Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education

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新聞稿                                                                      2019年1月7日


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耀中一向是本地頂級學府的代名詞,更為本地首個引進「遊戲中學習」教學模式的教育先驅,是公認的幼兒教育專家。秉承耀中「遊戲中學習」的教學理念,耀中幼教學院將於1月22日取址耀中國際學校舉行《遊戲中學習——開啟優質幼兒教育的鑰匙》公眾研討會,與本地業界與家長探討幼兒教育上的重要議題,加深公眾對優質幼兒教育的認識。是次公眾研討會有幸邀得Kathy Sylva教授、裵素緣教授以及Nicky Weir女士三位資深幼兒教育學者於研討會上發言,剖析遊戲中學習的真正意義以及對幼兒發展的深遠影響,並與參加者分享寶貴的經驗與專業意見。

牛津大學教育學院教育心理學教授Kathy Sylva教授為耀中幼教學院校董會成員,是幼兒教育界的權威專家以及世界知名學者,曾為英國下議院的教育與就業政策諮詢委員會擔任專家顧問,現時則參與英國數個諮詢委員會的工作,專注於制定幼兒與早期教育的全國審核與評估方案。英國政府於2008 年頒發OBE 勳章予Kathy Sylva教授,以表揚她對兒童發展以及家庭政策的貢獻。Sylva教授亦曾參與香港教育局免費幼稚園教育委員會的工作,對香港幼教的政策亦有深遠影響。

Sylva教授將於1月22日分享何謂優質的遊戲中學習以及有關概念。耀中幼教學院國際學術團隊的其中兩員——裵素緣教授與Nicky Weir女士亦會於研討會上分享她們的專業意見。


Nicky Weir女士為耀中幼教學院旗下的耀中幼教發展中心課程總監,積極提倡優質幼兒教育及幼兒福利,負責策劃家長教育項目、社區外展項目、教師專業發展項目以及2019年6月開幕的全港首個社區兒童探索空間——耀學園Discovery Space。先後於三大洲工作的Weir女士於教育界擁有豐富的經驗,橫跨幼兒、小學、中學及高等教育,融匯不同層面的教育資訊,深明幼兒教育對成長與日後發展的深遠影響。Weir女士在過去十年參與不同項目,包括擔任香港耀中國際幼稚園校長,累積幼兒教育的管理層經驗。Weir女士將以計劃負責人的身份介紹創新的幼兒設施耀學園Discovery Space,這項設施為零至八歲的兒童以及其家長、照顧者或老師而設,中心更會為家長、祖父母、家庭僱工、照顧者、教育界學者與特殊教育專家等小朋友生活中的重要人物提供教育課程,而耀學園Discovery Space的經驗與亦會成為學術研究的重要素材。

耀中幼教學院校董會主席陳保琼博士表示:「耀中對於推動優質教育一向不遺餘力,而提升公眾對優質幼兒教育的認知,無疑是達到我們的辦學願景的最佳方法之一。是次的公眾研討會《遊戲中學習——開啟優質幼兒教育的鑰匙》我們很榮幸邀請到我們的校董會成員Kathy Sylva教授成為主講者。30年來Kathy一直是耀中的好友,我們 非常感激她的對耀中的貢獻,尤其是耀中幼教學院的成立與發展。相信研討會將會引發一番發人深省的討論,為本地業界與家長帶來禆益。」


有關耀中幼教學院 YCCECE
耀中幼教學院(YCCECE)成立於2018年6月,前身為耀中社區書院,由非牟利團體耀中教育機構於2008年成立。社區書院的成功升格,不僅鼓舞了原有盡心盡力培育幼師的教職員,更印證着耀中超過86年來致力推廣優質幼兒教育的豐碩成果。耀中幼教學院旨在培養充滿熱情和勇於創新的幼兒教育專業人士,並盼他們不斷改進、尋求突破,引領業界跨越新領域,務求成為香港,以至亞太地區的幼兒教育樞紐。為成為卓越的高等教育院校,耀中幼教學院由本地及國際幼教專家掌舵,並配備多元文化及聞名國際的教學團隊。耀中幼教學院提供多元文化及全英語學習環境,以配合來自不同社經文化背景的本地和海外學生的教育需求,培育具備國際視野的幼兒教育專才。耀中幼教學院開辦幼兒教育(榮譽)學士學位、幼兒教育高級文憑課程以及幼兒學文憑課程。作為非牟利機構,耀中幼教學院更竭誠為社區服務,並為幼教理念提供良好的實踐空間。因此,學院成立了耀中幼教發展中心(YCECDC),為幼兒教育從業者、家長及與照顧幼兒的人士提供各項互動專業發展課程。耀中幼教學院喜獲城中一慈善基金慷慨捐贈港幣4,000萬元,捐款將用於成立耀學園Discovery Space以及學院的其他項目。耀學園Discovery Space將於2019年6月正式開幕,為來自不同階層的零至八歲兒童及家長或其看護人提供具啓發性的多元活動空間,讓孩子體驗遊戲中學習。

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Press release                                                                 7th January 2019

Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) is proud to host a public seminar titled “Play to Learn – the Key to Early Childhood Education”

Online version:
Press release and Photos: Click Here (OneDrive) or Download (Zip)

As the first in Hong Kong to introduce the revolutionary concept of play-based learning, Yew Chung has always been synonymous with high quality education in Hong Kong, and an expert in Early Childhood Education (ECE). As a part of its dedicated efforts to promote quality play-based learning, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) is proud to host the public seminar “Play to Learn – the Key to Early Childhood Education” on 22nd January, to promote dialogue and exploration of ECE topics with local educators and parents. Three prominent ECE experts including Professor Kathy Sylva, Professor Soyoun Bae, and Ms Nicky Weir, will be sharing their invaluable experiences and insights on what ‘play’ really means and how it is fundamental to young children’s development.

Professor Kathy Sylva, Professor of Educational Psychology, Department of Education at the University of Oxford, a member of the Board of Governors of YCCECE, is an esteemed figure in the field of ECE and a world-renowned scholar. She was Specialist Advisor to the House of Commons Education and Employment Select Committee. She now serves on various UK Government advisory committees concerned with national assessment and evaluation of ECE programmes, and curriculum for the Early Years. She was awarded an OBE in 2008 for services to children and families. In Hong Kong, Prof Sylva also contributed to the EDB Committee on Free Kindergarten Education.

On 22nd January, Professor Sylva will be sharing concepts of play-based learning, and what high quality play looks like. She will then be joined by two members of YCCECE’s international faculty, Professor Bae and Ms Weir, who will share their insights as well.

Professor Soyoun Bae is the Dean of Studies and leads the ECE academic team of the College. For over 27 years, she has dedicated her career to ECE teacher education in both South Korea and the United States, and is an advocate for multicultural education. Professor Bae has served many professional associations, and was recently elected President of PECERA (Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association) International. Professor Bae will share insights from South Korea, which is regarded as one of the leaders of ECE in the Asia Pacific region, and has inspired new initiatives at YCCECE.

Ms Nicky Weir is the Centre Director of the Yew Chung Early Childhood Development Centre (YCECDC), which is part of YCCECE.  As Centre Director, Ms Weir is involved in creating parent education and community outreach projects, professional development for educators, and the first “Discovery Space” in Hong Kong, which is due to open in June 2019; all initiatives focused on the advocacy of quality ECE and the wellbeing of young children and families. She has a wealth of teaching experience from ECE, Primary, Secondary, and now Tertiary education across three continents, providing her with a unique perspective and understanding of the significant effects of early learning on later development. In the past decade, Ms Weir has worked in ECE leadership, most notably as Co-Principal of Yew Chung International School (Early Childhood Education) in Hong Kong. At the seminar, Ms Weir will present the “Discovery Space”, an innovative learning-through-play hub for children from birth to age 8, who will be accompanied by their parents, caregivers or teachers. Specially designed programmes will also be offered to the various ‘key persons’ in a child’s life, whether parents, grandparents, domestic helpers/caregivers, educators, leaders, SEN professionals etc., and the “Discovery Space” will function as a living lab for research too.

Dr. Betty Chan, Chairperson of the YCCECE Board of Governors, remarked, “Yew Chung has never ceased to provide and promote high quality education.  One of the most effective ways of promoting our education principles, is none other than raising the public’s awareness on quality early childhood education. We are truly honoured to have our Board of Governor colleague, Professor Kathy Sylva, give a keynote at this public seminar. Kathy has been a good friend of Yew Chung for over 30 years, and we are both grateful and humbled by her contributions, especially now to YCCECE. We are certain that the seminar will be a thought-provoking gathering that will greatly benefit local practitioners and parents.”


Play to Learn – the Key to Early Childhood Education” Public Seminar
Date: 22nd January 2019
Venue: Auditorium, Yew Chung International School, 3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong
Target: ECE Professionals (teachers, social workers, NGOs); parents, and anyone interested in ECE.
Time: 5 pm – 7 pm

Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE), a registered non-profit institution, was established in June 2018. It is an upgrade of the former Yew Chung Community College (YCCC), which was started in 2008 by the Yew Chung Education Foundation (YCEF), also a non-profit Association. The success of the upgrade is grounded on the impressive track record of YCCC and YCEF’s 86+ years of experience in Early Childhood Education (ECE). YCCECE aims to nurture passionate and innovative early childhood education professionals who can advocate and bring about improvement in the field, and seeks to be recognised in Hong Kong and in the Asia-Pacific region as an ECE hub for its excellence. In order to be a tertiary institution of excellence, YCCECE brought in world-renowned ECE academics and local ECE leaders as advisors and consultants.  Its teaching faculty hails from around the world to provide international perspectives and experiences.  Its student body is also multi-cultural and from diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. YCCECE offers Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education programme (HDECE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Studies programme (DECS). As a non-profit organisation, YCCECE is also committed to serving the wider community and sharing good practices.  The Discovery Space (DS) at its Aberdeen campus, which is an interactive play space specifically designed for children aged 0 to 8 years old and their accompanying adults will welcome children from all our communities.  Through expert facilitation by DS staff, children and adults will be liberated by true learning through play. This is made possible by a local philanthropic foundation that has pledged a lead gift of HK$40 million to YCCECE, which will fund various capital projects, including the DS. It is anticipated that this innovative play space on the Aberdeen campus will be open to the public in June 2019.

Released by Seedland International Limited
On behalf of YCCECE

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Ms Helena Hui (9534 0813 /
Ms Anne Fung (6698 2252 /