香港人•心連心 攜手響應國際培幼會「培您童行」步行籌款2014
427西九龍海濱長廊 齊為中國寧夏自治區兒童爭取更優質教育
Call for Community to Support Plan’s “Walk for Children” 2014,
 27th April at Kowloon West Waterfront Promenade

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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                  2014年2月7日

香港人•心連心 攜手響應國際培幼會「培您童行」步行籌款2014
427西九龍海濱長廊 齊為中國寧夏自治區兒童爭取更優質教育

Press release:








活動由即日起至2014327接受公眾報名,歡迎參加者攜同至親參與,一同歡度愉快又別具意義的一天!有興趣人士歡迎登入國際培幼會網站( 瞭解詳情或致電 3583 3100 報名查詢。

自2012年起,「培您童行」步行籌款成為國際培幼會的年度活動,於2013年的步行籌款,參加者人數更比首年增長三倍。今年,國際培幼會將於427西九龍海濱長廊舉辦第三屆「培您童行」步行籌款,誠邀公眾人士及團體參加,為中國寧夏自治區的孩子出一份力。3歲至11歲兒童之最低籌款額為$250、12歲或以上青少年及成人之最低籌款額為$350,歡迎廣大市民踴躍參加。活動設有「最踴躍參與團隊獎」,隊員數目最多的團隊會獲頒冠軍獎狀。有興趣的愛心人士,歡迎登入國際培幼會網站 ( 作網上登記,或下載並填妥報名表格,連同提交最低籌款額及贊助金額之收據或支票,寄回活動籌辦單位:黃竹坑道65 號志昌行中心25樓B室一口田有限公司收。查詢熱線:3583 3100;電郵。


協會於50個發展中國家進行兒童發展計劃,服務遍及非洲、亞洲及美洲,並在全球21個國家及地區設立捐助辦事處。香港捐助辦事處於2009年7月成立,然而培幼會與香港的淵源可追溯至50年代,培幼會曾在這裡設立援助辦事處近15年。當時名為「Foster Parents Plan」的培幼會曾幫助近12,000名兒童及其家人,而大部分為來自中國大陸及鄰近地區的新移民。

發稿:Plan國際培幼會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100             傳真:3583 1331    電郵

有關傳媒查詢,請聯絡Mr. Robin Tang(3583 3233或、Miss Heidi Lam(3583 3310或,或電郵。
有關Plan國際培幼會的查詢,可致電Ms. Wendy Tsui(3405 5316)。




For Immediate Release                              7th February 2014

Call for Community to Support Plan’s “Walk for Children” 2014,
 27th April at Kowloon West Waterfront Promenade

Press release:

Plan International’s annual fundraiser this year aims to provide quality education for underprivileged children in Mainland China.  The 3rd “Walk for Children” will be held on 27th April 2014 at West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, featuring the theme “Pass on the Love”. In order to give the participants a glimpse of the difficulties and challenges that most underprivileged children in developing countries have to face daily, experiential activities in dedicated zones will be set up along the walkathon route, a departure from past years’ Walks.

The “Walk for Children” has received tremendous support from the public since its launch in 2012, demonstrated by the substantial increase in participation, which recorded almost triple increase year-on-year in 2013. 

Funds raised in the 2014 Walk will specifically support education programmes in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, following in the footsteps of the successful initiatives in Yunnan Province that the 2013 Walk benefited. Through reconstructing and repairing existing schools, improving teaching and learning facilities and providing training for teachers, this project aims to significantly improve early childhood education especially for ethnic minority children in this rural area.

In Longde County, Guyuan City there are simply not enough professional pre-school teachers and the learning environment is very poor. Some children do not have a chance to receive education whereas those who do go to school are not able to learn in a safe, stimulating environment, as the campuses lack maintenance and the most basic facilities. In the past four years, Plan has helped to build six kindergartens but they are still inadequate to meet demand.

With the aim of further improving the school environment and teacher training, the education programmes in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region include replenishing resources and equipment for township-level kindergartens, such as providing books, desks, chairs, toys and cupboards, as well as educating parents about health, providing nutrient-dense packets for 120 children aged 6 to 36 months, and inviting external education experts to teach and help 20 local teachers to make use of new knowledge and teaching skills.

The teachers will be invited to visit the model kindergartens in Yinchuan City, to observe and learn how abstract teaching concepts are realised and implemented in the schools. Plan strongly believes that once children are granted the opportunity of receiving proper pre-school education, they will be able to integrate smoothly into primary school and make the most of the next level of education, thus effectively saving them from the cycles of poverty that have caused their parents and grandparents to struggle.

Mr. James Murray, Chief Executive Officer of Plan International Hong Kong, said, “Participants often wonder what happens in the aftermath of an event, what has been achieved.  We are pleased to report that thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors of last year’s Walk, Plan has successfully refurbished three kindergartens and benefitted 300 children in total in Yunnan Province.

“We have also built kitchens and water-heating devices in the campuses, as well as implemented school nutrition programmes to improve students’ health conditions. In addition, Plan has organised that 30 local teachers receive a three-month training on early childhood care and development with the hope of eventually improving the quality of education.

“Funds raised in the upcoming ‘Walk for Children’ 2014 will be put to a similar practical use in our programmes in Ningxia. I sincerely call upon your support and look forward to seeing you all on 27th April 2014!”

“Walk for Children” 2014 is now open for enrolment and the deadline is 27th March 2014. Participants may enjoy this special day with family and friends. Please visit Plan’s website ( for more details or call 3583 3100 for enrolment and enquiries.

About Plan International Walk for Children
Begun in 2012, the Plan International Hong Kong “Walk for Children” is an annual event on the organisation’s calendar. In 2013, entries for the Walk almost tripled. In 2014, the public is invited to give their support to deprived children in Ningxia Region by participating in “Walk for Children” to be held in West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade on 27th April. The minimum donation for participants will be HK$250 for ages 3-11 and HK$350 for ages 12 and above. Everyone is welcome. There will be awards for the overall champion by number of entrants. Please visit Plan’s website ( for making an online enrolment or downloading the application form. Please submit the completed form together with cheques for the minimum donation and sponsorship funds. For participants who submit the donation by bank transfer, please fax, email or mail the bank-in slip together with the form to the event organiser at the following address: Seedland International Limited, Unit B, 25th Floor, Gee Chang Hong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong. Enquiries: Tel 3583 3100;  Email:


About Plan International
With 77 years of history and headquartered in the UK, Plan International is one of the world’s leading development organisations focused specifically on children. Plan supports more than 1.5 million children and their families, and indirectly supports a further 9 million people living in sponsored communities. Programmes focus on making real, positive, and lasting improvements to quality of life in the areas of education, health, environment and livelihood, as well as helping children realise their full potential within societies that respect their rights and dignity.

Plan works in 50 developing nations across Africa, Asia and the Americas, and it operates fundraising offices in 21 countries. The Hong Kong fundraising office of Plan International opened in July 2009. However, Plan’s relationship with Hong Kong reaches much farther back, to the 1950s, when it operated a field office in the territory for some 15 years. During that time, and under the name “Foster Parents Plan”, it helped nearly 12,000 children and their families, mostly new migrants from the Mainland and around the region. More information on Plan International Hong Kong, including details on how to make a difference, can be found at

Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Plan International Hong Kong

Media enquiries:
Tel: 3583 3100     Fax: 3583 1331     E-mail:
Contact persons: Miss Heidi Lam (3583-3310) or Mr. Robin Tang (3583-3233)
Contact person of Plan International Hong Kong: Ms Wendy Tsui, Director, Marketing & Communications (3405 5316)


