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新聞稿                                                                                                                             2022年12月12日


Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive)

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為爭取在2035年前將本港碳排放總量從2005年的水平減半,以邁向2050年前達致碳中和的目標,香港特別行政區政府近年來積極採取不同措施,推動電動車普及化。金城營造集團(下稱「金城」)作為植根香港接近60載的能源基建專家,以協助建設香港成為更加智慧及可持續的優質城市為願景,在電動車普及化方面擔當領導及協調的角色,促進更高質及高效的協作及發展,連繫各持份者,攜手推動綠色運輸發展。為了向相關持份者提供優質的交流平台,推動業界増進有關零碳運輸的資訊並發掘合作商機,金城於11月30日取址位於新寶工商中心的總部舉行「零碳運輸創未來」論壇,由金城營造集團行政總裁王紹恆太平紳士作召集人,並非常榮幸獲香港立法會環境事務委員會主席葛珮帆議員,BBS JP親臨指導。論壇由金城營造集團特別顧問周憲本先生主持,兩位嘉賓講者香港特別行政區政府環境保護署助理署長(空氣質素政策)梁啟明博士及運輸署助理署長(技術服務)羅慶新先生,分別就香港步入零碳運輸新時代進行深入討論。出席是次活動的來賓包括中華電力有限公司代表、電動車品牌比亞廸、MG及科軒動力代表、充電裝置品牌代表、多位來自運輸界包括的士、巴士及小巴業界代表等,陣容鼎盛,場面熱鬧。

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在論壇正式開始前,金城營造集團行政總裁王紹恆太平紳士向各位嘉賓致歡迎辭。王紹恆太平紳士在可持續城市發展方面具備豐富知識及經驗,擁有美國綠建築協會授予的「LEED AP」,以及香港綠色建築議會認可的「綠建專才」等多項專業資格,並擔任香港建造商會環保小組主席、智能廢物管理平台工作小組主席、香港建造業議會環境專責委員會成員、環保促進會香港綠色企業大獎籌備及評審委員及2023年度可持續建築大獎籌備委員會成員等多項公職。及後,特別嘉賓香港立法會環境事務委員會主席葛珮帆議員,BBS JP、梁啟明博士、羅慶新先生、周憲本先生與王紹恆太平紳士一同上台合照。

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香港立法會環境事務委員會主席葛珮帆議員,BBS JP表示:「隨着香港步入零碳運輸新時代,香港特區政府推出多項電動車普及化的措施及政策,與此同時亦有賴業界積極參與,響應及推動有關發展。本人非常榮幸獲邀出席『零碳運輸創未來』論壇,除了樂見金城營造集團為推動零碳運輸擔任領導及協調角色,打造交流平台,促進各持份者共同合作之外,更有機會與擁有相同理念的業界領導見面及交流,齊為香港發展成為可持續城市而努力。」

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查詢詳情或索取照片,歡迎致電9534 0813或電郵至 與Ms Helena Hui或致電9043 5037或電郵至 與Mr Pius Cheung聯絡。 

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Press Release                                                                                                   12th December 2022

Hosted by CEO Mr. Rex Wong, JP, the “Sustainable Transportation to a Net-Zero Future” forum organised by Kum Shing Group marks great success with the presence of special guest Hon Elizabeth Quat, BBS, JP, Chairman of Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council, guest speaker Dr. Kenneth Leung, Assistant Director (Air Policy) of the HKSAR Environmental Protection Department, guest speaker Mr. Michael Law, Assistant Commissioner (Technical Services) of the HKSAR Transport Department, and a full house of EV partners.

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive)

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Aiming to reduce the total carbon emissions in Hong Kong by 50% before 2035 (from the 2005 level) and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality before 2050, the HKSAR Government has implemented policies and measures to promote the popularisation of electric vehicles (EVs). Hong Kong’s energy infrastructure specialist, Kum Shing Group (“Kum Shing”), with the vision and expertise to take a leading role in the sustainable and smart city development of Hong Kong, held the “Sustainable Transportation to a Net-Zero Future” forum on 30th November 2022 at its headquarters in Newport Centre to provide an efficient communication platform for the exchange of knowledge and fostering of partnerships, collaborations and development. The forum marked a great success with the presence of special guest Hon Elizabeth Quat, BBS, JP, Chairman of Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council, guest speaker Dr. Kenneth Leung, Assistant Director (Air Policy) of the HKSAR Environmental Protection Department, guest speaker Mr. Michael Law, Assistant Commissioner (Technical Services) of the HKSAR Transport Department, and a full house of EV partners, such as the representatives of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, electric vehicle brands BYD, MG and Ev Dynamics, charger providers and local transport sector including taxi, bus and minibus.

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The event commenced with a welcome speech by Mr. Rex Wong, JP, an expert in sustainable city development. Apart from receiving professional certifications including “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional” (LEED AP) by the U.S. Green Building Council, and “Building Environmental Assessment Method Professional” (BEAM Pro) by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, Mr. Rex Wong, JP also plays an active role in reputable committees and organisations piloting the sustainable development in Hong Kong. He is the Chairman of the Environmental Committee of the Hong Kong Construction Associations, Chairperson of Smart Waste Management Plug-in Working Group of the Construction Industry Council (CIC), Member of the Committee on Environment of CIC, Organising Committee Member and Panel Judge for the Hong Kong Green Awards of the Green Council, and Organising Committee Member of the CIC Sustainable Construction Award 2023.

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After taking a group photo of Hon Elizabeth Quat, BBS, JP, Dr. Kenneth Leung, Mr. Michael Law, Mr. Rex Wong, JP, and Mr. Hugh Chow, the “Sustainable Transportation to a Net-Zero Future” forum began with an opening remark by Mr. Hugh Chow, “In 2021, the Government announced the ‘Hong Kong Roadmap on Popularisation of Electric Vehicles’, with a goal to attain zero vehicular emissions before 2050 through different measures, including ceasing new registration of fuel-propelled and hybrid private cars in 2035 or earlier, and expanding the charging network to provide at least 150,000 private charging facilities and 5,000 public charging facilities by 2025. In the Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address, the Government announced that in the coming three years, an additional 7,000 parking spaces with EV chargers will be provided in government premises, and trials of new generation electric taxis, hydrogen fuel cell electric double-deckers and heavy vehicles will be conducted in 2023.” Dr. Kenneth Leung, Assistant Director (Air Policy) of the Environmental Protection Department, and Mr. Michael Law, Assistant Commissioner (Technical Services) of the Transport Department, were then invited to share their valuable insights on the topic.

Dr. Kenneth Leung, Assistant Director (Air Policy) of the Environmental Protection Department remarks, “The Government has rolled out the $3.5 billion EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme, which is anticipated to support installation of EV charging‑enabling infrastructure for some 140,000 parking spaces in about 700 carparks of existing private residential buildings by the 2027-28 financial year. We strive to explore spaces and carparks to install EV charging infrastructure in every part of the city, and offer the $1.1 billion New Energy Transport Fund to subsidise transport operators on trying out green innovative transport technologies.”

Mr. Michael Law, Assistant Commissioner (Technical Services) of the Transport Department remarks, “The Smart Traffic Fund was launched to subsidise innovation and application projects that enhance transport efficiency, including EV initiatives. In order to encourage the introduction of new EVs to local commercial fleets, we work with the Environmental Protection Department to offer the transport sector practical guidance to facilitate the vehicle type approval process for their new EVs.”

Upon completion of the fruitful discussion, all guests were guided to the Kum Shing EV Operation Centre located at Newport Centre Phase 2 to explore the new EVs on display, including the Kum Shing EV fleet, electric private cars by MG, an electric taxi by BYD, a minibus and a coach by Ev Dynamics, and the new Kum Shing EV chargers. The attending guests took this precious opportunity to engage in constructive conversations, paving the way for further collaborations. The event announced a successful completion with a group photo featuring all attending guests, marking the collaborative force of Kum Shing, the Government and stakeholders from different sectors in support of the popularisation of EVs, pushing forward the goal of achieving zero vehicular emissions and a net-zero future for Hong Kong.

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Hon Elizabeth Quat, BBS, JP, Chairman of the Legislative Council’s Panel on Environmental Affairs, remarks, “As Hong Kong enters a new era of zero-emission transportation, the HKSAR Government has launched a series of initiatives and policies to promote the popularisation of EVs, calling for stakeholders’ support and actions. It is my honour to be invited to the ‘Sustainable Transportation to a Net-Zero Future’ forum, an efficient communication platform initiated by sustainability expert Kum Shing Group to facilitate communication and collaborations, and to meet with industry leaders who share the same vision on the sustainable development of Hong Kong.”

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Mr. Rex Wong, JP remarks, “As a Hong Kong-based construction and engineering company that has witnessed and contributed to the development of Hong Kong for almost 60 years, Kum Shing Group shares the same vision with the city in achieving a net-zero and sustainable future. Our pioneering status is well supported by our strong portfolio of sustainable infrastructure projects, including but not limited to installing a photovoltaic system on the rooftop of Newport Centre, the largest scale in commercial and private sector in Hong Kong, and obtaining a design-build-operate contract for building the largest clinical waste sterilization system in Asia for the Environmental Protection Department. The ‘Sustainable Transportation to a Net-Zero Future’ forum held today offers an efficient communication platform to facilitate exchange of information and enhance collaborations on EVs and related facilities. We look forward to working closely with our partners to herald a new chapter in sustainable city development.”

For enquiries or photos, please contact Ms Helena Hui at 9534 0813 or email to or contact Mr. Pius Cheung at 9043 5037 or email to

Distributed by Seedland International Limited on behalf of Kum Shing Group.

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