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新聞稿                                                                                            2019年1月11日


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「善養」計劃始於澳洲心理學家顧樂本先生(Robin Grille)薈萃15年研究成果撰寫而成的教養書《善養小童成大同》(Parenting for a Peaceful World),希望透過家長教育、培訓活動及互動手機程式,拓闊香港父母在親職教養觀念上的視野,啟發他們在養育下一代的過程中不斷反思,繼而以不同角度了解「善養」的深層意義,並達致書中提出「改變童年就是改變世界」的理念。



原著Parenting for a Peaceful World作者Robin Grille,歷十五年鑽研及撰寫,從心理學、人類學、歷史心理學、腦神經科學、生物化學等等,闡釋孩童情緒健康的重要性,以及人類教養方式跟社會弊病與世界主要事件的重大關係。





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何善韻博士(Dr. Bianca HO)是一位註冊輔導心理學家,曾於大學輔導及心理學系全職任教十年,專長處理兒童及家長個案,更培訓及督導不少輔導員,輔導心理學家、社工及相關專業。何博士育有三位孩子,相信以「親密關係-遊戲為本」(Attachment-Play-Based-Parenting)作為親職教養方針,可以為孩子建立一個有安全感的童年,為他們日後的人生奠下無可取代的基石。她亦親自教授父母學習如何透過持續並有意識的反思練習,成為自己孩子的心理專家。

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Press Release                                                                                11th January 2019

Parenting for a Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood kicked off with an opening ceremony and parenting talk by Dr. Bianca Ho, showcasing the brand-new parenting app

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

With headlines like cases of children under the age of two abused soars for 125%, students suffer from depression, and parents and children fail to bond, parenting has become the talk of the city. To promote to the public the importance of parents’ emotional connection with their children, parents-initiated charity EDiversity, supported by Core Partner & Funder, The D. H. Chen Foundation, presents “Parenting for a Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood” (PFPW) parenting programme with a kick-off talk-cum-ceremony on 6th January 2019 themed “Ten Connections in Parenting that Helps Build a Connected Childhood”.

(Left) Inspired by Parenting for a Peaceful World, Mr. Marco Wong, Founder and Director of Life Inspire, gave a one-year maternity leave to an employee so she can better bond with her child.
(Right) Ms Michell Huang, Co-founder of EDiversity suggested that the whole society is responsible for fostering our children. Instead of bearing the responsibility all by themselves, parents should seek assistance timely if needed.

Dr. Bianca Ho remarked, “To parent for a peaceful world, parents need to take into consideration the ‘when, where and who’. They have to be sensible, thoughtful, resourceful, resilient, and studious so they can make an informed decision in every connection. Parents will repeatedly and continuously reflect on their childhood experience while interacting with their child and thus transform their own childhood experience into the parenting direction that guides how they bring up their children.”

In the event, Dr. Bianca Ho also showcased the programme’s recently developed parenting app to the audience. Interested parties can search with the keyword “Parenting for a Peaceful World” and download the app on their mobile phones. Registered users will receive regular information and reminders on parenting, they can also save points to redeem gifts including books and tickets for talks in the future.

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(Left) The lighting of heart with candles represented the passing on of the torch in building a peaceful environment for our future generations.
(Right) (Back row from left) Mr. Marco Wong, Founder and Director of Life Inspire, Mr. Mac Chan, Director of EDiversity, Ms Wyn Chan, Assistant Project Manager of The D. H. Chen Foundation,  Professor Stephen Chiu, Chair Professor in Sociology of The Education University of Hong Kong, Ms Cam Cheung, Co-founder of EDiversity, Mr. Dennis Wu, Committee Member of EDiversity, Ms Ruby Yong, Senior Project Manager of The D. H. Chen Foundation,  renowned picture book author Ms Wendy Wan, Ms Vivian Cheung, Committee Member of EDiversity, and Project Manager Ms Hiro Kwok.
(Front row from left) Ms Rita Ching, Founder of Above & Beyond Education, Parent Ms Rachel Yim, Ms Doreen Ho, Co-founder of EDiversity, Project Consultant Dr. Bianca Ho, Ms Karen Chow and Ms Michell Huang, Co-founders of EDiversity.


Over 200 parents, mental health practitioners, social workers, educators, and those who care about our children’s future participated in the opening ceremony cum parenting talk held on 6th January 2019 at the Auditorium of Christian Family Service Centre.


“Parenting for a Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood” (PFPW) is a parenting programme based on the parenting bestseller: Parenting for a Peaceful World by Australian psychologist Mr. Robin Grille, who persuasively demonstrated how “change childhood and we change the world” with 15 years of research and writing condensed into one single book. The programme promotes a collective shift in parenting culture. It sees parenting as a social responsibility to build a harmonious and sustainable society through nurturing the emotional health of children. The campaign targets to broaden the horizon of Hong Kong parents on parenting through various activities such as public talks, parenting workshops and an interactive app, which would inspire them to reflect on their parenting belief, and bring them closer to their children’s emotional needs.

In her talk, Ten Connections in Parenting that Helps Build a Connected Childhood, Dr. Bianca Ho developed on the Ten Connections – connecting with child, oneself, one’s partner, other caregivers, the family, the kin, the neighbourhood, the community, the society, and the world. She also raised a series of questions in the interactive session, encouraging the audience to reflect on their parenting belief.

A series of activities will be held in the future to further promote PFPW, including Australian psychologistand author of Parenting for a Peaceful World, Mr. Robin Grille’s visit to Hong Kong in October and parents workshop starting 2019. Parents, mental health practitioners, social workers, educators, and those who care about our children’s future are cordially invited to participate in the activities. For details, please stay tuned to the programme’s official website, Facebook page and official app.

About Parenting for a Peaceful World
The book explains the importance of children’s emotional health and the relationship between parenting and social maladies and major world events from psychological, anthropological, psychohistorical, neuroscience, and biochemistry perspectives. Aspired to make this parenting classic available to Chinese readers, EDiversity crowdfunded and spent two years translating it into Chinese. Local artist Carrie Chau kindly volunteered to paint for the book cover. The Chinese version was published in December 2017 in Hong Kong. Over 3,000 books have been sold to date.


Official website of Parenting for a Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood:

Official Facebook page of Parenting for a Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood:善養小童成大同-Parenting-For-a-Peaceful-World-670489693300022/

Download Parenting for a Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood App:
App Store善養小童成大同/id1445651308?mt=8
Google Play Store

Project Team
The D. H. Chen Foundation
The D. H. Chen Foundation was established in 1970 by Dr. Din-hwa Chen, a visionary, compassionate and self-effacing philanthropist who was also a devout Buddhist. Over the years, the Foundation has supported numerous charitable projects in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other parts of the world with significant results. Today, the Foundation continues to be driven by Dr. Chen’s vision to steer innovative, impactful and sustainable initiatives in Education, Medical Research & Healthcare, as well as Promotion of Buddhist Values, creating positive change in society.

Established in 2014, EDiveristy is a parents-initiated charity that promotes choices in education based on respecting children’s needs and differences. Through organising conferences, educational programmes and book publishing, EDiversity calls for a collective rethinking of education by showcasing different possibilities outside of the examination narrative.

Project Consultant
Dr. Bianca Ho, a registered counselling psychologist of Hong Kong Psychological Society, had taught counselling and psychology in university for 10 years, helped trained counsellors, counselling psychologists, social workers, and other mental health practitioners. She believes that through reflection and learning, parents can be the psychology expert of their own children. A mother of three, she adopts Attachment-Play-Based-Parenting, which she believes will help children build a childhood with a sense of security, hence laying an irreplaceable foundation for their future.

Released by Seedland International Limited
On behalf of A Peaceful World – Together We Build a Connected Childhood

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Ms Anne Fung (+852 3583 3300 /