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近年,本港自殺個案趨年輕化,讓社會大眾越來越擔憂香港青少年的精神健康。品格教育協會就制訂【2018 香港品格日】的工作方向時,諮詢了香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心,望與社會各界在處理這個問題上共同努力。就此,香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心與品格教育協會分享了其於 2018 年 3 月至 6 月期間,與全港數千名來自 40 間中、小學的學生所進行的一項研究,研究題目為【香港學生的品格特質及美德研究:希望及快樂】

品格教育協會基於研究所得訂定了【2018 香港品格日】的主題,以進一步支援本港教育工作者在建立該品格特質的教育工作,及提供更有效的免費教學資源。品格教育協會將於下星期二聯同香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心舉辦發佈會,公布該研究報告結果,並介紹本屆香港品格日之主題,及預告開幕禮、品格日大使名單等內容。現誠邀 貴機構派員出席,有關詳情如下:


2018 年 6 月 19 日(星期二)


上午 11 時 30 分至下午 1 時正


九龍旺角奶路臣街 38 號麥花臣匯 3 樓 優才發展及交流中心-遊協禮堂


香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心客席教授(實踐)及顧問      劉馬露明女士
品格教育協會董事、香港品格日籌備委員      麥珍莉女士
品格教育協會董事、香港品格日籌備委員      麥嘉珩小姐
香港教育大學宗教教育與心靈教育中心總監及課程與教學講座教授 李子建教授
香港教育大學心理學系助理教授、臨床心理學家    劉月瑩博士



品格教育基金會於 2016 年成立,其使命和願景是將香港推動為一個重視,並願意在品格教育方面投放資源的城市,藉以推廣如感恩、善良等品格特質。


香港品格日以每年一度舉辦的國際盛事品格日為藍本,由品格教育協會於 2016 年引入本港,已踏入第三個年頭。「香港品格日」每年選定一個品格特質作主題。過往兩屆,香港品格日的主題分別為感恩及善良。有關香港品格日的最新資訊,請瀏覽官方網頁 及香港品格日 Facebook 專頁。 
請聯絡︰李慕喬小姐(Vivien)           電話︰3705 8680       電郵



Press Invitation

To: Editors/ Assignment Editors

Press Conference on “Research on Hong Kong Students’ Character Strengths and Virtues” by Character Day Hong Kong

Recently, there has been a growing concern about the mental health of Hong Kong youth due to a trend of suicide cases at younger ages. In the hope that synergised effort can be paid on taking care of current situation, Character Education Foundation (CEF) consults the Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of The Education University of Hong Kong (the Centre) on planning for “2018 Character Day Hong Kong (CDHK)”. The Centre supported CEF by sharing the findings of a research they conducted during March to June 2018, titled “Research on Hong Kong Students’ Character Strengths and Virtues: Hope and Happiness”, which received responses from thousands of students from 40 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. 

CEF has decided on the theme of “2018 CDHK” based on the findings of the research, so as to further assist local educators in cultivating that particular character strength, and to provide more effective free education resources for the coming academic year. To publish the findings of the research, CEF is holding a press conference next Tuesday together with the Centre. On the press conference, CEF will also announce the theme of “2018 CDHK” and reveal details of the kick-off ceremony and the  line-up of ambassadors. You are cordially invited to send representatives to attend and cover the media briefing. Details are as follows:


19 June 2018 (Tuesday) 


11:30am – 1:00pm


Hall, I+Plus Development and Exchange Centre, 3/F, MacPherson Place, 38 Nelson Street, Mongkok, Kowloon.


Mrs. Christine MA-LAU, Founder and Chairperson of Character Education Foundation and Character Day Hong Kong; Adjunct Professor (Practice) and Advisor of The Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education of The Education University of Hong Kong

Ms Virginia MAK, Director of Character Education Foundation; Organising Committee Member of Character Day Hong Kong

Ms Connie MAK, Director of Character Education Foundation; Organising Committee Member of Character Day Hong Kong

Professor John LEE, Director of Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education cum Chair Professor of Curriculum and Instruction of The Education University of Hong Kong

Dr. Esther LAU, Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology of The Education University of Hong Kong; Registered Clinical Psychologist

About Character Education Foundation (CEF)

CEF was founded in 2016 with the mission and vision of seeing Hong Kong as a city that recognises, values and promotes Character Education and values such as Gratitude and Kindness.

About Character Day Hong Kong (CDHK)

CEF introduced the internationally renowned annual “Character Day” to Hong Kong in 2016, which is now moving onto its third year. Each year, CDHK chooses one character strength as the theme. “Gratitude” and “Kindness” were chosen as the themes of the past two years respectively.
For the latest news of CDHK, please visit its official website and Facebook page . 

Media enquiry

Please contact Miss Vivien Lee Tel. no.: 3705 8680     Email:

(You are welcome to inform us of your attendance in advance. Thank you!)