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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                         2017年9月13日

劉馬露明、陳智思、深水埗明哥陳灼明、陳兆焯、梁紀昌、Sally Andersen、魏華星、蔡加讚、孫鍾婉琪            社會與教育界人士
齊撐「2017香港品格日」     選擇善良     全城起動

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

由品格教育協會主辦的「2017香港品格日」以「善良Kindness」為主題,並以「選擇善良」為口號,邀得七位社會名人擔任「香港品格日大使」,包括香港行政會議召集人及全國人大代表陳智思先生,GBS,JP、香港社會創投基金創辦人及社會企業Green Monday聯合創辦人魏華星先生、基督教正生書院校長陳兆焯先生、鮮魚行學校前校長梁紀昌先生、救狗之家創辦人Sally Andersen女士、「深水埗明哥」北河同行始創人陳灼明先生及著名歌手鄭秀文女士為活動拍攝宣傳短片,分享對「善良」的看法,並鼓勵全港學校、機構及團體參加。全球逾40個國家及6,000個組織齊於9月13日為「品格日」舉行各項慶祝活動,而品格教育協會亦於同日假德福廣場舉行「2017香港品格日」啟動禮,多位「香港品格日大使」蒞臨主禮,場面熱鬧。

典禮首先由品格教育協會創會主席劉馬露明教授致歡迎辭,其後,大會頒獎予早前舉辦的「Apps of Kindness 程式設計比賽」的冠軍及雙亞軍得主。其中兩位評審北斗星工作室有限公司董事總經理陳諾彬先生及Outwhiz創辦人及行政總裁關兆安先生,更親臨現場擔任頒獎嘉賓。得獎者獲贈由Makeblock贊助的智能積木機械人、由浩觀贊助的Cocoon Networking Pass,以及由First Code Academy贊助的程式編寫工作坊。而冠軍程式亦由北斗星工作室有限公司贊助開發成為可供公眾使用的「App of Kindness」,於App Store或Play Store下載後,使用者每天會收到一條「每日善舉」的訊息,依照提議完成善舉後,便可記錄於善舉名單上,除了可一覽由自己傳播給他人的善良之外,更可上傳到社交媒體平台,與朋友分享「選擇善良」的樂趣。除此之外,大會亦於臉書設有一個「選擇善良」相框,有興趣人士只需登入臉書照片,選擇「Add Frame」功能,搜尋「Character」,便可找到香港品格日的相框,按「Use」後即可為臉書照片加上「選擇善良」相框,把善良的訊息進一步廣傳。


是日,七位「香港品格日大使」中有六位於百忙中撥冗親臨出席啟動禮。大會首先播放了一段由他們為「2017香港品格日」錄製的宣傳片中萃取精華片段剪輯而成的預告片,讓現場人士先睹為快,隨後更邀請陳智思先生,GBS,JP、魏華星先生、陳兆焯校長、梁紀昌校長、Sally Andersen女士及「深水埗明哥」陳灼明先生上台,各自分享一段別人對他們善良的經歷。

隨後,劉馬露明教授向六位親臨支持啟動禮的品格日大使頒贈紀念品及感謝狀,以表衷誠謝意。眾人其後一同主持簡單而隆重的「2017香港品格日」啟動儀式——把「Choose Kindness」及「Choose Character」的貼紙逐一貼到一幅香港地圖上,地圖隨即亮起,象徵以「善良」燃點香港,讓香港發熱發亮。隨後,品格教育協會的委員包括鍾有榮先生、沈董彥甄女士、麥珍莉女士、李蘇珊女士、許芷茵女士、凌葉麗嬋女士及麥嘉珩女士,以及兩位鉑金贊助人的代表蔡加讚先生和朱靜宜小姐獲邀上台,聯同各主禮嘉賓拍攝大合照,為啟動禮畫上圓滿句號。

品格教育協會創會主席劉馬露明教授表示:「『聰明是一種天賦,善良是一種選擇。』我們非常榮幸,邀請到城中七位『善良』的代表,擔任今年的品格日大使。經過他們的闡述,相信大家對善良會有更深一層的感悟。在此呼籲大家齊齊『選擇善良』,除了歡迎學校、機構及團體參加『2017香港品格日』的活動之外,公眾人士亦請透過下載及使用『App of Kindness』及臉書相框,齊齊將『善良』廣傳。」

品格教育協會誠邀全港學校、機構及團體一同參與「2017香港品格日」。一經報名,將獲發一本「2017香港品格日」手冊,附有各品格日大使的宣傳短片、三條由POPA Channel製作有關「善良」的教育短片、學校的建議活動、課堂大綱及工作紙等。請即登入 填妥網上報名表格,並在2017年9月13日至2018年5月31日期間完成以下步驟:

  1. 一同觀看一段由大會提供、關於「善良」及品格的短片;

    Sally Andersen女士:
    POPA Channel:

  2. 進行一項關於「選擇善良」的活動(例如一同參與傳播「善良」的義工活動、創作以「善良」為題的壁畫、分享自己「選擇善良」的經驗等);
  3. 於2018年5月31日前向品格教育協會提交學校/機構/團體「選擇善良」的活動相片,並完成問卷。


公眾人士亦請透過下載及使用「App of Kindness」及臉書相框,以及密切留意協會的網上社交媒體活動,攜手「選擇善良」!


「品格日」由名為Let It Ripple的組織於2014年在美國發起,由該組織製作的短片《The Science of Character(品格學)》曾在全球逾千個地方播放,當中包括美國國務院。其後Let It Ripple提出了一些題目讓大眾討論,並舉辦了品德教育課程和社交媒體活動。短短兩年間,「品格日」已旋即得到全球逾40個國家及6,000個組織響應。2016年,品格教育協會首辦「香港品格日」,以「感恩」為主題,邀請到七位「香港品格日大使」:港鐵非執行主席馬時亨教授,GBS,JP、香港中文大學校長沈祖堯教授,SBS,JP、民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士,SBS,JP、社會企業Green Monday聯合創辦人楊大偉先生、電影《五個小孩的校長》的真人主角呂麗紅校長、著名演員方力申先生及著名演員林嘉欣小姐,分享對品格培育的理念及有關感恩的經驗和見解,並獲得全港200家學校、機構及團體響應支持,成績斐然。「香港品格日」非常榮幸,獲多家致力推動品格教育的組織鼎力支持,包括:一口田慈善教育基金、JEMS Learning House、香港有品運動、和富社會企業、寰宇希望、香港明愛家庭服務及奧美公關,集眾人力量,攜手將培育品格的重要訊息廣傳。


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如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與品格教育協會代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3131 或電郵至helena@seedland.hk與Ms Helena Hui或致電3583 2397或電郵至joan@seedland.hk與Ms Joan Lai 聯絡。


Press Release (Immediate Release)                                  13th September 2017

Professor Christine Ma-Lau, Bernard Chan, Francis Ngai, Alman Chan, Leung Kee-cheong, Sally Andersen, Chan Cheuk-ming, Karson Choi, Jacqueline Sun, and supporters of character education gather to kick off 2017 Character Day Hong Kong and call upon the public to “Choose Kindness”

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

Featuring the theme “Kindness” with “Choose Kindness” as the slogan, 2017 Character Day Hong Kong is organised by Character Education Foundation with the endorsement of seven ambassadors, including Mr. Bernard Chan, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Hong Kong Deputy to the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder of Social Ventures Hong Kong and Co-founder of Green Monday, Mr. Alman Chan, Principal of Christian Zheng Sheng College, Mr. Leung Kee-cheong, Former Principal of Fresh Fish Traders’ School, Ms Sally Andersen, Founder of Hong Kong Dog Rescue, Mr. Chan Cheuk-ming (a.k.a. Ming Gor), Founder of Pei Ho Counterparts in Sham Shui Po, and renowned singer Ms Sammi Cheng, who share their insights into “Kindness” in a series of short films. Schools, corporations and organisations are cordially invited to participate in the event. More than 40 countries and 6,000 organisations held different celebratory events on 13th September 2017 to mark the occasion, while Character Education Foundation also kicked off 2017 Character Day Hong Kong on the same day.

Guests and attendants arrived at Telford Plaza in good spirit. The ceremony commenced with a welcoming speech by Professor Christine Ma-Lau, Founding Chairman of Character Education Foundation. After that, prizes were presented to the champion and two runner-up teams of the formerly held “Apps of Kindness” Design Competition. Two of the judges, Mr. Andrew Kwan, Founder and CEO of Outwhiz, and Mr. William Chan, Managing Director of Big Dipper Studio Limited, were present at the ceremony to present the prizes, which included robots sponsored by Makeblock, CoCoon Networking Passes sponsored by CoCoon and complimentary AppJamming Workshops sponsored by First Code Academy. Thanks to Big Dipper Studio Limited, the champion App has also been developed to a practical App that is now available on App Store and Play Store. After downloading it, a new challenge will be given each day, in the form of a “Kindness Act for the Day”. Each completed act will be recorded on a checklist and one can view the positive changes he/she has made in others’ lives as time goes by. The message of Kindness can be spread to friends and family by sharing the completed acts of kindness on social media. Moreover, the Character Education Foundation has also created a “Choose Kindness” Facebook frame for individuals to add on to their profile picture. One can click on his/her profile picture on Facebook, choose “add frame” option and search the word “character”, the frame of “Character Day Hong Kong” will be shown. The frame of “Choose Kindness” will be added by pressing “use” and you can join the movement of spreading Kindness.

2017 Character Day Hong Kong is honoured to have received vast support from schools, corporations, organisations and the society. Character Education Foundation has received two platinum sponsorships. Mr. Lo Yuk Sui sent a representative, Ms Jeannie Chu, Group Director of Communications & Public Relations of Century City Holdings Limited, to present a HKD500,000 donation cheque, while Mr. Francis Choi, GBS, sent his son, Mr. Karson Choi, to present a HKD2,000,000 donation cheque to the Foundation. As a token of appreciation, Professor Ma-Lau presented a certificate of appreciation to each donor and sponsor. Mrs. Jacqueline Sun, Director of Kikki.k, received the certificate as the gift sponsor and Telford Plaza was also acknowledged as the venue sponsor of the kick-off event.

The attending guests were then invited to take a glimpse on the ambassador short films by watching a trailer featuring some of the most meaningful clips of the seven short films. Six out of the seven ambassadors, Mr. Bernard Chan, GBS, JP, Mr. Francis Ngai, Mr. Alman Chan, Mr. Leung Kee-cheong, Ms Sally Andersen, and Mr. Chan Cheuk-ming, then took the stage to share their experience of being shown kindness to. Each ambassador was presented a certificate of appreciation and a gift sponsored by Kikki.k by Professor Ma-Lau. After that, they were invited to join Professor Ma-Lau to officiate the kick-off ceremony by sticking “Choose Kindness” and “Choose Character” stickers on a map of Hong Kong. With the lighting up of the map, it symbolises that Hong Kong is lit up with Kindness and the collective effort in promoting character education. Committee Members of the Character Education Foundation, namely Mr. David Chung, Mrs. Elaine Tung Shum, Ms Virginia Mak, Ms Susan Lee, Ms Helena Hui, Mrs. Josephine Ling, Ms Connie Mak, Mr. Karson Choi and Ms Jeannie Chu were then invited on stage to join the officiating party for a group photo, which concluded the ceremony with joy and well wishes.

Professor Christine Ma-Lau, Founding Chairman of Character Education Foundation remarks, “Cleverness is a gift, Kindness is a choice. We are deeply honoured to have invited seven icons of Kindness to be our ambassadors. Their actions and sharing are very inspiring, and I would like to call upon everyone’s support in Choosing Kindness. Apart from having schools, corporations and organisations participating in 2017 Character Day Hong Kong, individuals can now support the cause by downloading and using the ‘App of Kindness’ and Facebook frame. Please join us to Choose Kindness!”

Schools, corporations and organisations are invited to take part in 2017 Character Day Hong Kong by signing up at, and receive a Character Day Handbook that allows access to the ambassadors’ videos, three Kindness videos for adult and children produced by POPA Channel, school activity ideas, lesson plans, worksheets and much more. Participants will be required to complete the following steps within the period of 13th September 2017 to 31st May 2018:

  1. Watch a short video on “Kindness” and Character provided by the Foundation.

    Mr. Alman Chan:
    Mr. Bernard Chan:
    Mr. Chan Cheuk Ming:
    Mr. Francis Ngai:
    Mr. Leung Kee-Cheong:
    Ms Sally Anderson:
    Ms Sammi Cheng:
    POPA Channel:

  2. Choose Kindness through an activity of choice (e.g. volunteering, creating art with the theme “Kindness”, sharing individual experiences of “Choosing Kindness”, etc.).
  3. Submit photos of how your school/corporation/organisation chose kindness and complete a reflection form before 31st May 2018.

Members of the public are invited to Choose Kindness by downloading and using the “App of Kindness” and Facebook frame, and stay tuned to the Foundation’s latest updates by following the Character Hong Kong Facebook Page.


About Character Day Hong Kong
Character Day was initiated by Let It Ripple in America in 2014. The organisation produced a short film The Science of Character, which was broadcast in more than 1,000 places around the world, including the US Department of State. Afterwards, Let It Ripple has been sharing topics for public discussion, as well as organising character education courses and social media events. Within two years, Character Day had received responses from more than 40 countries and over 6,000 organisations. In 2016, Character Education Foundation organised the first Character Day Hong Kong featuring the theme “Gratitude” and invited seven ambassadors: Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Non-executive Chairman of MTR, Prof. Joseph Sung, SBS, JP, Vice Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. David Yeung, Co-founder of Green Monday, Principal Lilian Lui, whose real-life story inspired the film Little Big Master, and renowned actor Mr. Alex Fong and actress Ms Karena Lam to share their insights into gratitude and character building. 2016 Character Day Hong Kong recorded a huge success with the participation of 200 schools, corporations and organisations. It is via shared efforts that the awareness of fostering good character will be further promoted and enhanced, and Character Education Foundation is pleased to join hands with devoted parties and individuals who share the same goal, namely Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation, JEMS Learning House, Hong Kong Character City, Wofoo Social Enterprises, HOPE worldwide, Hong Kong Caritas Family Service and Ogilvy on this cause.

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Character Education Foundation

Media Enquiries:
Ms Helena at 35853 3131 or or Ms Joan Lai at 3583 2397 or
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: