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新聞稿                                                                                              2019年5月31日

盡訴心中情基金創辦人白韻琹及謝偉俊見證Pamela Peck Discovery Space啟用

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Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

耀中幼教學院及「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」的盛大開幕典禮於5月31日假耀中幼教學院校園順利舉行,當日由香港特別行政區教育局局長楊潤雄太平紳士、耀中幼教學院校董會主席陳保琼博士、耀中幼教學院校長沈雪明教授等嘉賓一同主持學院的開幕典禮,為學院奠下重要里程碑。此外,「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」幸獲慈善基金「盡訴心中情基金」慷慨捐款支持,令這個全港首創、極具前瞻性、為零至八歲兒童設計的教育設施得以落成及啟用,設施開幕典禮則由基金創辦人白韻琹女士及謝偉俊太平紳士聯同陳保琼博士與楊潤雄局長主持。



  • 英國牛津大學教授兼耀中幼教學院校董會成員Kathy Sylva教授
  • 韓國中央大學教授兼耀中幼教學院校董會成員李元寧教授
  • 北京師範大學馮曉霞教授
  • 韓國德成女子大學教授兼耀中幼教學院幼教顧問團隊成員李映秄教授
  • 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校教育系(特殊教育)榮休教授兼耀中幼教學院幼兒教育榮譽學士學位課程發展顧問Susan Fowler教授
  • 南澳大學幼兒教育榮休教授兼耀中幼教學院評審委員會成員Marjory Ebbeck教授

耀中幼教學院校董會主席陳保琼博士致歡迎辭時表示:「今天耀中幼教學院及『Pamela Peck Discovery Space』正式開幕,這對耀中以至香港而言都是歷史性里程碑。我期望未來在這個學園之內將會聽到很多『Wow』,而這些『Wow』正正是來自幼兒、老師、父母、祖父母、家傭以及其他體驗到探索及發掘的喜悅的人,如此便證明大家都體驗到幼兒教育及遊戲中學習的真正威力,明白到人工智能永遠無法取代專業的幼兒教育工作者!今天我們為耀中創造歷史,更加讓耀中幼教學院名留青史。」

香港特別行政區教育局局長楊潤雄太平紳士致辭時表示:「耀中教育機構旗下的耀中幼教學院是香港專門提供幼兒教育培訓的高等教育院校之一,擔任着推廣幼兒教育的及提升本地兒童全面發展的重要角色。我十分期待迎接擁有專業知識、抱有教學熱誠及關心學生的耀中幼教學院畢業生進加入教育界,為社會栽培聰明與快樂成長的學生。今天『Pamela Peck Discovery Space』亦正式開幕,我由衷感激耀中教育機構成立這個設施,不僅推廣優質幼兒教育,亦對社會作出莫大貢獻。」

學院開幕儀式後,司儀邀請「盡訴心中情基金」創辦人白韻琹女士及謝偉俊太平紳士到台上,聯同陳保琼博士及楊潤雄局長主持「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」的開幕儀式,標誌着這個社區設施順利落成啟用,為香港幼兒教育打開全新一片天。

耀中幼教發展中心總監Nicky Weir女士其後向眾出席嘉賓介紹「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」:「有賴『盡訴心中情基金』創辦人白韻琹女士及謝偉俊先生的慷慨捐款,極具前瞻性的『Pamela Peck Discovery Space』得以落成。由專業團隊設計的『Pamela Peck Discovery Space』根據嬰幼兒以至小學階段兒童的發展需要打造,為他們提供一個理想、饒富挑戰性、啟發潛能,並貫徹遊戲中學習教學理念的設施。」

最後,耀中幼教學院校長沈雪明教授向出席嘉賓表達衷心謝意,為台上的儀式畫上圓滿句號:「今天是耀中幼教學院及『Pamela Peck Discovery Space』的開幕典禮,我謹代表學院由衷感謝政府對我們的信任,讓學院成為全港及全亞洲首間專門培育幼教專才的學院。另外亦十分感激各慈善基金與善長的慷慨捐款,鼓勵學生們提升專業知識。最後,我希望藉此機會感謝校董會成員的建議、指導以及全方位的支持,讓我們延續耀中87年的輝煌歷史,繼續成為亞洲首屈一指的幼兒教育機構。」


而學院附設的「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」從設計至落成歷時約兩年,設施參考南韓、新加坡以及澳洲等多個幼兒教學設施的元素,由專業設計師團隊設計,並採納國際與本地特殊教育與嬰幼兒教育專家的意見建造而成。室外的互動花園讓小朋友可從攀爬設施上看到與別不同的景色,或於沙池自由創造全新事物或充當小小考古學家,或於探索區域戲水,上第一課的數學與科學課……設施除了訓練小朋友的體能,更讓他們體驗大自然中不同的質感和紋理。室內則設有多個主題區,讓小朋友盡情發展才能與興趣,包括香港仔特色帆船造型的攀爬設施、飾有竹棚的工地角落、用於角色扮演的專業工作間,地鐵造型的駕駛艙與車廂、讓孩子展現戲劇才能的小舞台,更設有樂器牆讓小朋友演奏樂章,在小空間內發揮無窮想像力。


有關耀中幼教學院 YCCECE 
耀中幼教學院(YCCECE)成立於2018年6月,前身為耀中社區書院,由非牟利團體耀中教育機構於2008年成立。社區書院的成功升格,不僅鼓舞了盡心盡力培育幼師的教職員,更印證着耀中超過87年來致力推廣優質幼兒教育的豐碩成果。耀中幼教學院旨在培養充滿熱情和勇於創新的幼兒教育者,並盼他們不斷改進、尋求突破,引領業界跨越新領域,務求成為香港,以至亞太地區的幼兒教育樞紐。耀中幼教學院由本地及國際幼教專家掌舵,並配備多元文化及聞名國際的教學團隊。耀中幼教學院提供多元文化及全英語學習環境,以配合來自不同社經文化背景的本地和海外學生的教育需求,培育具備國際視野的幼兒教育專才。耀中幼教學院開辦幼兒教育榮譽學士學位、幼兒教育高級文憑課程以及幼兒學文憑課程。耀中幼教學院更竭誠為社區服務,並樂於與幼教界人士、家長與照顧者合作,並為幼教理念提供良好的實踐空間。因此,學院成立了耀中幼教發展中心(YCECDC),為幼兒教育從業者、家長及與照顧幼兒的人士提供各項持續專業發展課程。「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」是耀中幼教發展中心的旗艦項目,於2019年6月正式啟用,為來自不同階層的零至八歲兒童及其家長或其照顧者提供具啓發性的多元探索空間,讓成年人與孩子快樂地體驗遊戲中學習。

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Press release                                                                                          31st May 2019

Secretary for Education, Mr. Kevin Yeung, joined Chairperson of the Board of Governors of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, Dr. Betty Chan, for the College’s Inauguration Ceremony. Mr. Yeung and Dr. Chan were also later joined by Founders of the “Heart to Heart Foundation, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse, in officiating the Grand Opening of the “Pamela Peck Discovery Space”, marking a new chapter in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

The Inauguration Ceremony of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) concluded successfully on 31st May with Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, Secretary for Education, HKSAR as the officiating guest. On the same day, the Grand Opening of the “Pamela Peck Discovery Space” on the ground floor of YCCECE was also officiated by the Founders of the “Heart to Heart Foundation”, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse, JP, whose generous gift enabled the creation of this innovative play space for children from birth to age 8, the first of its kind in Hong Kong. 

YCCECE Board of Governors, Council, Faculty, Students, Alumni, Donors and Friends of the College, as well as members of the media all gathered at this momentous event to witness the unveiling of a new era of ECE in Hong Kong.

The many illustrious guests from overseas included esteemed ECE educators, scholars, movers and shakers of the global education sector, including –

  • Prof. Kathy Sylva, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Oxford and Member of YCCECE Board of Governors;
  • Prof. Won Young Rhee, Professor Emeritus of Chung-Ang University, and Member of YCCECE Board of Governors;
  • Prof. Feng Xiaoxia, Professor of Beijing Normal University;
  • Prof. Young-Ja Lee, Professor of Duksung Woman’s University and Member of External Advisory Committee of YCCECE;
  • Prof. Susan Fowler, Professor Emeritus (Special Education) at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and YCCECE Degree Programme Developer;
  • Prof. Marjory Ebbeck, Professor Emeritus of Early Childhood Education, University of South Australia, and YCCECE Internal Validation Panel Member.

Dr. Betty Chan, Chairperson of YCCECE Board of Governors, remarked in her welcome speech, “As we officially inaugurate YCCECE and launch the ‘Pamela Peck Discovery Space’, I pray that this campus will witness many “Wow’s” from children, teachers, parents, grandparents, domestic helpers and countless others who experience the joys of exploration and discovery, and truly realize the power of Early Childhood Education and Learning through Play, and the importance of the ECE professionals who can never be replaced by Artificial Intelligence! This is the legacy of Yew Chung; this is the legacy of YCCECE.”

Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, Secretary for Education, HKSAR, remarked in his speech, “As one of Hong Kong’s specialist institutions in early childhood education, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, sponsored by Yew Chung Education Foundation, plays a significant role in promoting kindergarten education and hence the development of our children. I am looking forward to welcoming knowledgeable, passionate and caring graduates from Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education to join our teaching force in the years ahead.  They will surely make our kindergartens a garden full of bright and happy children. Today also marks the grand opening of the ‘Pamela Peck Discovery Space’.  May I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Yew Chung Education Foundation for developing such a wonderful place for promoting good practices in Early Childhood Education and for the benefit of our future generations.”

After the Inauguration of the College, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse, JP, Founders of “Heart to Heart Foundation”, were invited on stage to join Dr. Betty Chan and Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, to officiate the Grand Opening of “Pamela Peck Discovery Space”.

Ms. Nicky Weir, Centre Director of Yew Chung Early Childhood Development Centre, later took the stage to conduct a brief introduction on the facility, “We would not be here today without the generosity of the ‘Heart to Heart Foundation’, Mr. Paul Tse and Ms. Pamela Peck, who shared in our dreams and enabled the creation of this innovative vision. The ‘Pamela Peck Discovery Space’ has been specifically and expertly designed to accommodate early childhood development from infants and toddlers through to early primary years, ensuring that children within this age range would find a desirable, challenging, stimulating, and learning-though-play home.”

The ceremony was concluded with notes of appreciation by Prof. Shen Shir Ming, President of YCCECE, “Today marks the Inauguration of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education and the Grand Opening of ‘Pamela Peck Discovery Space’. I would also like to take this opportunity to express our utmost gratitude and appreciation for the Government’s support, entrusting Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education to be the first degree-awarding institution in Hong Kong, and even Asia, to specialise in Early Childhood Education. Thanks to the generous donors and charitable foundations for helping our students excel in their studies, and the Board of Governors for providing us with insightful advices and guidance on all levels, leading us to strive for the pinnacle and remain as the pioneer in the ECE universe for over 87 years.”

YCCECE offers different levels of ECE programmes, including Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (DECS), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE) and Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE). With unique curricula and scholarships available for students from all walks of life, the College is devoted to cultivating future ECE professional elites. Meeting the latest trends and needs of society, the College’s flagship Bachelor’s degree programme is now offering new concentrations in Special Education Needs (SEN), and concentration in Infant & Toddler Education (InTod), which is yet another ground-breaking development in Hong Kong.

The on-campus facility, “Pamela Peck Discovery Space”, took YCCECE almost two years to design and construct, taking inspiration from South Korea, Singapore, and Australia, and seeking advice from many international and local ECE experts, including those from Special Education, Infant and Toddler Education, as well as professional artists. The outdoor area of the hub boasts an interactive garden where children can experience the nuances and textures of the natural world, see the world from different perspectives while playing on the climbing frame or wall, create a whole new city in the sand box or have a taste of archaeology, or learn about mathematics and science in the water exploration area. The indoor section offers a space where children can discover and develop their talents and interests. From the Aberdeen-inspired Junk Boat climbing frame, the Bamboo frame construction corner, the thematic role-play room, the MTR area with panels and a passenger car, the mini theatre where children can showcase their dramatic talents, to the instrumental wall that caters for musical creativity and performance, the possibilities are endless.


Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE), a registered non-profit institution, was established in June 2018. It builds on the former Yew Chung Community College (YCCC), which was started in 2008 by the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF), also a non-profit organization. The success of the YCCECE is founded on the impressive track record of YCCC and YCEF’s more-than 87 years of experience in Early Childhood Education (ECE). YCCECE aims to nurture passionate and innovative early childhood educators who can advocate for and bring about improvement in the field, and seeks to be recognised in Hong Kong and in the Asia-Pacific region as an ECE hub for its excellence. YCCECE boasts an impressive team of world-renowned ECE academics and local ECE leaders as advisors and consultants.  Its teaching faculty hails from around the world, providing a wealth of international perspectives and expertise.  Its student body is also multi-cultural and from diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. YCCECE offers Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (DECS). YCCECE is also committed to serving the wider community and sharing good practices with all who work with, care for, or care about young children. Thus, the College has established Yew Chung Early Childhood Development Centre (YCECDC) to provide Continuing Professional Development programmes for ECE practitioners, parents and caregivers. “Pamela Peck Discovery Space” in its Aberdeen campus is the flagship programme of YCECDC, with an interactive play space specifically designed for children aged 0 to 8 years old.  Through expert facilitation by Discovery Space staff, children and adults will joyfully learn through play. This innovative play space in the Aberdeen campus will be open to the public in June 2019.

Released by Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education

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Ms. Helena Hui (9534 0813 /
Ms. Anne Fung (6698 2252 /