JEMS Learning House社區籌款活動
312歲小學員親自統籌籌款活動  為奧比斯及心光盲人院暨學校籌款
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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                                  2011年7月4日

JEMS Learning House社區籌款活動
312歲小學員親自統籌籌款活動  為奧比斯及心光盲人院暨學校籌款

光陰荏苒,轉眼間,本學年又接近尾聲,又是結業禮舉行及總結一年學習成果的時候了。JEMS Learning House的品德教育課程以「Identity」、「Relationships」及「Community」三大元素為中心,小小學員在過去一年透過不同的活動認識自己的身份(Identity)及學習與人建立關係(Relationships),學期終結,同學們有機會活學活用,身體力行回饋社會(Community)。剛於6月25日舉行的JEMS社區籌款活動由逾100位年齡介乎3至12歲的JEMS Learning House全年課程學生親自籌劃,所有學員施展渾身解數,為奧比斯及心光盲人院暨學校籌得約十萬元善款,成績教人非常鼓舞。

JEMS社區籌款活動於2010年首辦,取得空前成功。本年參與的學員由去年約30人大幅增至100人,當天活動更吸引逾300位嘉賓出席,場面熱鬧非常。首先,活動由JEMS Learning House創辦人馬露明校長致辭揭開序幕,受惠機構心光盲人院暨學校及香港奧比斯均派代表出席活動,親身向每一位傾盡全力策劃活動、為有需要的視障人士籌款的JEMS學生致謝,而奧比斯兒童大使張智霖先生更以特別嘉賓身份現身支持。同學們傾巢而出,悉心準備豐富的演出節目,務求令入場觀眾留下深刻的回憶,除了有精采的鋼琴、豎琴、小提琴演奏外,學員更以「失明」為主題製作錄像,簡介奧比斯及心光盲人院暨學校的工作、視障人士在香港及世界各地的生活、視障人士的就業情況等。心光盲人院暨學校的學生亦上台為觀眾獻唱兩首歌曲,博得全場熱烈掌聲。此外,同場亦設有多個攤位,義賣可口甜品、精緻禮品及手作玩意,亦設有體驗攤位,讓參觀者親身經歷失明人士在日常生活中所遇的困難。最後,同學們在親友的見證下進行結業禮,為色彩繽紛的學年畫上完滿的句號。

奧比斯兒童大使張智霖先生表示:「我本人非常認同JEMS Learning House的教育理念,教育一個小朋友,除了要令他們在知識上有所增長外,品格方面的培育亦是不容忽視。奧比斯更是是次籌款活動的受惠機構之一,身為奧比斯兒童大使的我當然要大力支持,小朋友的小小力量不容小覷,集腋成裘,便可以為有需要人士出一分力。」

眼見JEMS學員積極投入,一手一腳籌劃是次活動,馬露明校長感到十分欣慰:「培養孩子的同理心、啟發他們珍惜所有、鼓勵他們回饋社會一直是JEMS Learning House的目標。這群小朋友雖然年紀輕輕,但他們能夠眾志成城地籌辦這一次饒富意義的活動,把過去一年從課堂中學會的團隊合作精神、溝通技巧、責任心、互相尊重等一一實踐,為本年度的課程作總結,我為他們感到非常驕傲。」



身為奧比斯兒童大使的張智霖先生現身支持由一眾JEMS Learning House學生籌劃的籌款活動。


場內的Art Gallery義賣由同學們親手製作的相架。

參加者可親自為JEMS Learning House的環保袋上色。






關於JEMS Learning House
英語授課的JEMS Learning House由擁有豐富教學經驗及教學熱誠的馬露明校長創立,致力發展及提升12歲以下兒童的品德培育,令他們成為傑出社會成員。「JEMS」所代表的,正是「Junior Excellent Member of Society」的意思。JEMS的品德教育着重於道德、社會及公民教育,教育中心課程內共有三個核心元素,由認識自己的身分開始(Identity),到學習與人建立關係(Relationships),從而身體力行回饋社會(Community)。JEMS相信孩子能擁抱正確的價值觀,盡展潛能,定能成為才德兼備的卓越領袖,令社會,令世界更加美好。如欲查詢詳情,歡迎致電3188 1516或瀏覽

發稿:JEMS Learning House

Miss Adrienne Wong    9450-9757
Miss Jackie Liu             3583-3300
Fax: 3583-1331            E-mail:

For immediate release                                                                4th July 2011

Hundreds of guests showed up supporting the JEMS Learning House Community Fundraiser Event. Students aged 3 to 12 applied what had been taught in class and planned and organized a charitable event raising funds for ORBIS and Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired.
Time flies by swiftly and it has once again come to the end of the academic year. It is again time for an end-of-term ceremony and time to conclude the learning outcome of the past year. “Identity”, “Relationships” and “Community” are the three core values covered by the Character Education at JEMS Learning House. Over the past academic year, students discovered their uniqueness and own identity, and learned to develop strong relationships with people, via a great variety of activities and lessons. JEMS students even have an opportunity to round the semester up by putting what had been taught into practice and working together to contribute to the community. Held on the 25th of June, the JEMS Community Fundraiser Event was initiated by over 100 students aged 3 to 12, each of them giving their best with the sole purpose of raising funds for ORBIS and Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired. The hard work of students paid off with an encouraging figure, as over HKD100, 000 was raised at this fundraising event.
The JEMS Community Fundraiser Event 2010 debuted with a great success thanks to the joint effort of a total of 30 students. This year, with over 100 students participating and over 300 guests at the event, the event was all the more sensational. The event was kicked off by a welcome speech delivered by Principal Christine Ma, also the Founder of JEMS Learning House. The two beneficiaries, ORBIS and Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired, each sent a representative to extend heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to students for their endeavours in the preparation of the event created to raise funds for the visually impaired.

ORBIS Kids Sight Ambassador Mr. Chilam Cheung also made an appearance as a special guest, supporting the exceptional event hosted by a group of warmhearted children. The event was full of wonderful programmes with fabulous piano, harp and violin performances staged for guests' enjoyment. Students made their own video presentation based on the theme of “blindness”, illustrating the vision of ORBIS and Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired, the life of visually-impaired people in Hong Kong and different countries as well as employment for visually-impaired people. As a special performance, the students from the Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired sang two songs and drew rounds of applause from the audience. In addition, a number of booths were set up at the venue by the students for a charitable bake sale, and sales of delicate small gifts and handmade crafts. Those who were eager to better their understanding of blindness and experience of what visually-impaired people have to encounter in their daily lives could also take part in a series of experiential games. In the end, all students attended the graduation ceremony to celebrate their year-long achievement in the accompaniment of parents, relatives and friends.
Mr. Chilam Cheung, ORBIS Kids Sight Ambassador, remarked in the meaningful activity, "I myself appreciate the vision of JEMS Learning House. Fostering a child is not merely about the acquisition of academic knowledge; character education also plays a part. Of course, I’m here for another reason – part of today’s proceeds will be donated to ORBIS and as an ambassador of ORBIS, I would like to applaud all the students who have devoted themselves to making it happen. We can hardly underestimate the power of kids. Many a little makes a mickle and your contribution is enough to make a difference."

Christine Ma, Principal of JEMS Learning House was gratified by the students’ dedication, “JEMS Learning House strives to inspire children to be compassionate and thankful and thereby equip them to be a junior leader to serve our community. The success of this meaningful event should be credited to this group of young children as they have spent a long time on preparing and working closely with each other to come up with what we see now. I am delighted to see them round up the Annual Programme by putting lessons learnt, namely teamwork, communication, responsibility and respect, into practice. We are all so proud of them!”

Miss Carmen Ho, Development Executive of ORBIS Hong Kong and Mr. Denny Lam, Principal of Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired, attended the occasion.

ORBIS Kids Sight Ambassador Mr. Chilam Cheung was there to support the fundraising event hosted by students of JEMS Learning House.

Ms Christine Ma, Mr. Chilam Cheung and guests enjoyed the great performances on stage.

The Art Gallery selling handmade frames for a charitable sale.

Guests colouring their own JEMS Learning House bag!

Mr. Frederick Ma was present to support Christine.

A booth selling cookies to raise funds for ORBIS and Ebenezer School for the Visually Impaired.

The fundraising event was spiced up with excellent music performances.

With an eyeshade, participants can better their understanding of “blindness” and gain an experience of “living in the dark”.

About JEMS
JEMS Learning House is an English-speaking, after-school learning community that focuses on Character Education for children up to the age of 12. The vision of JEMS is to see each child become a Junior Excellent Member of Society. JEMS focuses on building character and raising leaders. At JEMS, Character Education is comprised of moral, social and civic education. Their unique curriculum covers three key learning areas that are taught progressively starting with the child’s identity, onto close relationships, and then the community. JEMS’ child-focused curriculum aims to develop a child’s sense of identity, equipping them with strong social skills to build solid relationships, and promoting them with opportunities to serve the community. JEMS believes that education goes beyond knowledge and skill acquisition; education is raising children to be their best, equipping them with strong values to make the right decisions, and preparing them to become great leaders to make a difference in the world. For enquiries: 3188 1516 or

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of JEMS Learning House

Media Enquiries:
Miss Adrienne Wong    9450-9757
Miss Jackie Liu             3583-3300
Fax: 3583-1331            E-mail: