JEMS Learning House第六屆畢業禮暨慈善嘉年華
312歲小學員籌備善事 助兔唇裂顎患者再展笑顏
6th JEMS Learning House Graduation Ceremony cum Charity Carnival:

Students aged 3 to 12 organized a FUNdraiser to “Share a Smile” for cleft lip and palate patients


Students of JEMS received their certificates from their principal Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau in the joyful graduation ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, the student MCs invited their fellow JEMS schoolmates of each level to share their thoughts.

Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau presented the donation cheque to Mrs. Jean Lai, Chairperson of HKACLP.

The event was fervently supported by the families and friends of JEMS students.

After spending months in preparation for the event, JEMS students have developed a strong bonding as well as team spirit.

Numerous game booths and souvenir booths offered incredible enjoyment to all children.

The face painting booth enhanced the joyous atmosphere of the carnival as children got their faces or arms decorated with the colourful embellishments.






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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                                 2015年6月29日

JEMS Learning House第六屆畢業禮暨慈善嘉年華
312歲小學員籌備善事 助兔唇裂顎患者再展笑顏

Press release:

自2009年由劉馬露明校長創辦以來,JEMS Learning House一直致力通過品德教育培養每位小學員成為「社會傑出小成員(Junior Excellent Members of Society)」。是日JEMS Learning House舉行第六屆畢業禮暨慈善嘉年華,作為JEMS小學員全年學習成果的圓滿總結。活動以「Share a Smile(分享微笑)」為主題,年齡介乎3至12歲的小學員發揮過往一年所學,同心合力親自籌備活動,與一眾來賓分享快樂,更成功為受惠機構香港兔唇裂顎協會籌集超過港幣10萬元善款,貢獻社會。

由JEMS學員擔任的小司儀首先邀請JEMS Learning House創辦人劉馬露明校長致歡迎辭,為活動揭開序幕,並由劉馬露明校長贈送港幣10萬元善款支票予香港兔唇裂顎協會主席黎黃婉霞女士。隨着活動正式開始,台上台下的小學員均施展渾身解數,呈獻一系列精彩活動——這邊廂小學員輪流上台表演及領取畢業證書,另一邊廂其他同學則在不同攤位當值,向來賓介紹自己耗費幾個月時間構思、設計及準備的遊戲及義賣品,傾盡全力為唇顎裂患者籌款,並與在場的所有人士分享嘉年華的歡樂氣氛。


JEMS全年課程即時接受報名,如欲參加免費試班,歡迎致電3188 1516

關於JEMS Learning House
英語授課的JEMS Learning House由擁有豐富教學經驗及教學熱誠的馬露明校長創立,致力發展及提升十二歲以下兒童的品德培育,令他們成為傑出社會成員。「JEMS」所代表的,正是「Junior Excellent Member of Society」的意思。JEMS的品德教育着重於道德、社會及公民教育,教育中心課程內共有三個核心元素,由認識自己的身分開始(Identity),到學習與人建立關係(Relationships),從而身體力行回饋社會(Community)。JEMS相信孩子能擁抱正確的價值觀,盡展潛能,定能成為才德兼備的卓越領袖,令社會,令世界更加美好。查詢:3188

發稿:JEMS Learning House     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵
如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與JEMS Learning House代表及香港兔唇裂顎協會代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。


For Immediate Release                                                                       29th June 2015

6th JEMS Learning House Graduation Ceremony cum Charity Carnival:
Students aged 3 to 12 organized a FUNdraiser to “Share a Smile” for cleft lip and palate patients

Press release:

Founded by Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau in 2009, JEMS Learning House has been devoted to nurturing every one of its students as a “JEMS” – a Junior Excellent Member of Society via its curriculum of Character Education. On 28 June, the students concluded their term year at the 6th Graduation Ceremony of JEMS Learning House, a celebratory event in the form of a charity carnival. Under the theme of “Share a Smile”, not only was the fundraising carnival a dedication to Hong Kong Association for Cleft Lip and Palate (HKACLP), but also the joyful result of the collaborative effort of students aged between 3 and 12, who turned the compassionate spirits and communication skills they had acquired during the year at JEMS into concrete contribution to the community.

Following the cheerful welcome given by the student MCs, the event opened with a speech by Founder and Principal Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau, and a cheque presentation from Mrs. Ma-Lau to Mrs. Jean Lai, Chairperson of HKACLP, donating an encouraging sum of HKD100,000 to the Association. As the carnival was officially commenced, a variety of exciting activities soon took place both on and off stage to showcase the students’ endeavours. While some students went onto the stage in turn to perform and receive their graduation certificates, others were occupied with their volunteer duties at the game booths and sales booths that they had spent months to prepare, working their best to raise funds for cleft lip and palate patients, as well as sharing the joy of the carnival with all the participants.

Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau said that she was thrilled to see the great work of her students, “Every year I’m amazed by the growth of all the JEMS students as they spend months in preparation for the annual charity carnival, and finally put together a wonderful event for their family and friends. This delightful occasion is not just about demonstrating the attributes students have learnt in the past year, such as good manners, discipline, perseverance, gratitude and team spirit, but also most importantly, to make good use of these qualities to give back to society. This year we have the pleasure and honour to work with HKACLP, and just as today’s theme suggests, it is our candid wish to ‘Share a Smile’ with cleft lip and palate patients and their families through our immediate support, and to spread love and happiness among everyone taking part in this meaningful activity.”

The upcoming JEMS Annual Programme is now open for application. To sign up for free trial classes, please call 31881516.

About JEMS Learning House
JEMS Learning House is an English-speaking, after-school learning community that focuses on Character Education for children up to the age of 12. The vision of JEMS is to see each child become a Junior Excellent Member of Society. JEMS focuses on building character and raising leaders. At JEMS, Character Education is comprised of moral, social and civic education. Their unique curriculum covers three key learning areas that are taught progressively starting with the child’s identity, onto close relationships, and then the community. JEMS’ child-focused curriculum aims to develop a child’s sense of identity, equipping them with strong social skills to build solid relationships, and promoting them with opportunities to serve the community. JEMS believes that education goes beyond knowledge and skill acquisition; education is raising children to be their best, equipping them with strong values to make the right decisions, and preparing them to become great leaders to make a difference in the world. For enquiries: 3188 1516 or

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of JEMS Learning House

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: