魚菜共生」輕巧版桌上裝置 Potti
忙碌都市人的綠色生活點子 斗室內的花園及水族館
養魚不用換水 種菜不用施肥
Introducing Potti, a Self-cleaning and Self-fertilizing Aquaponics Kit:

Garden Meets Aquarium in Limited Space for Busy Urban Life




Please scroll down for English

新聞稿(即時發佈)                                                                    2016年3月16日

「魚菜共生」輕巧版桌上裝置 Potti
忙碌都市人的綠色生活點子 斗室內的花園及水族館
養魚不用換水 種菜不用施肥

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/Superfarm/1-product/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/Superfarm/1-product/SuperFarm_PR1_Chi.doc

正在顯示 2185.jpg

魚菜共生(Aquaponics)是近年農業界的熱話,亦是一項有望解決未來糧食問題的環保農耕方式。魚菜共生簡單而言就是把養魚和水耕種植微妙結合,透過精密的設計,達到養魚不用換水、種菜不用施肥的生態循環系統。成立於 2014 年、致力推動結合STEM及生命教育的魚菜共生課程的教育機構SuperFarm (Hong Kong) Limited更進一步,推出首個獲香港教育界認可的輕巧版桌上裝置 Potti,把魚菜共生從科研帶到每個人的生活空間--客廳、飯廳、廚房甚至睡房;下方養魚,上方種植各式各樣的植物、香草及蔬菜,為忙碌都市人提供嶄新的綠色生活點子。

散發「Less is more」設計風格的Potti,以一體式概念配合流麗設計;纖巧的外型具備大型魚菜共生系統的功能,構成由魚、植物及微生物三者和諧並存的自然生態。魚菜共生循環機制的槪念並不複雜:一、因為有魚,所以有魚的排泄物;二、排泄物由水中微生物轉化成植物生長的養分硝酸鹽,植物得以茁壯生長;三、植物的根部淨化水質,保障魚類健康生長的環境。

槪念說來簡單,背後卻蘊藏無窮的科學知識,因此不少歐美國家早已把魚菜共生納入STEM教育課程中。為了讓學生培養STEM方式的思考能力及對科學的興趣,SuperFarm於2015年與香港教育學院攜手開發了全港首個「School of Planet──STEM魚菜共生生命教育計劃」,並得到香港專業教育學院(沙田)全力支持,於本年2月開始於本港小學推行試驗課程,透過Potti解說魚菜共生的化學、物理學、生物學等原理,以至市區耕種、農業生態危機及可持續發展等環保槪念,有效提升同學的學習興趣,深受學校歡迎。


成立於2014年的SuperFarm,致力以「魚菜共生」(aquaponics)為教育工具推行STEM(綜合科學)及生命教育。為了讓每一間學校也能不受校內空間及人力資源限制參與教育計劃,設計輕巧版魚菜共生桌上系統的理念在2014年萌芽,到了20163月正式面世。Potti的設計精密,讓魚類、植物及微生物三者之間達到一種和諧的生態平衡關係,養魚不用換水,種菜不用施肥淋水,同時沒有蚊蟲滋擾。同年,SuperFarm與香港教育學院攜手推出全港首個STEM菜共生生命教育計劃School of Planet,並得到香港專業教育學院(沙田)全力支持,於本港小學及中學推行教育課程,透過Potti解說魚菜共生的化學、物理學及生物學等原理STEM,以至生命教育、市區耕種、農業生態危機及可持續發展等環保槪念,為同學提供嶄新的學習體驗,提升學習興趣,深受學校歡迎。查詢熱線:3709 7030;網站:www.potti.hk


發稿:SuperFarm (Hong Kong) Limited          代行:一口田有限公司
電話:3583 3100         傳真:3583 1331   電郵:info@seedland.hk 

如欲查詢詳情、索取照片或安排與SuperFarm (Hong Kong) Limited進行專訪,歡迎致電3583 3300或電郵至 jackie@seedland.hk 與Miss Jackie Liu聯絡;或致電3583 3310或電郵至 heidi@seedland.hk 與Miss Heidi Lam聯絡。


For Immediate Release                                                                16 March 2016

Introducing Potti, a Self-cleaning and Self-fertilizing Aquaponics Kit:
Garden Meets Aquarium in Limited Space for Busy Urban Life

Photos: http://www.seedland.hk/press/Superfarm/1-product/
Press release: http://www.seedland.hk/press/Superfarm/1-product/SuperFarm_PR1_Eng.doc

正在顯示 2185.jpg

Aquaponics has taken the agricultural world by storm in recent years, as this environmentally friendly approach towards farming is expected to be one of the most promising solutions for solving the global food crisis in the future. Put simply, aquaponics cleverly combines aquaculture and hydroponics in a precise design of a self-sustaining ecosystem that does not require cleaning the tank or fertilizing the plants. Committed to the advocacy of aquaponics programme that incorporates STEM and life education since 2014, the education organization SuperFarm is introducing Potti, a desktop kit endorsed by local education institutions for the first time ever, to bring the concept of aquaponics from the field of research into everyone’s home. No matter in the living room, dining room, kitchen or even the bedroom, busy city dwellers can now imbue their lives with refreshing greenness by planting various plants, herbs and vegetables on top of a tank of fish with this device.

With the concept of “Less is more”, the exquisite appliance adopts a seamless design in a sleek appearance, and is formulated to create a harmonious ecosystem for the fish, plants and microorganisms just like any other large-scale aquaponics systems. The mechanism of the cycle is simple: firstly, the fish produces faeces; secondly, such wastes are converted by the microorganisms in the water into nitrate, a nutrient for the plants above to thrive; thirdly, the water is purified by the roots of the plants, which ensures a healthy environment for the fish to live in.

Sounding simple yet backed by an immense amount of scientific knowledge, aquaponics has thus been incorporated into the STEM education of many Western countries. In order to nurture the thinking skills for STEM and the interest towards science in Hong Kong students, in 2015 SuperFarm invited The Hong Kong Institute of Education to develop “School of Planet – STEM Aquaponics Life Education Programme” for the first time ever in Hong Kong.  Together with the support from the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Shatin, the joint team has been implementing trial learning programme in local primary schools since February this year, in which Potti is used to illustrate the chemistry, physics, biology and various multidisciplinary sciences it involves, as well as green topics including urban farming, ecological crisis in agriculture and sustainable development. The programme is effective in raising students’ learning interest and well-received by schools.

According to Mr. Dick Chan, one of the founders of SuperFarm, aquaponics is promising for solving the global food crisis in the future, and is likely to be a major trend in future agricultural development. “Yet we don’t think the significance of aquaponics is merely about the amount of fish and vegetables that can be produced. That’s why we introduce Potti,” he shared. “It operates in a way similar to the large-scale agricultural systems, but in a lighter form that can be brought to schools and anyone’s home. For adults, Potti is a stylish item to add greenness to their household; and for kids, Potti is like a science textbook that they can read on forever, which is great for triggering their interest for and pursuit of scientific knowledge. That is the reason we develop Potti and ‘School of Planet’.”

About SuperFarm
SuperFarm has been committed to promoting STEM and life education using aquaponics as an education tool since established in 2014. In order to allow every school to participate in the education programme unrestricted by campus space and manpower, the idea of developing a desktop aquaponics kit was initiated in 2014, and realized in March 2016. Potti is an exquisite appliance formulated to achieve a harmonious balance among the fish, the plants and the microorganisms with a self-cleaning and self-fertilizing system that does not attract pests. In 2016, SuperFarm has also obtained support from The Hong Kong Institute of Education and The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Shatin to launch “School of Planet”, the first-ever STEM aquaponics life education programme in Hong Kong. The joint team has been implementing learning programme in local primary and secondary schools, in which Potti is used to illustrate the chemistry, physics, biology and various STEM knowledge it involves, as well as life education and green topics including urban farming, ecological crisis in agriculture and sustainable development. The programme is effective in raising students’ learning interest and well-received by schools. For enquiries:3709 7030 or www.potti.hk.

Released by:
Seedland International Limited
On behalf of SuperFarm (Hong Kong) Limited

Media Enquiries:
Miss Jackie Liu at 3583 3300 or jackie@seedland.hk /
Miss Heidi Lam at 3583 3310 or heidi@seedland.hk
Fax: 3583 1331    Email: info@seedland.hk