新聞稿 2021年4月23日 創新及科技局局長薛永恒聯同多位教育界領袖主禮 Online version: http://www.public.seedland.hk/press/iLAB/2104-event/ 人工智能及大數據等創新科技逐漸普及,業已成為21世紀發展趨勢。天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學秉承慈幼會的辦學宗旨,致力推行全人教育,着重學生均衡發展,為了讓學生及早裝備在創新科技方面的知識、技能及綜合能力,為未來服務別人、貢獻社會做好準備,在和富慈善基金贊助及支持下,特別興建一所創新實驗室iLAB,為全校學生提供創新科技訓練的同時,亦會開放予區內小學生及長者使用,一方面實踐對未來教育的承擔,另一方面體現連結及服務社區的宗旨。為隆重其事,iLAB的開幕禮特別邀請到創新及科技局局長薛永恒太平紳士、和富慈善基金主席李宗德博士GBS, OStj太平紳士及香港社會服務聯會首席顧問凌浩雲先生主禮,聯同天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學蘇志超校監及李建文校長,共證學校昂然步進未來教育新里程。 開幕典禮首先由祝聖儀式開始,其後嘉賓獲邀觀看一段有關iLAB的介紹短片。在蘇志超校監致歡迎詞後,司儀先後邀請薛永恒局長、李宗德博士及凌浩雲先生致詞,別開生面的開幕儀式隨即展開,五位主禮嘉賓包括薛永恒局長、李宗德博士、凌浩雲先生、蘇志超校監及李建文校長齊齊用印有摩斯密碼的智能卡為iLAB進行啟動儀式。主禮嘉賓將智能卡交由智能機械人即場解碼,顯示iLAB的宗旨——Inspire、Innovate及Impact,以充滿科幻感的方式慶祝iLAB正式啟用。在致送紀念品儀式過後,李建文校長緊接為來賓介紹iLAB及課程特色,並邀請來賓參加展示未來教育的導賞團,為開幕典禮劃上圓滿句號。 天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學iLAB以Inspire、Innovate及Impact為宗旨:Inspire代表以學校所設計的學習氛圍及經歷啟發學生,引發學生的好奇心,尋找未知的答案;Innovate代表創意和創新,創意是源自腦海的意念,而創新則包含創作的行動,鼓勵學生知行合一,利用在學校所學習到的知識及其他設施,包括iLAB及iLAB旁的Designer Hub,積極發明,幫助社會上有需要的人,特別是長者;Impact代表希望學生擁有能力之後會養成使命感,以自己的知識積極貢獻社區,為社會帶來正面轉變。 iLAB重視實境學習經歷,課程設計建基於現有科目之上,在融入常規課程的同時,不受現有課程框架限制。除了提供與創新科技相關的學習知識之外,學校亦會與資訊科技業界及其他界別緊密聯繫,推動跨領域協作,包括與業界合作,籌辦與創意動畫有關的校本課程,讓學生可以充分利用iLAB的資源學習,成就可應用於未來的專業技能。過去一年,學校已積極培訓老師,裝備他們善用iLAB的資源教導學生。在即將來臨的暑假,學校會率先為學生提供體驗課程。九月新學年開始,會為初中學生開設有系統的訓練課程;與此同時,學校正與本地大專院校商討合辦針對高中的創意多媒體課程。 天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學李建文校長表示:「不論在生活抑或工作,我們愈來愈離不開數碼世界,而數碼世界是一個全新文化,作為教育者,我們必須及早培養學生擁有相關技能,而更重要的是擁有正確價值觀、良好品格及在數碼世界上明辨是非的能力。我們非常榮幸,得到和富慈善基金主席李宗德博士的鼎力支持,以及社會各界有心人的協助,令iLAB這個面向未來的教育概念得以實行。除了完善的硬件配套,iLAB更包含一系列創新課程,包括人工智能教學、創意媒體及數據科學等,學生一方面可以學習與時並進的實用技能,另一方面可以從中建立21世紀的正確價值觀,為未來貢獻社會,以及為自己的生涯規劃作好準備。」 發稿:天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學
Press Release 23rd April 2021 Secretary for Innovation & Technology and leaders of the educational sector inaugurated the creative laboratory iLAB for Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School, marking a new milestone for Future Education Online version: http://www.public.seedland.hk/press/iLAB/2104-event/ Destined to be the trend of the 21st century, innovation and technology such as artificial intelligence and big data have become the prerequisites of future development. Upholding the mission and philosophy of Salesians of Don Bosco, Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School is committed to promoting holistic education and balanced developments for students. To equip its students with knowledge, skills and comprehensive abilities in innovation and technology and to better prepare them in serving the society in the future, the school has established a brand-new iLAB with the generous sponsorship and support from Wofoo Foundation. Apart from providing training in innovation and technology for all students of the school, the iLAB will also be opened to primary students and senior citizens in the area, fulfilling the school’s vision in initiating a head start towards Future Education and connecting and serving the community. To commemorate the opening of the iLAB, Mr. Alfred Sit, JP, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Dr. Joseph Lee, GBS, OStj, JP, Chairman of Wofoo Foundation, Mr. Howard Ling, Chief Consultant of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, joined Mr. Joseph So, Supervisor of Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School, and Mr. Li Kin Man, Principal of Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School, to inaugurate the iLAB, marking a new milestone for the school’s advancement towards Future Education. The opening ceremony was commenced with a blessing ceremony. The attending guests were then invited to enjoy a video introducing the iLAB. Following the welcome speech by School Supervisor Mr. Joseph So and the speeches by Mr. Alfred Sit, Dr. Joseph Lee and Mr. Howard Ling, the four officiating guests joined hands with Principal Li Kin Man to pass smart cards featuring Morse codes to a robot, who then decoded the message to unveil the three principles of the iLAB – Inspire, Innovate and Impact, inaugurating the laboratory in an innovative and futuristic manner. After the souvenir presentation ceremony, Principal Li gave a speech to introduce the hardware and software, including the curriculum, related to the iLAB. Guests were then invited to join a guided tour to Future Education, drawing a perfect completion for the opening ceremony. The iLAB of Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School is built with three principles in mind – Inspire, Innovate and Impact. Inspire represents the learning atmosphere and experience designed and offered by the school to ignite students’ curiosity and passion for learning; Innovate represents innovativeness, which is the ideas from our mind, and innovation, which is the action to realise such ideas. The school encourages students to put the knowledge they have learnt in action and utilise the school facilities, including the iLAB and its nearby Designer Hub, to invent and help people in need, particularly the elderly; Impact represents the school’s expectation for students to nurture a sense of purpose, using the knowledge that they have learnt to bring positive changes to society. Focusing on reality learning experience, the courses to be offered at the iLAB will be integrated into the regular school curriculum. The school will continue to work with the information technology industry and other sectors to promote interdisciplinary cooperation, including collaborating with the industry to offer a school-based curriculum in creative animation, allowing students to fully utilise the resources of the iLAB and equip themselves with specialised skills that are compatible to the future. In the past year, the school has provided training for teachers, preparing them to utilise the iLAB in their teaching. The school will offer pilot trial classes for students in the coming summer holiday, while in the new school year starting in September, a systematic training curriculum will be offered to junior students. At the same time, the school has joined hands with a local tertiary institution to work out an exclusive creative media curriculum for upper secondary students to facilitate them to further their studies in the field.
Mr. Li Kin Man, Principal of Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary School, remarked, “We have become more and more dependent on the digital world, which is doubtlessly a new culture. As an educator, we have the responsibility to nurture students with related abilities, and more importantly, positive values, good ethics and the ability to distinguish right from wrong in the digital world. We are most grateful and honoured to have received generous support from Dr. Jospeh Lee of Wofoo Foundation and many other compassionate members of the community, and it is with much delight that we present to you today the future-facing iLAB. In addition to the comprehensive hardware, the iLAB is also enhanced with a series of innovative courses, covering AI education, creative media and data science, which will allow our students to learn practical and up-to-date skills while developing a set of positive values for the 21st century, preparing them to better contribute to society and excel in their own career path.” Released by Seedland International Limited Media enquiries: Contact: |