問卷調查發現 八成腦退化症家屬受訪者喜愛網上課程
高錕教授夫人及眾星齊齊出席力撐 耆智同行」網站正式開動

ADCarer.com website launch
Survey identified substantial demand for E-learning resources for
caregivers of demented person


From left: Mr. Kenny Ga-ging HO, renowned actor; Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK, Professor of School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK and Director of Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing; Mrs. Gwen KAO May Wan, wife of Professor Charles K. Kao; Ms. Eva Yin-shan LAI, renowned actor & ex-caregiver of demented person; Mr. WOO Fung, reputed actor; and Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing.

Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (right) presented the souvenir to Mrs. LEE, a caregiver of demented person.

Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing presented the souvenir to Mr. WOO Fung, reputed actor.

Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing presented the souvenir to Mr. Kenny Ga-ging HO, renowned actor.

Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing presented the souvenir to Ms. Eva Yin-shan LAI, renowned actor & ex-caregiver of demented person.

Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (right) presented the souvenir to Dr. Alma AU May-lan, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Sharing session by Mr. Kenny Ga-ging HO (left) and Mr. WOO Fung.

Mrs. Gwen KAO May Wan, wife of Professor Charles K. Kao

From left: Dr. Alma AU May-lan, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Mrs. LEE, a caregiver of demented person; Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK, Professor of School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK and Director of Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing; Mrs. Gwen KAO May Wan, wife of Professor Charles K. Kao; Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing; Mr. WOO Fung, reputed actor; Ms. Eva Yin-shan LAI, renowned actor & ex-caregiver of demented person; and Mr. Kenny Ga-ging HO, renowned actor.

Dr. Daniel HO (left) and Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK.

The event attracted a lot of press attention.

Miss Vivien MAK (left) and Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK.

From left: Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing; Mrs. Gwen KAO May Wan, wife of Professor Charles K. Kao; and Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK, Professor of School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK and Director of Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing.

From left: Mrs. Gwen KAO May Wan, wife of Professor Charles K. Kao; Professor Timothy Chi Yui KWOK, Professor of School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK and Director of Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing; and Ms. Florence HO Kwai Ying, General Manager, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing.

The making of educational videos


新聞稿(請即發佈)                                                         2012年2月28日

問卷調查發現 八成腦退化症家屬受訪者喜愛網上課程
高錕教授夫人及眾星齊齊出席力撐 耆智同行」網站正式開動





參與演出的胡楓表示:「提到腦退化症,很多人都好像很理解,但當要親力親為照顧病人時卻發現問題多多,不知從何入手。耆智園這輯短片教材除了有助大家深入明白腦退化症外,亦可徹底了解幫助病人的方法,避免患者病情惡化,非常有意義。」 ;至於長期在大陸拍攝的何家勁是次抽空來港參與拍攝亦表示:「腦退化症並不是只出現在長者身上的病症,即使是正值壯年,都有機會患上此症。賽馬會耆智園一直不遺餘力,積極把腦退化症的相關知識在社會普及,這不論對患者、照顧者或普羅大眾而言,都是難能可貴的事。」



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  • 高黃美芸女士
  • 香港理工大學應用社會科學系副教授區美蘭博士
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  • 聲音導航~雷霆881商業電台












為協助家屬掌握照顧技巧,減輕照顧壓力,香港中文大學銳意發展以腦退化症患者的家屬為對象的網上培訓課程,讓家屬能得到切實的協助。故此,香港中文大學於2010年3月14日,舉辦 了「『與高錕教授同行』中大步行籌款日」,又透過香港中文大學知識轉移基金,撥款贊助網頁部分經費。耆智園深明大部分照顧者都希望盡力照顧好患者。針對想更瞭解腦退化症及相關照顧技巧的照顧者,耆智園設立了「照顧技巧課程」,內容涵蓋診斷、照顧,以至未來長遠計劃及安排等,全面探索各種照顧事宜,讓家屬能更從容地處理各種照顧疑難及不同階段的照顧需要。對於為照顧壓力所苦的家屬,耆智園設計了「輕鬆照顧課程」,讓照顧者透過各種練習和技巧,調整自己的心態,減少內心的矛盾,從而能夠有效地應用各種照顧技巧,減輕壓力。至於深受患者的行為及心理症狀困擾的家屬,耆智園則推出了「貼身支援課程」,跟進家屬及患者的情況九星期,務求令照顧者掌握一套方法,去減輕患者的症狀,並提供情緒支援,讓家屬可以在課程完結後,有能力自行解決常見的照顧問題。耆智園特地邀請了多名演員及電台節目主持參與「耆智同行」的教材製作,令網站內容更生動有趣。


賽馬會耆智園訓練及推廣經理Miss Eunice Hui 2636-6323 
傳媒查詢:Miss Jackie Liu 9197-6791/3583-3100        電郵:info@seedland.hk



For Immediate Release                                                          28th February, 2012                                                                                                                              

ADCarer.com website launch
Survey identified substantial demand for E-learning resources for
caregivers of demented person
As the population ages, an increasing number of people will suffer from dementia, and the number of dementia caregivers will have to increase as well. When dementia advances, caregivers will need to tackle various changes and difficulties when looking after patients. For many families, essential issues that arise during the caregiving process include finding ways to ease the heavy pressure of taking care of somebody with dementia, continuing to look after the person for years, dealing with caregiving concerns for other senior family members and relatives, and keeping harmony in the family.

To help families develop caregiving skills and ease their pressure, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA) have developed an online training program “ADcarer.com”, for family caregivers of people with cognitive loss to obtain suitable and practical aid. Against this background, the CUHK organised the “Walk with Professor Kao” CUHK Walkathon on 14th March, 2010 to raise fund. The CUHK Knowledge Transfer Unit Project Fund has also sponsored professional teams to provide other forms of aid to family caregivers.

The website consists of three parts: 1) Caregiving Skills Program, 2) Caregiving Made Easy Program and 3) Intensive Support Program. The programs cover both the traditional disease model and the health model, gaining a lot of attention for the way they combine positive psychology, neuroscience psychology, cognitive behavior theory, rational emotive behavior therapy, the Satir Model, grief counselling, personality typology and coaching skills. With a focus on both theory and practice, the approach encompasses how to handle and prevent problems, thereby helping caregivers face and tackle difficulties and pressure, as well as indirectly enhancing the living quality of patients and building up a harmonious relationship between patients and caregivers. This will start a new page for caregivers of dementia patients in Hong Kong. For more information about the website, please find in Appendix A.

A launch ceremony for the website was held today at the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, Shatin. The Honorary Guest Mrs. Gwen May-wan, the wife of Professor Charles Kao, Professor Timothy Kwok Chi-yui, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK and Director of JCCPA, and Ms. Florence Ho Kwai-ying, General Manager of JCCPA officiated at the ceremony.

Results of a survey on family caregivers’ preferences on online dementia-related education (Dementia e-learning) program were also announced in the event. Nearly 90% of the respondents reported to experience caregiving stress after talking up the caring responsibility concerning their demented family member. Around 80% of the respondents show interest in taking part in dementia E-learning program. This indicates there is a great demand to develop E-learning platform for the general public to acquire dementia-related information, particularly the caregivers of demented persons. Full details of the findings can be found in Appendix B.

Renowned actors and actresses showed their support and participated in the making of the educational videos.

Mr. Kenny HO Ka-ging said, “Dementia sufferers are not only limited to the elderly. Indeed, young people also have the chance in suffering from such illness. The JCCPA has spared no effort in promoting the professional dementia-related knowledge and the skills of helping dementia sufferer. It is obvious that not only sufferers and caregivers can be benefited, but also the general public.”

Mr. WOO Fung said, “Whenever we talk about dementia, most people seem to have fully understood about it. However, when it comes to the time they need to take care of their demented relative, they often feel helpless and not really know how to handle. This series of eductational videos aim to enhance the caregivers’ knowledge of dementia, and thus to retard the disease progression. I think it is very meaningful.”

Ms. Eva LAI Yin-shan shared, “The general public tends to hold positive and enlightened attitude towards dementia nowadays. I am pleased to see that JCCPA has built up a platform for the caregivers to gather useful information. As long as the caregivers stay considerated and try to think in the sufferers’ way, I believe they can take good care of demented persons. As an ex-caregiver, I understand the caregivers’ needs for local supporting services. The JCCPA offers one-stop services for caregivers, in order to relieve their anxiety which definitely deserves our support. It would be great if the government can spend more resources for developing this kind of services.”

JCCPA thanks the following parties for participating in the making of ADCarer.com:

  • Professor Charles K. KAO, Former Vice-Chancellor, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Recipient of Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Mrs. Gwen KAO May-wan, the wife of Professor Charles K. KAO
  • Dr. Alma AU May-lan, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Dr. Jenny LEE Shun-wah, Associate Consultant, Shatin Hospital, the Hospital Authority
  • Ms. Sophia KWOK Yuen-lam, Solicitor, Jesse H. Y. Kwok & Company


  • Ms. Helena LAW Lan
  • Mr. WOO Fung
  • Ms. Eva LAI Yin-shan
  • Mr. Kenny HO Ga-ging
  • Ms. Edith WONG
  • Wai Yin Association

Voice Over Talents

  • Radio 881, Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co., Ltd.
  • Ms. Denise MAK
  • Ms. Stella LEUNG
  • Mr. Eric CHAN
  • Mr. Kevin HUI
  • Ms. Sandra CHOI
  • Ms. Maria LEUNG
  • Mr. LEE Kam
  • Mr. Daryl DOO
  • Ms. CHAN Mo Yin
  • Ms. Winnie WU
  • Use of Mobility Aids and Transfer
  • Ms. TONG Hing

About Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing
The JCCPA is dedicated to improving care for people with dementia in Hong Kong. In order to delay the decline in cognitive ability and encourage the sufferers to maintain normal social activities, various services including day care service, respite service, home-based training, and memory clinic are provided since 2000. Moreover, caregiver support is available for relieving different kinds of stress among family members of the sufferers.

About Dementia
Dementia is an illness that entails the loss of cognitive ability. In dementia, the earliest and most prominent feature is usually memory loss, resulting in forgetfulness. Other symptoms include difficulties with language, getting lost, disorientation, inability to cope with daily activities and physical care, mood changes and behavioural problems. There are now at least seventy thousands of people suffering from dementia in Hong Kong. Rates of dementia increase with ageing. Although patients with this disease are mostly elderly, people under 65-year-old may also suffer from dementia. With the ageing of the population, it is not surprising that more people will suffer from dementia in Hong Kong.

Released by: Seedland International Limited
On Behalf of the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing

Ms. Eunice HUI, Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (Tel: 2636-6323)
Ms. Jackie LIU, Seedland International Limited (Tel: 9197-6791/3583-3100)
Email: info@seedland.hk