JEMS Learning House:性格改變命運
三歲開始培養品德 踏上「傑出社會小成員」之路
JEMS Learning House: It all begins with character

Start Character Education as young as THREE

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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                          2011年9月27日

JEMS Learning House:性格改變命運
三歲開始培養品德 踏上「傑出社會小成員」之路

在現今社會,「增進知識」與「啟發智慧」可謂培育孩子的兩大方向,無疑這兩項都是讓孩子成為成功小領袖的必要元素,但當家長花盡心力為孩子的學業籌謀時,往往便忽略了對孩子同樣重要的品德教育──一種能植根於孩子內心,讓孩子受用終生的教育。而在JEMS Learning House,孩子年紀小小便已開始學習這些人生大道理了。

擁有豐富教育經驗及教學熱誠的JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長馬露明深明品德教育的重要,看到現今社會普遍較重視知識教育,於是創辦了JEMS Learning House,致力發展及提升三至十二歲兒童的品德培育,以道德、社會及公民教育概念作為重要的三把鑰匙,由認識自己的身份開始(Identity),到學習與人建立關係(Relationships),從而身體力行回饋社會(Community)。讓孩子建立起正確的人生價值觀,盡展潛能,成為才德兼備的卓越領袖,令世界更加美好。

以三至五歲幼兒為對象的Junior JEMS課程以「一個月」為單位,為年幼的孩子灌輸JEMS Learning House三個核心教學理念。此課程乃重點課程的延伸,適合幼稚園的學生報讀。課程以英語授課,每月設不同主題,配合兒歌、圖畫書、繪畫等,以不同形式助幼兒認識自己,同時灌輸誠實、責任心、禮貌、助人為樂等正面訊息。根據每月的主題,每週的課堂內容亦有所不同,如九月份的主題是「我是獨特的……」,導師便會於四星期內分別引導小朋友去思考:「我是甚麼樣子?」、「我喜歡甚麼東西?」、「我有甚麼專長?」,以及「我希望得到甚麼東西?」。 由於課程以月份為單位,不論孩子何時加入,家長亦不用擔心他們會跟不上進度或錯過任何課題。

馬露明表示:「孩子的性格就好比大樹的根部,雖然我們看不見、觸不到,但大樹日後能否健康生長、能否堅強地抵抗暴風雨,也建基於這些根,因此我們必須從小悉心培育孩子的性格,助他們建立正確的價值觀,他們才能茁壯成長,成為一個個傑出社會小成員,而JEMS Learning House一直努力實現的,正是如此。」

Junior JEMS課程
9/2011    “I am special in…”         2/2012    “I am a good friend…”
10/2011  “I am responsible for…”        3/2012    “My family is special because…”
11/2011  “I keep trying in…”         4/2012    “I am a team player…”         
12/2011  “I am thankful for…”               5/2012    “I care for others…”
1/2012    “I have manners…”                6/2012    “I like to help…”

關於JEMS Learning House
英語授課的JEMS Learning House,由擁有豐富教學經驗及教學熱誠的馬露明校長所創立,致力發展及提升3至12歲兒童的品德培育,令他們成為傑出社會小成員。「JEMS」所代表的,正是「Junior Excellent Member of Society」的意思。JEMS的品德教育着重於道德、社會及公民教育,教育中心課程內共有三個核心元素,由認識自己的身份開始(Identity),到學習與人建立關係(Relationships),從而身體力行回饋社會(Community)。JEMS相信孩子能擁抱正確的價值觀,盡展潛能,定能成為才德兼備的卓越領袖,令社會,令世界更加美好。如欲查詢詳情,歡迎致電3188 1516或瀏覽

發稿:JEMS Learning House   代行:一口田有限公司

Miss Adrienne Wong    9450-9757
Miss Jackie Liu             3583-3300
Fax: 3583-1331            E-mail:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           26th September 2011

JEMS Learning House: It all begins with character
Start Character Education as young as THREE

While boosting knowledge and intelligence is significant in raising young leaders, experienced educator Christine Ma, Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, believes that Character Education plays an important role in children’s development. Driven by her vision in how Character Education can benefit children in the long-run, Christine Ma established JEMS Learning House that focuses on Character Education for children between the ages of 3 to 12. The unique curriculum at JEMS covers three key learning areas that are taught progressively starting with the child’s Identity, onto close Relationship, and finally the Community. When children are nurtured with proper values, their potential will be fully-developed and become positive leaders in society, making the world a better place.

The Junior JEMS Programme consists of one-month modules introducing children between the ages of 3 to 5 the above three unique curriculum taught at JEMS. This is an extension programme of the core curriculum of JEMS, adapted for kindergarten students. The programme is taught in English. Each Junior JEMS module covers a different monthly theme, instilling positive moral concepts such as honesty, responsibility and courtesy through singing, drawing, painting and so on. Within each monthly theme, a different topic is covered in each week. Take the September topic “I am special in…” as an example: instructors will guide students to think about “How I look”, “Things I like”, “Things I’m good at” and “Things I wish for” in four weeks respectively. The courses are offered in one-month modules, to facilitate students to join at any time of the year without having to worry whether they would be missing any topic or falling behind at class.

Christine shared, “Character is like the roots of a tree – you may not see them but they support the tree to grow and help it stand strong when the storms come. Therefore, we must focus on building the roots for our children when they are young by equipping them with strong values, and preparing them to become Junior Excellent Member of Society. This is the vision of JEMS Learning House.”

Junior JEMS Programme
Target: Aged 3-5
Topical Schedule:
9/2011    “I am special in…”         2/2012    “I am a good friend…”
10/2011  “I am responsible for…”        3/2012    “My family is special because…”
11/2011  “I keep trying in…”         4/2012    “I am a team player…”         
12/2011  “I am thankful for…”               5/2012    “I care for others…”
1/2012    “I have manners…”                6/2012    “I like to help…”

About JEMS
JEMS Learning House is an English-speaking, after-school learning community that focuses on Character Education for children ages of 3 to 12. The vision of JEMS is to see each child become a Junior Excellent Member of Society. JEMS focuses on building character and raising leaders. At JEMS, Character Education comprises of moral, social and civic education. Their unique curriculum covers three key learning areas that are taught progressively starting with the child’s Identity, onto close Relationships, and then the Community. JEMS’s child-focused curriculum aims to develop a child’s sense of identity, equipping them with strong social skills to build solid relationships, and promoting them with opportunities to serve the community. JEMS believes that education goes beyond knowledge and skills acquisition, education is developing children to be their personal best, equipping them with strong values to make the right decisions, and preparing them to become great leaders to make a difference in the world.

Released by: Seedland International Limited
On behalf of JEMS Learning House

Media Enquiry:
Miss Adrienne Wong    9450-9757
Miss Jackie Liu             3583-3300
Fax: 3583-1331      E-mail: