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新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                               2017年5月15日

香港品格日「Apps of Kindness 程式設計比賽」
尋找程式設計新星 同心宏揚善良品格

Online version:
Press release and photos: Click Here

亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯曾說過:「聰明是一種天賦,善良是一種選擇。」去年,香港品格日得到社區及學界的熱烈迴響,今年將繼往開來,以「善良 Kindness」為主題,口號則為「選擇善良 Choose Kindness」。為了響應是次主題,品格教育協會現正舉辦「Apps of Kindness 程式設計比賽」,歡迎任何對程式設計有興趣的人士以「善良」為主題,動手設計一個應用程式,藉此宣揚「善良Kindness」在品格發展上的重要性。優勝作品將會成為2017香港品格日的官方應用程式,比賽截止日期為5月31日。



「Apps of Kindness 程式設計比賽」分為小學組、中學組及公開組,參賽者需要設計出推廣善良的手機應用程式,並需提交程式原始碼、應用程式套件、PowerPoint報告及一分鐘影片,以簡介程式內容。評審準則包括程式的影響力、貼題度、可行性、創意及新穎度,以及程式整體的質素。品格教育協會很榮幸邀請到Outwhiz創辦人和行政總裁關兆安先生、浩觀共同創辦人及浩觀科控資本合夥人馬殷女士、香港社會創投基金創辦人及行政總裁魏華星先生、Citymapper 香港區總經理蘇頌禮先生,以及北斗星工作室有限公司董事總經理陳諾彬先生擔任評審。各組別的優勝者將可獲贈豐富獎品,當中包括智能積木機械人(由Makeblock提供)、程式編寫工作坊(由First Code Academy提拱)以及Cocoon Networking Pass(由浩觀提供),而優勝作品更會成為2017香港品格日的官方應用程式。比賽現正接受報名,參賽者需在5月31日或之前填妥申請表格及遞交作品。



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Press Release (For Immediate Release)                               15 May 2017

“Apps of Kindness” Design Competition of Character Day Hong Kong searches for app design talents to promote kindness in the city

Online version:
Press release and photos: Click Here

“Cleverness is a gift, Kindness is a choice,” says Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. Receiving overwhelming response from the community and schools last year, Character Day Hong Kong will be held again this year with the theme “Kindness” and slogan “Choose Kindness”. To echo the theme, Character Education Foundation is organizing the “Apps of Kindness” Design Competition, which welcomes participation from all parties who are interested in app design. Participants are required to design and submit an app which promotes the importance of kindness in character development by the deadline of 31 May 2017. The winning entry will be adopted as the official app of 2017 Character Day Hong Kong.

Language is an important medium of human communication. Given the rapid development in technology in the current generation, application code has emerged as a new form of language. With the Competition, Character Education Foundation aims at providing a platform for adults as well as children who are interested in app design to present their creativity and make the best use of technology to bring positive changes. The Foundation believes that the outstanding works would help spread the virtue of kindness in Hong Kong and even to every corner of the world.

Mrs. Christine Ma-Lau, Chairperson of Character Education Foundation and Founder of Character Day Hong Kong, shared, “Everyone is born with kindness, and everyone has a choice to decide whether and how to utilize it. Through 2017 Character Day Hong Kong, we hope to encourage everyone to choose kindness. Since smartphones have become an indispensable daily necessity of modern city dwellers, we believe an app of kindness would remind us of the importance to ‘choose kindness’, and help promoting kind acts in the city. We look forward to the enthusiastic participation of everyone. Let’s make good and flexible use of your app design skills and think out of the box to incorporate the culture of kindness creatively in all areas of life!”

The “Apps of Kindness” Design Competition is divided into Primary School Section, Secondary School Section and Open Section. Participants need to design an app which would foster acts of kindness and submit it together with the source code, app package, a PowerPoint presentation and a 1-minute video introduction of the app. Submissions will be judged under the criteria of impact and alignment; viability; creativity and innovation; and app quality. Character Education Foundation is honoured to have invited Mr. Andrew Kwan, Founder and CEO of Outwhiz; Ms Erica Ma, Co-founder of CoCoon and Managing Partner of CoCoon Ignite Ventures; Mr. Francis Ngai, Founder and CEO of Social Ventures Hong Kong; Mr. Gene Soo, General Manager of Citymapper Hong Kong; and Mr. William Chan, Managing Director of Big Dipper Studio Limited to be the judges. The winner of each section will be awarded attractive prizes, including a robot from Makeblock, AppJamming Workshop provided by First Code Academy and CoCoon Networking Pass from CoCoon. The winning entry will even be adopted as the official app of 2017 Character Day Hong Kong. The “Apps of Kindness” Design Competition is now open for application. Interested parties are invited to complete the application form and submit their work on or before 31 May 2017.

For more details of the “Apps of Kindness” Design Competition, please visit:

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of Character Education Foundation

Media Enquiries:
Miss Chanel Leung at 3583 3101
Fax: 3583 1331  E-mail: