國際培幼會「愛 女孩」「筆 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動 以筆傳愛
響應聯合國國際女童日 為中國內地及非洲加納女孩獻上聖誕祝福
“Donate a Pencil Campaign” to help support
underprivileged girls
in China and Ghana

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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                 2013年9月30日

國際培幼會「愛 女孩」「筆 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動 以筆傳愛
響應聯合國國際女童日 為中國內地及非洲加納女孩獻上聖誕祝福

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/pencil/2/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/pencil/2/PLAN_DaP_C_Final.doc


一支鉛筆──於你我而言或許微不足道;但卻是無數落後地區女孩渴望收到的「厚禮」,她們更可能藉着這份窩心禮物促進學習,改變畢生命運。由國際培幼會舉辦的「愛 • 女孩」「筆 • 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動旨在響應聯合國國際女童日,以筆傳愛。活動將於2013年10月21日至31日舉行,屆時一座以筆盒為設計藍本的巨型收集箱將設於銅鑼灣希慎道33號利園寫字樓大堂地下,收集廣大市民捐出的全新鉛筆,並由培幼會於聖誕節前轉贈到中國內地及非洲加納的女孩手上,於佳節為她們送上溫暖。

聯合國自2012年起把每年10月11日訂為「國際女童日」,世界各地都會於當日舉行不同活動,以喚起各界關注全球女孩所面臨的不平等待遇──當中包括歧視、暴力和虐待等問題,情況令人憂慮。本年度國際女童日的關注重點是「女童的教育創新」,為此,國際培幼會特意舉辦「愛 • 女孩」「筆 • 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動,一方面收集市民捐出的鉛筆,為落後地區女孩提供最基本的學習工具,落實改善她們的學習情況;同時亦希望進一步推廣「愛 • 女孩」行動,宣揚「愛 • 女孩」精神,令更多人關注落後地區女孩們的福祉。國際培幼會去年發表的第六份「愛 • 女孩」年度報告指出,貧窮和歧視繼續嚴重影響着世界各地女孩上學的出席率。在很多家庭中,維持生計和生兒育女的責任往往遠超於女兒接受教育的權利。校園暴力、早婚、懷孕和家務至今仍然是全球女童接受教育的主要障礙。由此可見,支持「愛 • 女孩」行動已經刻不容緩。協會相信,不論貧窮、孤立或弱勢的女孩都應享有上學的權利,只有接受優質教育,才可令她們終身受惠,活出更好人生。

培幼會(香港)行政總裁詹文利先生說:「多年來,培幼會曾把各式各樣的教學用品贈予落後地區的孩子,並在捐贈活動中看到這些禮物所能帶給孩子的禆益。愛心人士的小小支持和捐贈,為這群熱愛學習的孩子帶來希望和祝福。是次『愛 • 女孩』『筆 • 生幸福』鉛筆捐贈活動為我們提供一個別具意義的機會──為在中國內地及非洲加納、正面對惡劣困境的女孩子帶來改變,譜寫她們美好的明天!」

關於Plan國際培幼會「愛 女孩」「筆 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動
國際培幼會於2010年啟動了「 女孩」行動,邀請城中多位傑出女士擔任「 女孩」大使,包括藝術教育家(芭蕾舞)廖本懷夫人(毛妹)太平紳士、JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長馬露明小姐、麥嘜麥兜漫畫動畫系列插畫師麥家碧小姐、2010年度十大傑出青年及三指鋼琴家黃愛恩博士、甄詠蓓戲劇工作室藝術總監甄詠蓓小姐、英皇鐘錶珠寶有限公司主席楊諾思小姐、中華電力有限公司副主席阮蘇少湄女士、著名運動員鄭麗莎小姐及餐廚藝術家謝寧小姐。「 女孩」行動過去數年籌辦過「愛女孩」攝影比賽、「 女孩」籌款晚會、「 媽媽」「 女孩」培您成長大行動、「 女孩.齊舉手」等活動。而這次「 女孩「筆 生幸福」鉛筆捐贈活動則是「愛 女孩」行動中最近期的一個活動。

關於Plan國際培幼會 女孩」全球行動
女孩」行動旨在為全球數以百萬計生活在貧窮地區的女孩爭取應有的權利,免受性別及年齡的雙重歧視。培幼會透過此項全球行動,提升大眾對有關課題的關注,並為「 女孩」基金籌募善款,以支援協會於中國、尼泊爾、巴基斯坦及非洲加納等地進行教育、提升職業技能、輔導服務、小額貸款及其他社區項目,為當地女童及婦女爭取權益,讓她們的潛能得以充分發揮。有關國際培幼會的資料及「 女孩」行動詳情,或欲捐款予培幼會「 女孩」基金,可瀏覽網頁www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk


發稿:Plan國際培幼會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100             傳真:3583 1331      電郵:plan@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情,歡迎致電3583 3233與Mr Robin Tang或3583 3310與Miss Heidi Lam聯絡。
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,歡迎致電3405 5316與Miss Wendy Tsui聯絡。


Press Release (For Immediate Release)               30th September 2013

“Donate a Pencil Campaign” to help support underprivileged girls
in China and Ghana

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/pencil/2/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/plan/pencil/2/PLAN_DaP_E_Final.doc


A pencil – probably insignificant to most of us. Yet it means so much more to underprivileged girls in developing countries. It may seem a humble gift but it provides a basic aid to learning that can change their destiny. Plan Hong Kong calls for your participation in the “Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) – Donate a Pencil Campaign”, running from 21st to 31st October 2013, in support of the “International Day of the Girl Child (Day of the Girl)”,.

The United Nations declared 11th October as the Day of the Girl in 2012. On or near to this special day, different kinds of events will be held across the world to increase awareness of the gender-based discrimination faced by girls worldwide that leads to violence and trafficking among other abuses.

The theme for the Day of the Girl in 2013 is “Innovating Girls’ Education”. To mark the theme, Plan Hong Kong has specially organised the “BIAAG – Donate a Pencil Campaign” with the dual purpose of providing the most basic tool in education for underprivileged girls in China and Ghana and to draw the public’s attention to girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

A big pencil case will be set up at Ground Floor, Office Lobby of The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, to collect new pencils donated by the public. The pencils will be sent to disadvantaged girls in the designated countries before this coming Christmas.

Mr. James Murray, Chief Executive Officer of Plan Hong Kong, said, “Plan has been donating teaching and schooling materials to needy children for many years and is aware of the impact such donations have on the beneficiaries. It is hard to convey just how much the support of a concerned public translates into hope for a brighter future for these children who are so eager to learn. Our ‘BIAAG – Donate a Pencil Campaign’ is a special opportunity for all of us to contribute to that future for girls in China and Ghana who find themselves in challenging circumstances.”

Taking a critical look at the girls’ education, the sixth report in Plan’s annual State of the World’s Girls series shows that across the world poverty and discrimination continue to have a detrimental effect on girls’ attendance in school. In many families, a daughter’s domestic and reproductive role takes precedence over her right to education. Violence in schools, early marriage, pregnancy and housework continue to constitute significant barriers to girls’ education. It is obvious that supporting BIAAG campaign does not permit of any delay. Plan believes that only when all girls, however poor, isolated or disadvantaged, are able to attend school on a regular basis will they be well-equipped for a better life.


About Plan Hong Kong “Because I am a Girl – Donate a Pencil Campaign”
In 2010, Plan International Hong Kong launched the Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) campaign, inviting a number of leading Hong Kong business women in town to be BIAAG Ambassadors including Mrs. Christine Liao, JP, Arts Educator (Ballet); Ms. Christine Ma, founder and principal of JEMS Learning House; Ms. Alice Mak, the creator of popular cartoon characters McMug and McDull; Dr. Connie Wong, “The Pianist with Three Fingers” and winner of the 2010 Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award; Ms. Olivia Yan, artistic director of O Theatre Workshop; Ms. Cindy Yeung, managing director of Emperor Watch and Jewellery; Ms. Betty Yuen, vice chairman of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited; Ms. Lisa Cheng, renowned athlete; and Ms. Charlene Tse, renowned culinary artist. Different events has been held to support BIAAG in successive the years, namely the BIAAG Photo competition, BIAAG Charity Show, “Love.Mothers” “Love.Girls” campaign as well as the “Raise Your Hand” (RYH) campaign. The “BIAAG – Donate a Pencil Campaign” is the latest in the series of initiatives to support BIAAG.

About Plan Because I am a Girl Global Campaign
Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) is Plan’s global campaign to fight age and gender inequality, to protect and promote girls' rights, and lift millions out of poverty. Besides raising public awareness, BIAAG also raises funds in support of the improvement of education and vocational skills, provision of counseling services and microfinance loans, and other community projects benefiting and empowering girls and women in China, Nepal, Pakistan and Ghana to help them reach their full potential. More information about Plan International, BIAAG, and about how to make a donation in support of the organisation’s BIAAG initiatives, can be found at www.BecauseIamaGirl.org.hk.

About Plan International
Established in 1937, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations, specifically focused on children. Headquartered in the UK, Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families and indirectly supports a further 9 million people who live in communities that are working with Plan. Plan works in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, supported by fundraising offices in 21 countries. The organisation’s programmes concentrate on making real, positive and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, and on helping children to realise their full potential in societies that respect their rights and dignity.

Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong
Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100     Fax: 3583 1331     E-mail: plan@seedland.hk
Contact persons: Mr Robin Tang (3583 3310) or Miss Heidi Lam (3583 3310)
Contact person of Plan International Hong Kong: Ms Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405 5316)

