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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                         2017年8月22日

2017香港品格日         選擇善良    全城起動
救狗之家創辦人Sally Andersen及香港社會創投基金創辦人魏華星全力支持

Online version:
Press release and photos: Click Here or Download


去年由品格教育協會首辦的「香港品格日」,獲得社會各界熱烈迴響,以及超過200家學校、機構及團體響應支持。今年繼往開來,「2017香港品格日」定於9月13日隆重揭幕,並以「善良Kindness」為主題、「選擇善良」為口號,邀得七位社會名人擔任「香港品格日大使」,包括:香港行政會議召集人及全國人大代表陳智思先生,GBS,JP、香港社會創投基金創辦人及社會企業Green Monday聯合創辦人魏華星先生、基督教正生書院校長陳兆焯先生、鮮魚行學校前校長梁紀昌先生、救狗之家創辦人Sally Andersen女士、人稱「明哥」的深水埗北河同行始創人陳灼明先生及著名歌手鄭秀文女士,為活動拍攝宣傳短片,分享對「善良」的看法,推動社會大眾一同「選擇善良」。


品格教育協會誠邀全港學校、機構及團體一同參與「2017香港品格日」。一經報名,將可取得連結,下載品格日的一系列推廣物品,包括各品格日大使的宣傳短片、學校的建議活動、課堂大綱及工作紙等,以便推行「2017香港品格日」。有興趣的人士只需登入 填妥網上報名表格,並在2017年9月13日至2018年5月31日期間完成以下步驟:

  1. 出席於2017年9月13日下午4時假德福廣場舉行之揭幕禮;
  2. 一同觀看一段由我們提供、關於「善良」及品格的短片;
  3. 進行一項關於「選擇善良」的活動(例如一同參與傳播「善良」的義工活動、創作以「善良」為題的壁畫、分享自己「選擇善良」的經驗等);
  4. 於2018年5月31日前向品格教育協會提交學校/機構/團體「選擇善良」的活動相片,並完成問卷。




「品格日」由名為Let It Ripple的組織於2014年在美國發起,由該組織製作的短片《The Science of Character(品格學)》曾在全球逾千個地方播放,當中包括美國國務院。此後,Let It Ripple一直提出一些題目讓大眾討論,並舉辦品德教育課程和社交媒體活動。短短兩年間,「品格日」已旋即得到全球逾40個國家及6,000個組織響應。2016年,品格教育協會首辦「香港品格日」,以「感恩」為主題,邀請到七位「香港品格日大使」:港鐵非執行主席馬時亨教授,GBS,JP、香港中文大學校長沈祖堯教授,SBS,JP、民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士,SBS,JP、社會企業Green Monday聯合創辦人楊大偉先生、電影《五個小孩的校長》的真人主角呂麗紅校長、著名演員方力申先生及著名演員林嘉欣小姐,分享對品格培育的理念及有關感恩的經驗和見解,並獲得全港超過200家學校、機構及團體響應支持,成績斐然。「香港品格日」非常榮幸,獲多家致力推動品格教育的組織鼎力支持,包括:一口田慈善教育基金、JEMS Learning House、香港有品運動、和富社會企業、寰宇希望、香港明愛家庭服務及奧美公關,集眾人力量,攜手將培育品格的重要訊息廣傳。


電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵
如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與品格教育協會代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3131 或電郵至helena@seedland.hk與Ms Helena Hui或致電3583 2397或電郵至joan@seedland.hk與Ms Joan Lai 聯絡。


Press Release (For Immediate Release)                  22nd August 2017

Join Convenor of the Executive Council of the HKSAR, Bernard Chan, renowned singer Sammi Cheng, Founder of Pei Ho Counterparts, Chan Cheuk-ming, Principal of Christian Zheng Sheng College, Alman Chan, Former Principal of Fresh Fish Traders’ School, Leung Kee-cheong, Founder of Hong Kong Dog Rescue, Sally Andersen, and Founder of Social Ventures Hong Kong, Francis Ngai, to Choose Kindness and support 2017 Character Day Hong Kong

Online version:
Press release and photos: Click Here or Download



Following the tremendous success of the first Character Day Hong Kong launched last year, receiving the support from over 200 schools, corporations and organizations, Character Education Foundation is delighted to announce that 2017 Character Day Hong Kong will be kicked off on the 13th of September featuring the theme “Kindness” with “Choose Kindness” as the slogan. The Foundation is much honoured to have invited seven ambassadors, including Mr. Bernard Chan, GBS, JP, Convenor of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Hong Kong Deputy to the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, Ms Sammi Cheng, renowned singer, Mr. Chan Cheuk-ming (a.k.a. Ming Gor), Founder of Pei Ho Counterparts in Sham Shui Po; Mr. Alman Chan, Principal of Christian Zheng Sheng College, Mr. Leung Kee-cheong, Former Principal of Fresh Fish Traders’ School, Ms Sally Andersen, Founder of Hong Kong Dog Rescue, and Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder of Social Ventures Hong Kong and Co-founder of Green Monday to endorse the event, share their insights into “Kindness” in a series of short films and call upon the public to “Choose Kindness”.

Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon, once said, “Cleverness is a gift, Kindness is a choice”. Cleverness is something bestowed upon us but kindness is something we each have the power to choose. In small ways or big, we can each choose to act kindly. And when one act of kindness inspires another, we can have a kinder community and city.

Character Education Foundation cordially invites schools and organizations to take part in 2017 Character Day Hong Kong. Participating schools and organizations will receive access to an array of educational resources, including videos of ambassadors, school activity ideas, lesson plans, worksheets and much more, to be able to host Character Day Hong Kong. Interested parties are invited to sign up at and complete the following steps within the period of 13th September 2017 to 31st May 2018:

  1. Attend the kick-off ceremony on 13th September 2017 at 4pm at Telford Plaza
  2. Watch a short video on “Kindness” and Character provided by the organization
  3. Choose Kindness through an activity of choice (e.g. volunteering, creating art with the theme “Kindness”, sharing individual experiences of “Choosing Kindness”, etc.)
  4. Submit photos of how your school/organization chose kindness and complete a reflection form before 31st May 2018.

Members of the public are welcome to keep track of the Foundation’s latest updates on social media sites and join hands in choosing kindness!


About Character Day Hong Kong
Character Day was initiated by Let It Ripple in America in 2014. The organization produced a short film ‘The Science of Character’, which was broadcasted in more than 1,000 places around the world, including the US Department of State. Since then, Let It Ripple has been sharing topics for public discussion, as well as organizing character education courses and social media events. Within two years, Character Day had received responses from more than 40 countries and 6,000 organizations. In 2016, Character Education Foundation organized the first Character Day Hong Kong featuring the theme “Gratitude” and invited seven ambassadors: Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Non-executive Chairman of MTR, Prof. Joseph Sung, SBS, JP, Vice Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. David Yeung, Co-founder of Green Monday, Principal Lilian Lui, whose real-life story inspired the film Little Big Master, and renowned actor Mr. Alex Fong and actress Ms Karena Lam to share their insights into gratitude and character building. 2016 Character Day Hong Kong recorded a huge success with the participation of over 200 schools, corporations and organizations. It is via shared efforts that the awareness of fostering good character will be further promoted and enhanced, and Character Education Foundation is pleased to join hands with devoted parties and individuals who share the same goal, namely Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation, JEMS Learning House, Hong Kong Character City, Wofoo Social Enterprises, HOPE worldwide, Hong Kong Caritas Family Service and Ogilvy on this cause.

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Character Education Foundation

Media Enquiries:
Ms Helena at 35853 3131 or or Ms Joan Lai at 3583 2397 or
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: