新聞稿                                                                                                                    2019年11月25日


引入嶄新智能運動系統       掀開長者健康生活新里程

Online version: http://www.public.seedland.hk/press/JCCH/1911-Pre/
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

香港已連續多年蟬聯全球男女最長壽世界第一的紀錄,隨着平均壽命增長,社會亦同時面對人口老化的挑戰。長者要活得長壽,更要活得健康,因此推動「基層醫療」,提升大眾預防疾病的意識便成為首要工作。香港賽馬會慈善信託基金早於2009年捐助成立糅合「醫社合一」理念的「賽馬會流金匯」綜合服務中心,由香港中文大學協助管理,透過提供基層醫療及日間安老服務推動積極晚年,讓步入黃金之年的長者享受身心健康的優質生活。今年,「賽馬會流金匯」昂然步進10周年,除了繼續肩負向公眾推動健康生活的使命之外,更引入先進的嶄新智能運動系統Smart Fit,讓長者透過個人化智能儀器的輔助,安全自主地進行一系列肌肉鍛鍊運動,保持身心活躍,活出健康豐盛的晚年。

過去10年,「賽馬會流金匯」在推廣健康生活以及提供復康服務方面均取得重大成果。運動訓練、防衰老日營、健康講座等公眾教育活動的參與人數節節上升,而專為患有腦退化症人士而設的日間護理服務、中醫以及視光師服務的使用人數亦不斷增長。「賽馬會流金匯」一向致力以「醫社合一」的模式推動基層醫療,鼓勵大眾學習自我管理疾病,為個人健康扮演更主導的角色。面對現時醫護人員短缺的問題,中心跨專業團隊提供的服務將基層醫療帶入社區,正好滿足社會需要。為配合服務發展,今年經全面翻新的「賽馬會流金匯」添置嶄新設備,包括引入Smart Fit智能健體訓練系統,同時擴大活動空間。另外,為配合居家安老的方針,中心亦推出各種新服務,包括護士諮詢服務以及互動復康訓練服務。

適逢「賽馬會流金匯」成立10周年,中心亦成為香港首間引入Smart Fit智能運動系統的機構,並將於12月中舉行的開放日中首次向公眾展示儀器。Smart Fit採用航天科技,内置多項自動調節功能,保障使用者在運動過程中的安全,防止損傷。系統的自我管理功能會透過電腦紀錄長者的運動表現及身體狀況,協助他們自務自管地進行訓練,保持強健體魄,延緩衰老。


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Press release                                                                                                    25th November 2019

Further enhanced with advanced intelligent fitness system, Jockey Club CADENZA Hub celebrates 10 years of success in promoting healthy lifestyle among the young old

Online version: http://www.public.seedland.hk/press/JCCH/1911-Pre/
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

Hong Kong has ranked world’s first in life expectancies for both men and women consecutively over the past years. With an increase in average lifespan, the city also faces the happy problem of an ageing population and hence the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle for these senior citizens. While promoting “Primary Health Care” has become a medicare priority, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has funded to establish the Jockey Club CADENZA Hub (JCCH), managed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 2009. A pioneering “medical and social integration” model, JCCH provides Primary Health Care and day care services to facilitate the young old to proactively adopt a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a quality golden age with sound physical and mental health. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the newly-renovated Hub is determined to continue its mission to promote public health with the advanced intelligent fitness equipment, “Smart Fit”, a customized fitness system that enables the young old to engage in self-managed training safely and enjoy an active and fruitful lifestyle.

In the past decade, JCCH has accomplished significant achievements in promoting healthy lifestyle and providing rehabilitation services. The number of participants joining the public education campaigns that include physical trainings, frailty-prevention day camps and health talks have been on the rise, while the number of users of the day care services catering for patients suffering from dementia has also increased. JCCH has endeavoured to establish a medical and social collaboration model to advocate Primary Health Care and encourage the public to play a more proactive role in managing their own health. In face of the shortage of medical staff, the Hub addresses the social problem by providing Primary Health Care services to the community by its multidisciplinary team. To complement the development of its scope of services, the newly-renovated Hub is not only enhanced with more activity space but also equipped with “Smart Fit”, an intelligent fitness system. Moving forward to the direction of “Ageing in Place”, JCCH also launches various new services including nurse consultation and interactive rehabilitation training service.

On the occasion of its 10th year anniversary, JCCH has also become the first in Hong Kong to install “Smart Fit”, an intelligent fitness system, which will make its first public debut at the open day held in mid-December. Adopts aerospace technology, Smart Fit is characterized with several built-in auto functions to ensure users’ safety and avoid injury during fitness training. Its self-management function helps record the performances and health conditions of the young old through a computerized system, which enables them to undergo fitness trainings under self-monitoring and safety with the aim of strengthening muscles and preventing deterioration.

Located in Tai Po, JCCH was established as an innovative community service under “CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors”, which is initiated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. JCCH aims at providing community-based Primary Health Care and day care services, and adopts an individualized case management approach that caters for members’ individual needs. Through the collaboration of multidisciplinary medical professionals including social workers, nurses, physiotherapists, trainers, dietitians and nutritionists, they all work towards the advocation of health, disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services at social level, changing or improving habits of the public, and hence reducing the probability of sickness and hospitalization. In addition to health assessments and screening programmes conducted by professional nurses or social workers, JCCH also provides integrated health and social care services such as traditional Chinese medicine by the School of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University Clinic and comprehensive eye examination by registered optometrists. JCCH launched the Jockey Club Frailty Prevention Campaign”, inviting participants to first take a health screening then register to attend activity classes ranging from cardiopulmonary and muscle training exercises, cognitive and brain fit activities, board games, etc. two to three times per week, to enhance and improve their cardiopulmonary functions, bones and muscles as well as brain function. JCCH also participated in the “Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project” which began in 2016. eHealth station has been set up to motivate the elderly to understand their own health condition and to promote preventive healthcare through regular health monitoring that includes health assessment, measurement of blood pressure, blood glucose and weight. The data is transferred to the eHealth stations by cloud technology for proactive monitoring and follow-up by nursing caring call.

Released by Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Jockey Club CADENZA Hub

Media enquiries:
Tel: +852 3583 3100              Fax: +852 3583 1331
Website: www.seedland.hk    E-mail: info@seedland.hk

Ms Anne Fung (6698 2252/anne@seedland.hk)
Ms Katie Au (9360 9560/katieau@seedland.hk)