STEM教育行動」首辦 — FabLearn Hong Kong 2016會議
發展STEM 教育須多方配合 家校心態乃成敗關鍵
STEM Initiative Hong Kong hosted the first FabLearn conference in the city in collaboration with Stanford University to advocate attitude of schools and parents as the key to the success of STEM education


一眾嘉賓於首日會議上合照留念︰(左起)裘槎基金會Lee Siu Po博士、香港大學教育學院助理教授黃家偉博士、史丹福學人及美國西北大學助理教授Marcelo Worsley博士、史丹福學人及Design Case Consulting創辦人Mark Schreiber先生、STEM教育行動創辦人梁穎宇女士、港科院秘書長陳成城先生、裘槎基金會總監傅德偉先生、大會司儀Sandra Lim及Sabina Fong。

Participating guests at the first day of the conference included: (from left) Dr Lee Siu Po, The Croucher Foundation; Dr Gary Wong, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong; Dr Marcelo Worsley, Stanford Fellow and Assistant Professor, Northwestern University; Mr Mark Schreiber, Stanford Fellow and Founder of Design Case Consulting; Ms Nisa Leung, Founder of STEM Initiative Hong Kong; Mr Terence Chan, General Secretary of the Academy of Science of Hong Kong; Mr David Foster, Director of The Croucher Foundation; and the emcee of the event Ms Sandra Lim and Mrs Sabina Fong.

    Ms Nisa Leung, Founder of STEM Initiative Hong Kong, gave the welcome address.

    Mr Terence Chan, General Secretary of the Academy of Science of Hong Kong, gave the welcome address.

首日主講嘉賓史丹福學人及美國西北大學助理教授Marcelo Worsley博士。
Dr Marcelo Worsley, Stanford Fellow and Assistant Professor at Northwestern University, was the keynote speaker for the first day of the conference.

裘槎基金會總監傅德偉先生及Lee Siu Po博士發表一項有關本地STEM教學活動的調查結果。
Mr David Foster, the Director, and Dr Lee Siu Po from The Croucher Foundation, shared the results of a study about STEM learning activities in Hong Kong.
Dr Gary Wong, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong, discussed the engineering aspect in STEM education.
Mr Michael Li King Pong, Gold Medal winner of the 44th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, shared about his invention – a self-sanitizing door handle.
Mr Eric Yung, CEO of PlayNote Ltd., shared about industry experience.
一眾嘉賓於第二日會議上合照留念︰(左起)大會司儀Sandra Lim、Sabina Fong、港科院秘書長陳成城先生、香港數理教育學會主席劉國良先生、STEM教育行動創辦人梁穎宇女士、創新及科技局局長楊偉雄先生、史丹福學人及Design Case Consulting創辦人Mark Schreiber先生、香港科技大學生命科學部王殷厚教授、香港科技大學物理學系梁伯和教授,以及史丹福學人及美國西北大學助理教授Marcelo Worsley博士。
Participating guests at the second day of the conference included: (from left) the emcee of the event Ms Sandra Lim and Mrs Sabina Fong; Mr Terence Chan, General Secretary of the Academy of Science of Hong Kong; Mr Lau Kwok Leung Gyver, Chairman of Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education; Ms Nisa Leung, Founder of STEM Initiative Hong Kong; Mr Nicholas W. Yang, Secretary for Innovation & Technology of HKSAR; Mr Mark Schreiber, Stanford Fellow and Founder of Design Case Consulting; Prof. Y. H. Wong, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Prof. Leung Pakwo, Department of Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Dr Marcelo Worsley, Stanford Fellow and Assistant Professor, Northwestern University.
Mr Nicholas W. Yang, Secretary for Innovation & Technology of HKSAR, gave the welcome address for the second day of the conference.
第二日主講嘉賓史丹福學人及Design Case Consulting創辦人Mark Schreiber先生。
Mr Mark Schreiber, Stanford Fellow and Founder of Design Case Consulting, was the keynote speaker for the second day of the conference.
Spanning over two days, the conference attracted over 300 local educators, principals and teachers.
Ms Erica Ma, Co-founder and Community Advisor of CoCoon, shared about the experience of the local entrepreneur community.
Prof. Y. H. Wong, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, shared about contemporary applications of biotechnology.
Students of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology demonstrated scientific experiments using a microwave oven at one of the workshops.
Students of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology demonstrated scientific experiments using a microwave oven at one of the workshops.
Dr Gary Wong, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong, led workshop participants to solve a science question by assembling a model car, offering a hands-on experience of STEM education.
Dr Gary Wong, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong, led workshop participants to solve a science question by assembling a model car, offering a hands-on experience of STEM education.
Dr Gary Wong, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong, led workshop participants to solve a science question by assembling a model car, offering a hands-on experience of STEM education.
Teacher and students from NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School shared about their experience of implementing STEM education.
Teacher and students from NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School shared about their experience of implementing STEM education.
Following the speeches and presentations of the second day of the conference, participants joined different workshops for further sharing of the experience of STEM education.
Following the speeches and presentations of the second day of the conference, participants joined different workshops for further sharing of the experience of STEM education.
Following the speeches and presentations of the second day of the conference, participants joined different workshops for further sharing of the experience of STEM education.



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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                          2016年11月16日

STEM教育行動」首辦 — FabLearn Hong Kong 2016會議
發展STEM 教育須多方配合 家校心態乃成敗關鍵

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1611-FabLearn/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1611-FabLearn/STEM_FabLearn_Chi_final.doc



兩位專家於2016年11月10日及11日出席了由「STEM教育行動」及「港科院」合辦的「FabLearn Hong Kong 2016」會議,與本地教育工作者、學者專家、老師,以及商界人士,分享推廣STEM教育的實際教學和建立學校「自造文化」實驗室的經驗,並探討STEM教育最新發展。FabLearn系列會議是由美國史丹福大學創辦的國際STEM教育分享平台,以推行新一代科學學科教育方法及「自造者文化」為宗旨。一連兩天會議設有多個專題演講及工作坊,有三百多位本地教育工作者和來自各大中小學的校長及老師出席。

會議主講嘉賓包括美國西北大學助理教授及創新科技教學實驗室負責人Marcelo Worsley博士、史丹福學人及Design Case Consulting創辦人Mark Schreiber先生,以及多位本地學者、STEM教育工作者、學生及業界人士。





另一位訪港專家學者,史丹福學人Mr Schreiber 先生表示,傳統教學理念重視結果,因此習慣以測驗、考試、評分等作主要考量,往往對學生的學習過程不太重視,單向的教學方法最終反而影響了老師教學及學生吸收知識的成效。

「STEM教育着重整合不同學科知識(integration),學生成績作為教學結果固然重要,惟學習過程更重要,尤其是開放式的教學方法,老師不要為學生提供過於詳細的要求或目標,要放心讓他們按照自己興趣發掘問題,允許他們尋找及設計解決辦法,讓他們在過程中親身體驗設計、策劃(design and engineering)流程,是最有效、最有樂趣的學習方法。」




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有關Marcelo Worsley博士
Marcelo Worsley博士為美國西北大學學習科學(Learning Sciences)及電腦科學助理教授,主理創新科技教學實驗室,目前主力研究如何應用學習科學、機器學習及人工智能,以研究學生在MakerSpace(自造者空間,又譯創客空間)及FabLab(自造實驗室,全稱Fabrication Laboratory)的學習表現,其研究工作涵蓋各種正統及非正統學習環境,包括課室、社區中心、課後活動及暑期增潤工作坊,例如曼谷、莫斯科及舊金山灣區的「FabLab@School」項目,以及在芝加哥地區建立創新實驗室等。

有關Mark Schreiber
Mark Schreiber曾獲美國米爾肯家族基金會頒發被喻為「教育界格林美獎」的「國家年度教師奬(National Teacher of the Year)」,並設計出自造實驗室工具組盒「Design Case」,教導兒童及成人運用簡單低成本物料結合高科技技術,創造出富有價值的製成品。他在科技、工程、數碼製造及設計等方面有超過十五年經驗,現時為Google的《Startup Digest》編採自造科研資訊,並為史丹福大學教育研究院、英特爾及海外學校擔任顧問,務求把設計及創新理念帶到世界各地的教室。他亦是麻省理工學院國際FabLab網絡成員之一。



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For Immediate Release                                                        16th November, 2016

STEM Initiative Hong Kong hosted the first FabLearn conference in the city in collaboration with Stanford University to advocate attitude of schools and parents as the key to the success of STEM education

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1611-FabLearn/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/stem/1611-FabLearn/STEM_FabLearn_Eng_final.doc

Two internationally renowned experts of STEM education shared their insights during an exchange visit in Hong Kong. Being a global educational trend of the 21st century, STEM education emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach with a basis in real-life applications to promote a Maker Culture, through which kindergarten, primary and secondary students can be rewarded with a more holistic and inspiring learning experience.

The two experts shared that at the launch of STEM education, schools and teachers have to tackle various problems, such as financial concerns in equipping laboratories and workshops, design of teaching materials, training for teachers and integration of STEM into the official curriculum. Despite these problems, previous examples show that the attitude of stakeholders, including schools, teachers and parents, as well as the effective combination of design and engineering elements, are the real keys to the successful implementation of STEM education.

The two experts joined local educators, teachers and business representatives in FabLearn Hong Kong 2016 on 10th and 11th November 2016, jointly organized by STEM Initiative Hong Kong and The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, to share their experience on promoting STEM education and establishing MakerSpaces, and discuss the latest development in STEM education. Originated in Stanford University, the FabLearn Conference is an international sharing platform that supports STEM education and promotes constructionist learning. Spanning over two days, the conference has attracted over 300 local educators, principals and teachers to a range of talks and workshops.

Conference speakers included Dr Marcelo Worsley, Assistant Professor at Northwestern University where he directs the Technological Innovations for Inclusive Learning and Teaching Lab; Mr Mark Schreiber, Stanford Fellow and Founder of Design Case Consulting; as well as local scholars, STEM educators, students and business representatives.

Dr Worsley expressed that there is a common misconception that it is expensive to build laboratories and workshops at schools. He stressed that the availability of devices and appliances such as 3D printers, laser cutters and vinyl cutter does not guarantee the effectiveness of STEM education. Schools therefore can purchase equipment based on their resources. Moreover, it is not necessary to bound STEM education to a fixed location at schools, instead it can take place at home, universities, museums, public libraries and other community facilities.

“The foci of FabLab and MakerSpace are not Lab and Space, but Fab (fabrication) and Maker. Students should be guided to discover problems of interest to them and encouraged to seek solutions by applying their classroom knowledge. Through hands-on problem solving, students are also given the chance to explore knowledge from other disciplines. This leads to a more self-initiated, more fun and more comprehensive learning experience of students.

“The attitude and mindset of teachers are therefore important. Teachers can only guide and motivate students to become devoted Makers if they themselves are also passionate about solving questions and obstacles in a flexible way.

“Equally important is parents’ support. Students often discover problems of interest to them at home, and they are rewarded with satisfaction and joy by finding viable solutions for their families. Past experiences also show that parents’ appreciation of children’s STEM projects is very effective in helping teachers’ implementation of STEM education at schools.”

Mr Schreiber, another visiting scholar and Stanford Fellow commented that traditional education values results more than the actual learning processes. Tests and examinations are employed as the main ways of evaluation. This, however, limits teaching and affects students’ effectiveness in learning.

“STEM education emphasizes the integration of different disciplines. Grades are important for the evaluation of learning outcomes, but more important are the learning processes, especially an open way of learning that allows students to be guided by their own interests. Teachers should refrain from limiting students with too detailed requirements and objectives, but instead should let them freely explore and design solutions for problems that they are interested in. In the process, they can learn about design and engineering in a fun and effective manner.”

Nisa Leung, the founder of STEM Initiative Hong Kong, shared, “The FabLearn Conference which originates in Stanford University aims to promote constructionist learning, or popularly known as ‘making’. It has developed into a flagship global education event to promote the integrated education of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

“Since 2011, the Conference has been held not only at Stanford annually, but also in 14 other countries and regions including Denmark, Australia, Brazil and Japan. We are very honoured to host the first FabLearn Conference in Hong Kong and introduce this internationally recognized sharing platform of STEM education to the local education sector.

“In the future, we will continue to work with both local and overseas educational institutions and scholars in aspects of teaching resources, teacher training and setting up of FabLabs/MakerSpaces to promote the Maker Culture. We hope to provide assistance for local schools and teachers to be prepared for the global educational trend and development needs of Hong Kong’s economy.”

FabLearn Hong Kong 2016 is jointly organized by STEM Initiative Hong Kong and The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong. Organizing partners include Venture Investors Alliance of Hong Kong Limited, School of Science of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, CoCoon, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and The Young Entrepreneurs Development Council. Support was given by Croucher Foundation, Education Bureau, Innovation and Technology Commission, and Cyberport.


About Dr Marcelo Worsley
Dr Worsley is an Assistant Professor of Learning Sciences and Computer Science at Northwestern University, where he directs the Technological Innovations for Inclusive Learning and Teaching Lab. His current research focuses on applications of learning sciences, machine learning and artificial intelligence to the study of student learning in MakerSpaces and FabLabs. He has worked in formal and informal learning environments that include classrooms, community centres, afterschool programmes and summer enrichment workshops, such as the FabLab@School programme in Bangkok, Moscow and the San Francisco Bay Area, and the establishment of an Innovation Lab in the Chicago area.


About Mr Mark Schreiber
Mr Schreiber was named National Teacher of the Year by the Milken Family Foundation, the “Grammy of teaching awards”, and is the inventor of the Design Case, a maker lab in a box that teaches children and adults how to blend low-fidelity materials and high tech know-how to create value. With over 15 years in technology, engineering, digital fabrication, and design, he currently curates for Google’s Startup Digest for all things Maker, and consults for Stanford’s Graduate School of Education, Intel, and independent schools overseas to help bring more design and innovation into classrooms worldwide. He is also a member of MIT’S international FabLab network.


About STEM Initiative Hong Kong

STEM: Inspiration for Infinite Possibilities Tomorrow

We at STEM Initiative Hong Kong are dedicated to inspiring our young to a great future and preparing them for tomorrow’s infinite possibilities in a fast-changing and increasingly technology-intensive world. We believe that children from a tender age should develop a lifelong, scientist-like passion to always wonder and explore, to learn by trying and experimenting, and to succeed through perseverance. We aim at fostering a challenging, interdisciplinary, experiential and multifaceted learning environment in local schools at all levels that excites, engages and enriches students through a unique, learn-by-doing curriculum of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics subjects to help prepare them for excellence in life through positive thinking, exemplary critical skills, hard work and strong ethics.


Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of STEM Initiative Hong Kong

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: info@seedland.hk