922首屆「香港品格日」        齊心推動品格教育
Character Day Hong Kong to be inaugurated on 22nd September calls upon public support on character education




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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                       2016年8月15日

922首屆「香港品格日」        齊心推動品格教育

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/2/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/2/CharacterDay_Chi.doc

知識與品格是教育的兩大基石,尤其在這個高舉「分數至上」旗幟的社會中,捍衛品格教育更刻不容緩。由一群熱心人士成立的「香港品格日協會」,旨在推動香港成為一個重視、歌頌和培育品格的地方。今年將於922首度舉辦「香港品格日」,並得到多個一直致力於本港推動品格教育的組織鼎力支持,包括:JEMS Education Foundation、香港有品運動、一口田慈善教育基金、寰宇希望及和富社會企業,聯同社會上關注品格教育的有心人,攜手將培養品格的重要訊息廣傳。

「品格日」由一個名為Let It Ripple的組織於2014年在美國發起,由該組織製作的短片《The Science of Character(品格學)》曾在全球逾千個地方播放,當中包括美國國務院。其後Let It Ripple提出了一些題目讓大眾討論,並舉辦了品德教育課程和社交媒體活動。短短兩年間,「品格日」已旋即得到全球逾40個國家、多達6,000個組織響應。本年度「香港品格日」的主題為「感恩」,提醒大家在日常生活中常懷感恩之心,並有幸邀請到社會各界名人擔任活動大使,包括:港鐵非執行主席馬時亨教授,GBS,JP、香港中文大學校長沈祖堯教授,SBS,JP、民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士,SBS,JP、社會企業Green Monday的聯合創辦人楊大偉先生、電影《五個小孩的校長》的真人主角呂麗紅校長、著名演員方力申先生及著名演員林嘉欣小姐,眾人將為活動拍攝宣傳短片,分享對品格培育的理念。

香港品格日協會創會成員、JEMS Learning House創辦人及校長劉馬露明女士表示:「我們相信品格是每個人的立身之本,是培養個人質素和身份認同的重要鑰匙,可以為人生打開成功與幸福的大門。在此衷心呼籲大家支持『香港品格日』,讓品格教育在香港植根發芽。」





香港品格日協會由一群熱心人士於2016年成立,旨在推動香港成為一個重視、歌頌和培育品格的地方。協會得到多個一直致力於本港推動品格教育的組織鼎力支持,包括:JEMS Education Foundation、香港有品運動、一口田慈善教育基金、寰宇希望及和富社會企業,聯同社會上關注品格教育的有心人,攜手將培養品格的重要訊息廣傳。首屆「香港品格日」定於2016年9月22日,誠邀全港中小學、大專院校、機構及社會大眾一同參與。網站:www.characterday.hk;臉書:https://www.facebook.com/characterdayhk/

發稿:香港品格日協會     代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100  傳真:3583 1331 電郵:info@seedland.hk
如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與香港品格日協會代表進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300Miss Jackie Liu聯絡。



For Immediate Release                                                                       15th August 2016

Character Day Hong Kong to be inaugurated on 22nd September calls upon public support on character education

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/2/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/cday/1/CharacterDay_Eng.doc


- Billy Graham

It is with much delight that Character Day Association Hong Kong, formed by educators and individuals who cherish the importance of character education, and supported by organizations that share the same goal, including JEMS Education Foundation, Hong Kong Character City, Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation Ltd, HOPE worldwide and Wofoo Social Enterprises Ltd., to announce the first Character Day Hong Kong to be held on 22nd September 2016, with the aim of promoting character education in Hong Kong and hence arousing the awareness of fostering good character in the city.

Character Day was initiated by Let It Ripple in America in 2014. The organization produced a short film The Science of Character, which was broadcasted in more than 1,000 places around the world, including the US Department of State. Afterwards, Let It Ripple has been sharing topics for public discussion, as well as organizing character education courses and social media events. Within two years, Character Day has received responses from more than 40 countries and over 6,000 organizations. The theme of this year’s Character Day Hong Kong is “Gratitude”, reminding everyone to have a thankful heart in our daily lives. The organizer is honoured to have invited the following ambassadors: Prof. Frederick Ma Si-hang, GBS, JP, Non-executive Chairman of MTR, Prof. Joseph Sung, SBS, JP, Vice Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ms Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr. David Yeung, Co-founder of Green Monday, Principal Lilian Lui, whose real-life story inspired the film Little Big Master, and renowned actor Mr. Alex Fong and actress Ms Karena Lam to share their insights into character building in a series of promotional videos.

Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau, steering member of Character Day Association Hong Kong, and Founder and Principal of JEMS Learning House, states, “Character is the foundation of life. It is the key to personal development, identity, and the door to success. May I call upon your support to Character Day Hong Kong and let character education bloom in Hong Kong.”

Mrs. Josephine Yip-Ling, another steering member of Character Day Association Hong Kong and Executive Secretary of Hong Kong Character City, states, “Since it was established in 2006, Hong Kong Character City has been working with families, schools, enterprises and the community to organize talks, workshops and various public activities, with the aim of making Hong Kong a city that values good character. I am glad to be one of the steering members of Character Day Association Hong Kong. I hope that with the help of the public, we can start off with changing the social atmosphere, and hence build Hong Kong as a character city.”

Ms Helena Hui, also a steering member of Character Day Association Hong Kong, and Founder of Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation Ltd, shares, “While material achievements in terms of money, awards and status are highly acknowledged in Hong Kong, educators and parents should never neglect the significance of fostering good character. A healthy, prosperous and sustainable society is not built on knowledge alone but a wide range of positive attributes. It is vital to inspire our children and youngsters with the right values so that they can keep their stances in face of challenges and temptations, and make good use of their talents on meaningful goals.”

Character Day Association Hong Kong invites all schools in Hong Kong to join the global movement and be a pioneer Character Day School. All they need to do is to take four simple steps between 22nd September and 22nd October 2016 as follows:

  1. Put up Character Day posters at school
  2. Watch a short film about Character as a school body
  3. Choose one “gratitude activity” to implement (e.g. gratitude letters, gratitude mural, gratitude reflection)
  4. Submit a report including 8 to 10 photos of the activities to Character Day Association Hong Kong

To sign up, please go to www.characterday.hk and fill in the registration form. A Character Kit that contains all the necessary materials, including videos, posters, handbooks and CD with useful files will be mailed to participating schools in late August. For the general public, please stay tuned to the association’s updates on social media, and together spread the culture of good character to the whole city.

About Character Day Association Hong Kong
Established in 2016, Character Day Association Hong Kong aims to promote Hong Kong as a city that emphasizes the celebration and development of character. The association has received numerous support from organizations that share the same goal, including JEMS Education Foundation, Hong Kong Character City, Seedland Educational Charitable Foundation Ltd, HOPE worldwide and Wofoo Social Enterprises Ltd, and from individuals who have a heart for character education to widely advocate the importance of good character. The first Character Day Hong Kong will be held on 22nd September 2016, and is now open to participation of all schools, organizations and individuals.
Website: www.characterday.hk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/characterdayhk/


Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Character Day Association Hong Kong

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: info@seedland.hk