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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                                  2024年3月4日

聯同藝術家、自然教育工作者及心理學家推出「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」
通過別開生面的自然共融工作坊及大型沉浸式劇場節  重建兒童心靈健康與價值

Online Version:
Press Release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive)

兒童精神健康備受各方關注,而實證研究指出,兒童多與大自然接觸,對其行為、情緒、人際關係皆有裨益。為重建兒童的心靈健康和價值,由資深舞台藝術家甄詠蓓發起的童迷香港藝術計劃「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」獲藝能發展資助計劃資助,並獲嘉道理農場暨植物園擔任生態教育及場地伙伴,推動「大地藝術 x 環境友善 x 沉浸式劇場」概念,以大自然為經、藝術為緯,伙拍藝術家、自然教育工作者及心理學家,為6至12歲兒童提供橫跨一年半、涵蓋「自然律動」、「環境劇場」、「自然手作」及「環境音樂」不同主題的免費工作坊,並於2024年12月舉行全港首個與大自然共融的大型沉浸式劇場節,以前所未有的方式支援及提升兒童精神健康。為隆重其事,大會於3月1日取址素食餐廳OVO Cafe舉行啟動禮暨媒體發布會,由甄詠蓓女士聯同一眾合作伙伴及贊助機構代表攜手宣布計劃正式展開,出席嘉賓包括文化體育及旅遊局藝術發展諮詢委員會委員謝貫珩女士、康樂及文化事務署助理署長(文化發展)區玉芳女士、香港藝術發展局行政總裁周蕙心女士、香港工業總會香港設計委員會主席及第31分組(設計)主席張益麟先生,MH、香港社會服務聯會總主任(兒童及青少年)姚潔玲女士、香港大學助理敎授及臨床心理學家黃蔚澄博士,以及一眾擁有相同理念的教育界人士、社福界友好及商界精英,齊證盛事,場面熱鬧。

為貫徹「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」的環保低碳主題,大會特別選用充滿園林氣息的素食餐廳OVO Cafe作為活動場地。活動開始時,先由童迷香港藝術計劃創辦人及「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」藝術總監甄詠蓓女士介紹計劃理念及內容,其後由計劃的生態教育及場地伙伴嘉道理農場暨植物園多元整體教育部主管胡琇然女士致辭。隨後,大會邀請兩位及其他嘉賓上台拍攝合照,包括親臨見證啟動禮的文化體育及旅遊局藝術發展諮詢委員會委員謝貫珩女士,以及康樂及文化事務署助理署長(文化發展)區玉芳女士 ;嘉道理農場暨植物園傳訊及夥伴拓展部主管黎詠媛女士,以及攜手策劃及主持各自然藝術工作坊的自然與藝術伙伴,包括主持「自然律動」工作坊的表演藝術工作者、撃鼓導師及頌缽導師李子建先生與自然教育工作者及自然脈絡創辦人莫皓光先生、主持「環境劇場」工作坊的劇場及戲劇教育工作者洪節華女士、主持「環境音樂」工作坊的自然教育工作者及Project Crow創辦人關朗曦先生、擔任劇場節執行導演的劇場工作者林芷沿先生。緊接其後,計劃團隊的主要成員亦逐一上台,包括專業指導及臨床心理學家何念慈女士、藝術總監梁菲倚女士、執行總監呂家祺先生、視覺總監黃琪女士,以及課程總監梁菀尹女士,大合照陣容鼎盛,象徵「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」強勢啟動。

「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」由一個以神鳥Simurgh為主題的古老傳說貫穿整個項目。大合照過後,梁菀尹女士以一場別開生面的互動演出,率先向在場嘉賓娓娓道出這個引人入勝的主題故事,而觀眾則以現場派發的樹枝為道具,參與其中。現場奏起充滿神秘感的音樂,雀鳥戲偶翩翩起舞,全場觀眾利用手中的道具一起幫助受傷的神鳥復原和再次高飛,親身感受融合大自然元素的沉浸式劇場體驗,為活動畫上完美句號。

童迷香港藝術計劃創辦人及「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」藝術總監甄詠蓓女士表示:「學童自殺個案數字不斷攀升,情況令人心痛。實證研究指出,城市人往往因為缺乏接觸大自然,而出現『大自然缺失症』的現象,影響身心及精神健康。有見及此,童迷香港藝術計劃聯同藝術家、自然教育工作者及心理學家,特別為香港的小朋友打造全港首個集精神健康、表演藝術與大自然元素於一身的大型藝術活動。童迷香港藝術計劃『動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛』貫徹我們以表演藝術為橋樑,關心兒童精神健康的宗旨,通過帶領兒童參與一系列結合自然與藝術的活動,包括於本年底取址嘉道理農場暨植物園舉行的全港首個大型沉浸式劇場節,喚醒兒童對自然、生命以及環境的感知,重建心靈健康和快樂。此外,作為藝術界中推動可持續發展的先鋒者,我們以環保減碳、減少浪費作為計劃的創作宗旨,希望讓積極參與可持續發展的做法成為藝術界的常態。」

嘉道理農場暨植物園多元整體教育部主管胡琇然女士表示:「嘉道理農場暨植物園一直致力透過多元化教育及物種保育工作,推動人類與自然環境重新聯繫,和諧共處。我們深信大自然能夠強化人們的內在力量,對『動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛』通過結合自然與藝術,讓兒童遠離『大自然缺失症』的理念深表認同,非常高興有機會擔任這個計劃的生態教育及場地伙伴,引領兒童走進自然環境,盡情探索,同時以前所未有的方式親近大自然,提升身心健康。」


「動戲大地藝術節  再翅飛飛」贊助機構及合作伙伴
自然教育伙伴:生活Seeds Lab、自然脈絡、嗚鴉自然教室
視覺藝術及創意伙伴:Fashion Clinic Hong Kong
製作伙伴:Old Pal Studio


本組織源起為甄詠蓓戲劇工作室的一個專為年青人和兒童策劃的藝術項目《童迷香港藝術計劃Lost Child Project HK》,其後於2022年正式註冊為慈善團體,矢志更專注發展藝術對年青人及社會的影響和改變。

始於2018年,香港劇場資深創作人甄詠蓓,眼見當下青少年和兒童自殺個案問題嚴重,主動邀請國際形體劇場導演及教育家David Glass,以其於1996年創辦、曾在超過22個國家進行、並為聯合國領袖訓練而設計的Lost Child Project創意培訓為藍本,與甄詠蓓戲劇工作室共同策劃「Lost Child Project in HK」,以表演藝術為橋樑,關懷年青人和兒童的精神健康,重建他們的心靈價值和快樂為目標。

2020年得到大館全力支持一同策劃《動戲 · 童迷香港藝術計劃ÉLAN Lost Child Project HK》,集合藝術界、社福界、教育界等專業人士與社區協作,結合藝術和心理防治,共策劃了15個不同藝術項目,在疫情下排除萬難,成為香港首個結合線上線下的大型藝術活動。此計劃成功帶出核心理念:藝術不在解決問題,而是玩轉問題(We do not solve problems, We play problems),更獲得「2021香港藝術發展獎——藝術推廣獎」。

2022年與大館繼續合作,舉辦第二屆《動戲 ··童迷香港藝術計劃ÉLAN Lost Child Project HK》,主題是『YES AND!...』,共策劃了16個不同藝術項目,讓創意導航,擺脫消極和悲觀情緒,重建年青人以至每個Lost Child的信心和希望,讓失焦的世代重燃希望。


查詢詳情或索取照片,歡迎致電6973 1950或電郵至 與Ms Wendy Shiu聯絡。

代行:Seedland International Limited
電話:3583 3100             
傳真:3583 1331


Press Release (For immediate release)                                             4th March, 2024

Renowned theatre artist and Founder of Lost Child Project Hong Kong Olivia Yan joins hands with artists, nature education experts and mental health experts to launch “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”, aiming to enhance mental health and proper values for children through creative workshops and a groundbreaking, mega immersive theatre festival featuring nature elements

Online Version:
Press Release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive)

While the mental health of children has been raising alarming concerns in Hong Kong, evidence-based research indicates that connecting with nature is beneficial to children’s behaviours, emotions and interpersonal relationships. Lost Child Project Hong Kong, founded by renowned theatre artist Olivia Yan, joins hands with artists, nature education experts and mental health experts to launch “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”, a one-and-a-half-year programme supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (ACDFS), with Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden as Ecological Education & Venue Partner. The unprecedented, creative programme aims to enhance mental health and proper values for children by bringing “Earth Art x Environmental Friendliness x Immersive Theatre” to life via free nature and art workshops designed for children aged 6 to 12, featuring the themes of “Natural Rhythms”, “Environmental Theatre”, “Nature Craft” and “Environmental Music”, followed by a groundbreaking, mega environmental immersive theatre festival in December 2024. A kick-off event cum press conference was held on 1st March at OVO Cafe, in which Ms Olivia Yan joined hands with sponsors and partners to announce the launch of “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”. The event was graced with the presence of a full house of prestigious guests including Ms Ada Tse, Member of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development (ACAD) of Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Ms Betty Au, Assistant Director (Cultural Development) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Ms Winsome Chow, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Mr Alan Cheung, MH, Chairman of Design Council Hong Kong and Chairman of Group 31 (Design) of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Ms Karen Yiu, Chief Officer (Children & Youth Service) of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Dr Paul Wong, Associate Professor of The University of Hong Kong and Clinical Psychologist, and movers and shakers from the education, social welfare and business sectors who share the same vision.

Manifesting the eco-friendly philosophy of minimising carbon footprint, the vegetarian OVO Cafe featuring garden decorations is an ideal venue for the kick-off. Ms Olivia Yan, Founder of Lost Child Project Hong Kong and Artistic Director of “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”, took the stage to deliver an in-depth introduction on the philosophy and content of “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”, followed by a speech by Ms Josephine Woo, Head of Holistic Education Department of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, the Ecological Education & Venue Partner. They were then joined on stage by Ms Ada Tse, Member of the Advisory Committee on Arts Development (ACAD) of Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Ms Betty Au, Assistant Director (Cultural Development) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and Ms Maria Lai, Head of Communication and Partnerships Department of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, all staunch supporters of the programme. Then, the nature and art partners were invited on stage, including the creators and hosts of the “Natural Rhythms” workshops Mr Kiin Lee, performing artist, drumming and singing bowl instructor, and Mr Mok Ho Kwong, nature educator and Founder of Natural Network; creator and host of the “Environmental Theatre” workshops Ms Wahwah Hung, theatre artist and educator; creator and host of the “Environmental Music” workshops Mr Matthew Kwan, nature educator and Founder of Project Crow; and Mr Lam Tze Yuen, theatre artist and Executive Director of the theatre festival. Afterwards, they were joined by the core team members of “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”, including Ms Annie Ho, Professional Advisor and clinical psychologist, Ms Faye Leong, Artistic Director, Mr David Lui, Executive Director, Ms Kay Wong, Visual Director, and Ms Virginia Leung, Curriculum Director, for a dynamic group photo.

Ms Virginia Leung then took the stage to debut the theme story of “Regain The Lost Wings” via an interactive performance. The fascinating legend about the divine bird Simurgh was brought to life via a bird puppet dancing along captivating live music. Using branches as props, the audience were invited to play a part in the intriguing story to help the injured bird recover and fly again, marking a perfect finale to the kick-off event with a glimpse of an immersive theatre experience featuring nature elements.

Ms Olivia Yan, Founder of Lost Child Project Hong Kong and Artistic Director of “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”, remarked, “The rocketing suicide rates among children require our immediate attention and action. Evidence-based research has pointed out that mental health crisis can be caused by the lack of exposure to natural surroundings, resulting in ‘nature deficit disorder’. To offer a solution to such concern, Lost Child Project Hong Kong has brought artists, nature education experts and mental health experts together to create and present ‘ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings’, a groundbreaking, artistic journey for children in Hong Kong, incorporating mental health, performance arts and nature elements. Through a range of nature and art workshops, as well as a groundbreaking, mega environmental immersive theatre festival held at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden later this year, the programme aims to enhance mental well-being and happiness of children, and restore their sensitivity to nature, life and the environment. With a pioneering role in promoting sustainability within the art community, we adopt the core principles of reducing carbon footprints and waste during the art creation process, aiming to make sustainable practices the norm in the art industry.”

Ms Josephine Woo, Head of Holistic Education Department of Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, remarked, “Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden has been dedicated to promoting the connection between human and nature through various education and conservation efforts. With our steadfast belief in the power of nature to enhance the inner strength of people, we share the same philosophy as ‘ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings’ in preventing ‘nature deficit disorder’ through creative activities that bring nature and art together. It is our pleasure to be the Ecological Education & Venue Partner of this groundbreaking programme, in which children will have a chance to enjoy and explore the natural environment, and hence enhance their physical and mental well-being.”

Synopsis of Theme Story of “Regain the Lost Wings”
In an ancient legend, the divine birds originated from the centre of the ocean are the guardians of Earth. Every 12 full moons of 50 years, they emerge to bring colours to all living things on the planet. However, due to the wars brought by greed and avarice, the divine birds have fallen one by one, leaving only Simurgh, barely clinging to life. Sunya, a child of the bird tribe who helped Simurgh, has received a feather with a magic power to restore everything from the divine bird as a gift. When the greedy wolf-like tribe discovered this, they hunt for Simurgh to get its feathers. To protect and awaken Simurgh, Sunya is in a race against time to collect four different powers from four elders, which can help the divine bird recover and fly again to bring colours to the world!

Sponsors and partners of “ÉLAN Eartheatre – Regain The Lost Wings”
Project Grant: The Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Ecological Education & Venue Partner: Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
Nature & Art Partners: Olga Chung, Matthew Kwan, Mok Ho Kwong, Kiin Lee, Chen Ying Ching, Yip Wai Bun, Wahwah Hung, Jenny Li, Lam Tze Yuen
Nature Education Partners: Sangwood Seeds Lab, Natural Network, Project Crow
Professional Advisor: Annie Ho
Visual Art & Creative Partner: Fashion Clinic Hong Kong
Production Partner: Old Pal Studio
Marketing & Promotion Partner: Seedland International Limited

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

About Lost Child Project Hong Kong
Originated as an artistic project curated for young people and children by O Theatre Workshop founded by seasoned theatre artist Olivia Yan, Lost Child Project Hong Kong was officially registered as a charitable organisation in 2022, aiming to promote art to bring impact and transformation to society and young people.

In 2018, moved by the alarming youth and children suicide rates, Olivia Yan invited internationally renowned physical theatre director and educator David Glass to collaboratively launch the “Lost Child Project in HK” initiative. Drawing inspiration from the Lost Child Project, designed by David Glass in 1996, implemented in over 22 countries and utilised in United Nations leadership training, the initiative uses performing arts as a tool to address the mental health of young people and children, and rebuild their spiritual values and happiness.

With support from Tai Kwun, the project was presented in a larger scale in 2020 as “ÉLAN Lost Child Project HK”, bringing together professionals from the arts, social welfare, and education sectors to introduce 15 different art projects held physically and online. As Hong Kong’s first large-scale art event running in both online and offline formats, the innovative project overcame challenges brought by the pandemic, and successfully conveyed the core concept of “We do not solve problems, We play problems”, and was granted the “2021 Hong Kong Arts Development Awards – Award for Arts Promotion”.

In 2022, with continuous support from Tai Kwun, the project hosted the second edition with a theme of “'YES AND!...”, offering 16 different art projects in which participants could explore more possibilities with creativity, and breaking free from negative and pessimistic emotions, to rebuild the confidence and hope of every Lost Child and the young generation.


For enquiries or photos, please contact Ms Wendy Shiu at 6973 1950 or email to

Distributed by Seedland International Limited on behalf of Lost Child Project Hong Kong Limited
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