望感平均值為 3.71。李子建教授認為小學過渡中學的學習與學校教育環境變遷,可能影响學童的希望感。

睡眠質素與希望感呈負面關係 長遠有機會危及香港學生精神建康


2018香港品格日將以希望為主題 籲社會大眾共同向下一代傳遞希望

就研究結果可見,希望乃目前香港學生較急切需要加強的品格特質。因此,品格教育協會訂定「2018 香港品格日」的主題為「希望」,以「傳遞希望」作口號呼籲社會大眾共同向下一代傳遞希望,盼藉以提升參與者的希望值以及快樂感。






品格教育基金會於 2016 年成立,其使命和願景是將香港推動為一個重視,並願意在品格教育方面投放資源的城市,藉以推廣如感恩、善良等品格特質。
協會的工作主要劃分為三大範疇,包括:(1) 倡導-每年定期舉辦香港品格日;(2) 培訓-以工作坊及講座形式為各院校及機構的家長、教育工作者及學生提供有關品格教育的培訓;及 (3) 免費資源-定期為社會各界人士提供有關品格教育的免費資源。


香港品格日以每年一度舉辦的國際盛事品格日為藍本,由品格教育協會於 2016 年引入本港,已踏入第三個年頭。「香港品格日」每年選定一個品格特質作主題,配合以各個品格日大使自身故事所拍攝的短片及由品格教育協會每年按主題編撰的《香港品格日手冊》,與參與者共同練習品格特質。過往兩屆,香港品格日的主題分別為感恩及善良。
有關香港品格日的最新資訊,請瀏覽官方網頁 及香港品格日 Facebook 專頁。 


請聯絡︰李慕喬小姐(Vivien)     電話︰3705 8680  電郵


Press Conference on “Research on Hong Kong Students’ Character Strengths and Virtues”
by Character Day Hong Kong

For Immediate                                               Release Press Release

As they study higher grade, Hong Kong students’ Hope Scores Go Down
Character Education Foundation Urges the Public to “Bring Hope” to
the Next Generation through 2018 Character Day Hong Kong

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

Hong Kong, 19th June 2018 A press conference on “Research on Hong Kong Students’ Character Strengths and Virtues: Hope and Happiness” organised by Character Education Foundation (CEF), who is the organiser of Character Day Hong Kong (CDHK), and supported by the Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of The Education University of Hong Kong (the Centre) took place in the Grand Hall of Hong Kong Playground Association on 19th June. On the press conference, CEF and the Centre released the findings of the research, and representatives of both parties, including (1) Ms. Christine MA-LAU, Founder and Chairperson of Character Education Foundation; Adjunct Professor (Practice) and Advisor of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of The Education University of Hong Kong, (2) Ms. Virginia MAK, Director of Character Education Foundation, (3) Ms. Connie MAK, Director of Character Education Foundatio, (4) Professor John LEE, Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education cum Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction of The Education University of Hong Kong, and (5) Dr. Esther LAU, Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology of The Education University of Hong Kong; Registered Clinical Psychologist, provided a list of suggestions. 

Participants agreed that previous CDHKs has shown effectiveness

Before announcing the theme of and other details of“2018 CDHK”, representatives of CEF and CDHK reported on the first two CDHKs, including the aims, effectiveness, and number of participants of the first two CDHKs. Among the figures, a majority of representatives of participants agreed that CDHK has deepened participants’ understanding of Character Strengths. For example, in Kindness-themed 2017 CDHK, when asked how much their students/employees grew in their understanding and display of Kindness, on a scale from 1 to 10, an average mark of 8.1 was indicated. 

Growing concern about mental health of Hong Kong students; Hope has a positive correlation with Happiness

In recent years, there has been a trend of suicide cases at younger ages, which has led to a growing concern about the mental health of Hong Kong youth. In the hope that synergised effort can be paid on taking care of the current situation, CEF consulted the Centre on planning for “2018 Character Day Hong Kong (CDHK)”.  The Centre supported CEF by sharing the findings of a research they conducted during March to June 2018, titled “Research on Hong Kong Students’ Character Strengths and Virtues: Hope and Happiness”, which had received responses from around more than a thousand of students from 35 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.

The overall mean score of Children Hope scale (six-point Likert scale) is 3.87. The overall mean score of Subjective Happiness scale (seven-point Likert scale) is 4.45. The study shows a correlation between Children’s Hope scores and Subjective Happiness Scores of Hong Kong students, meaning that students with higher hope scores tend to feel happier, and vice versa.

The overall mean score for Hope for senior form students particularly low 

Professor John LEE points out that start from Primary 6, the overall mean score for Hope for senior form students particularly low. For example, the overall mean score for Hope for a Primary 4 students is 4.55 (six-point Likert scale), but for Secondary 1, the overall mean score for Hope is 3.71. Professor LEE suggests that transition in the learning and schooling environments may be a challenging period for students to remain hopeful.

A negative correlation between Sleep Quality and Hopefulness; Threaten mental health of Hong Kong students in long term

According to the study, more frequent sleep problems are associated with lower Hope scores. Dr. Esther LAU, Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology of The Education University of Hong Kong; Registered Clinical Psychologist, warned that lacking good sleep might affect mental health. Both sleep and hopefulness has been shown to be reliable predictors of well-being and mental health problems. Quality sleep induces optimism and positive emotions, and hopeful thinking enhances self-esteem and resiliency. Promotion of students’ sleep health and hopefulness is of prime importance and deserves public attention.

2018 CDHK chooses Hope as theme; Urges the public to Bring Hope to next generation

Based on the findings of the study, Hope is a character strength that Hong Kong students urgently need to strengthen now. Therefore, CEF has chosen “Hope” as the theme of “2018 CDHK”, and called for action with its slogan “Bring Hope” , hoping to increase the Hope scores and Happiness of participants.

Attendees said that if the public can work together to bring hope to the next generation, it is possible to increase the low overall mean score for Hope and avoid the decrease of overall mean score for Hope for Senior form students. 

Ms. Christine MA-LAU, Founder and Chairperson of Character Education Foundation; Adjunct Professor (Practice) and Advisor of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of The Education University of Hong Kong suggested three aspects that the society can help to increase the Hope scores of Hong Kong students. First of all, adults should remind students that they can have various kinds of goals. Hong Kong students often have their goals set to have high scores in exams. But the public, educators and parents need to remind them that apart from academic performance, they can also set goals in other areas like hobbies, interpersonal relationships, and cultivating characters. Therefore, even if they may not be able to achieve one goal today, they can still have hope in other goals. Secondly, even for the same goal, students can achieve it through different means. Sometimes when students encounter barriers on the way to their goals, they think it has to be a dead end, and thus they lose hope. But adults should remind them that barriers are actually opportunities for them to open up to other possibilities. They should try to achieve the goal through other ways. Lastly, adults should teach youngsters that past experience can give them confidence to overcome future challenges. Therefore, students should be allowed to do more of what they are capable of doing, so that they can believe that there are things that they can accomplish. When they face other challenges in the future, they can use this confidence to encourage themselves. 

Professor John LEE, Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education cum Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction of The Education University of Hong Kong prompted school sponsoring bodies, schools and educators to build caring environments in schools and implement Character and Values Education. At the same time, implementing systematic Life Education curricula, and strengthening Life Competence of teachers and students can help students to grow in positive life.

Prof LEE also encouraged parents to put children’s character cultivation as a priority, and to learn and support about the development of their children by actively taking part in Character Education and Life Education activities held by schools or organisations. As the study finds that the quality of sleep has a strong correlation with the Hope scores of Hong Kong students, Dr. Esther LAU, Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology of The Education University of Hong Kong; Registered Clinical Psychologist suggested parents to nurture healthy sleep in their children by careful planning of children’s sleep-activity schedule and building an active life-style. Dr. LAU also recommended parental coaching of effective stress management, support of children’s attainment of their own goals, and a loving and calm environment at home, to facilitate the development of hopeful thinking.

About CEF

CEF was founded in 2016 with the mission and vision of seeing Hong Kong as a city that recognizes, values and promotes Character Education and values such as Gratitude and Kindness.

The work of CEF can be divided into three pillars: (1) Advocacy – Holding the annual CDHK; (2) Training – Provide trainings to parents, educators and students about Character Education in forms of workshop and talks; and (3) Resources – Provide free resources of Character Education to the general public of Hong Kong regularly.

About CDHK

CEF introduced the internationally renowned annual “Character Day” to Hong Kong in 2016, which is now moving onto its third year. Each year, CDHK chooses one character strength as the theme, and encourages participants to focus on cultivating the theme character strength all year round. Currently, most participants are schools and organisations. “Gratitude” and “Kindness” were chosen as the themes of the past two years respectively.

For the latest news of CDHK, please visit its official website and Facebook page .

Media enquiry

Please contact 
Miss Vivien LEE
Tel. no.: 3705 8680